Newsletter No. 315

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 《抽象山水,2007年》 紙本水墨設色 郭家賢 Abstract Landscape, 2007 Water colour, ink on paper Kwok Ka-yin 求才若渴 Competing for Financial Talent 署理校長楊綱凱教授(右)致送記念品予財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強教授 Prof . Kenneth Young (right), Acting Vice-Chancellor, presenting a souvenir to Prof. K.C. Chan, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury 逾 七百名大學生出席3月15日於中大校園舉行的 「香港財經界面對的人力資源挑戰」研討會, 向資深的財經界專才學習建立成功事業的秘訣。 研討會由中大工商管理學院與財經界人力資源諮詢委 員會合辦,期望透過業界與學術界的緊密合作交流, 共同培育未來的財經界人才。 財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強教授應邀出席研討會, 並發表主題演講。他指出政府、大學及財經界多年 來為培育人才均投放了重大資源,面對全球求才若渴 「我們需要社會各界的承擔,致力培育人才,以維持 香港的競爭力。」 研討會包括兩項專題研討環節,首場討論由高盛(亞 洲)有限責任公司董事總經理黃匡傑先生主持,集中探 討現今財經機構的人力資源需求,以及大學畢業生為配 合這些需要須具備的技能、知識及素質。第二場討論由 香港大學專業進修學院董事局主席暨中大工商管理學 院市場學系客座教授張永霖教授主持,邀請多位來自 不同院校、現職財經界的學長,與學生分享他們的實 戰經驗。 O ver 700 hundreduniversity students got tips for pursuing a successful career in the financial services sector from a group of veteran financial practitioners at the conference on ’ForthcomingHuman Resources Challenges in the Financial Services Sector of Hong Kong’, held on 15 March at CUHK campus. The conference, co-organized by the CUHKFacultyofBusinessAdministration and the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector, aims to explore human resources challenges in the financial services sector and to foster collaboration between industry and academia in nurturing financial talent. Prof. K.C. Chan, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, said ’Since the global competition for talent has become more intense than ever, we need a strong commitment from everyone in society to carry forward the mission of nurturing talent in order to sustain Hong Kong’s competitiveness.’ The keynote speech was followed by two panel discussions. The first panel, chaired by Mr. Kenneth Wong, managing director of the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC, addressed prevailing manpower needs faced by financial institutions and how these needs translate into skill mix, knowledge and quality expected of university graduates. In the second panel, moderated by Prof. Linus Cheung, chairman, Board of Directors, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and adjunct professor of CUHK Department of Marketing, a group of university alumni working in the local financial services industry shared experiences with the audience. 感受奧運馬術熱潮 Fun Horse-riding Day 為 配合香港協辦「2008北京奧運」之馬 術項目,體育部於3月14日舉辦「馬術 樂繽紛」馬匹試騎活動,讓中大生感受策騎之 樂,並認識馬匹的生活模式。 活動於屯門公眾騎術學校舉行,20名學生參觀 馬術學校和馬厩、試騎、認識騎馬裝備、馬匹 飼養及管理等。首次疾走沙圈,學生都感到非 常興奮,特別是能策騎英姿勃發,雄風猶在的 前香港馬王「靚蝦王」,更是難能可得。 T o resonate with the 2008Olympic Equestrian Events and to let CUHK students enjoy the fun of horse-riding and know more about horses, the ‘Fun Horse-riding’ activity was held by the Physical Education Unit on 14 March 2008. On that day, 20 students visited a riding school and stable, rode horses, and learned about riding equipment, feeding and management. 劍橋大學地理系大氣科學中心環境系統分析教授 Prof. Hans Graf(左二)3月3日到訪中大,討論協作 事宜,獲太空與地球信息科學研究所所長林琿教授 (左一)、趙朗生教授(右二)及陳勁松教授(右一)款 待。Prof. Graf 並於同日主持講座,吸引了近60名中大 教職員及學生出席。 Prof. Hans Graf (left 2), professor for environmental systems analysis, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, visited CUHK on 3 March to explore collaboration with CUHK. He was received by Prof. Lin Hui (left 1), director; Prof. Chiu Long-sang Willie (right 2), and Prof. Chen Jinsong (right 1), Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK. During his visit, Prof. Graf presented a seminar which was attended by some 60 students and staff.