Newsletter No. 3174

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 粵韻飄校園 Those Lingering Operatic Notes 由 逸夫書院與藝術行政主任辦公室合辦的「吐露絃歌粵曲晚會」,於 4月15日假邵逸夫堂舉行,吸引約500名知音欣賞。多位大學教職員及 嘉賓落力演出,包括大學財務長陳鎮榮先生及工商管理學院副院長(本科課 程)陳志輝教授。 C o-organized by Shaw College and the Office of the Arts Administrator, the Tolo Lyrics Cantonese Operatic Singing Concert was held on 15 April at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. CUHK staff, including Mr. Chan Chun-wing Terence, Bursar, and Prof. Chan Chi-fai Andrew, associate dean (undergraduate studies) of Faculty of Business Administration, and special guests demonstrated their talent in front of over 500 Cantonese opera lovers. 成思危教授分析中國經濟形勢 Prof. Cheng Siwei on Chinese Economic Development 第 十屆全國人大常委會副委員 長成思危教授於4月21日在中 大主持公開講座,題目為「中國經濟形 勢的分析」。他闡述對中國經濟發展 的見解,又論及世界經濟對中國經濟 發展的影響,以及中國經濟面臨的挑 戰及對策等議題。 講座吸引近370名中大的教職員、 學生、校友,以及政商界人士 出席。 CUHK has been able to strengthen its collaborations with mainland academic institutions remarkably.’ The 12-member delegation led by Prof. Cheng also visited CUHK to learn about the latest developments of the University. During the visit, the delegation met with academics from the Faculty of Business Administration and the Department of Economics to exchange experience on academic research. Prof. Cheng is chairman of the China Democratic National Construction Association, and of the executive committee of the Association for Soft Science of China. He is also a guest professor of Peking University, Nankai University, East China University of Science and Technology, and South China University of Technology as well as an honorary professor of the Faculty of Business Administration of CUHK. 中大校長劉遵義教授讚揚成教授多年 來積極促進中國的軟科學和管理學研究 工作,他更表示:「由於成教授的鼎力襄 助,中大近年來得以不斷加強與國內學 術機構的交流合作。」成教授因為大力 推動內地風險投資事業的發展,而享負 「中國風險投資之父」的美譽。 由成思危教授率領的十二人訪問團,到 大學了解最新發展,又特別與工商管理 學院及經濟學系的學者會面,交流學術 研究的經驗。 成思危教授現為中國民主建國會中央 主席及中國軟科學研究會理事長, 北京大學、南開大學、華東理工 大學及華南理工大學客座教 授,以及中大工商管理學院 榮譽教授。 P rof. Cheng Siwei, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress, presented a public lecture entitled ‘A Situation Analysis of the Chinese Economy’ at CUHK on 21 April. He analysed how the world economy affects the development of the Chinese economy, the challenges faced by the Chinese economy and the strategies to cope with them. The lecture attracted an audience of over 370 CUHK staff, students, alumni and members of the political and commercial sectors. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau complimented Prof. Cheng for his years of invaluable contribution to research on the advancement of China’s soft science and management. Prof. Cheng has also pushed forward the development of venture investment on the mainland, which earned him the name ‘The Father of Venture Investment in China’. Prof. Lau said, ‘With the generous help of Prof. Cheng, 樸雅攤位獲花卉展金獎 CUHK Wins Gold Award in Flower Show 中 文大學於2008年香港花卉展覽的攤位,在三十多個參賽單位中脫穎而出,榮 獲本地展品組「最佳展品金獎」。得獎攤位由中醫中藥研究所、中醫學院及物 業管理處園藝組合作,以「滋補食療」為主題,展出五十多種以保健及養生為本的珍 貴中草藥,配合農村的布置及園景設計,透出絲絲的樸素風味。 是次花卉展覽由康樂及文化事務署主辦,於2008年3月14至24日在香港維多利亞公園 舉行。 C UHK beat some 30 competitors in the open group to win the Gold Award for Outstanding Exhibit Display Section (local) at the Hong Kong Flower Show 2008. The booth, designed in a rustic style, was a joint effort of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, the School of Chinese Medicine and the Landscaping Section of the Estates Management Office. It displayed more than 50 kinds of Chinese herbal plants commonly used as supplements and tonics. The show was held by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department from 14 to 24 March at Victoria Park. 陳鎮榮先生(右)及雷莫雪梅女士演唱《艶曲醉周郎》 Performance of Mr. Chan Chun-wing Terence (right) and Mrs. Lui Mok Suet-mui Celina