Newsletter No. 3174

第 317 期 2008 年 5 月 4 日 No. 317 4 May 2008 老有所養—流金頌培訓計劃 CADENZA Training Promotes Gerontological Education 那 打素護理學院獲香港賽馬會慈 善信託基金撥款港幣7,380萬, 舉辦為期五年的「流金頌培訓計劃」,以 跨學科形式,為全港市民、護老者、或從 事護老工作之醫護及社福界人員,提供 老年學教育及培訓。 計劃的揭幕禮暨研討會於3月28日舉 行,吸引逾3 5 0位醫護及社福界專業 人員參加。研討會由英國雪菲爾大學 Prof. Mike Nolan 及美國波士頓大學 Dr. Scott Miyake Geron 作專題演講,探 討如何促進長者、家庭護老者及專業照 顧者建立正面的夥伴關係,以及如何建 立一個强健的護老工作團隊。 計劃提供各種教育及培訓活動,例如印 製教育單張及小冊子、邀請需要照顧長 者的市民參與工作坊及參觀長者服務 機構,又為專業護老者提供網上自修課 程、專題討論、臨床實習或參觀等。所 有課程及活動,費用全免,詳請可閱覽 。 T he Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has funded HK$73.8 million to the Nethersole School of Nursing to undertake the five-year interdisciplinary and territory-wide CADENZA Training Programme in general and professional gerontological education for the general public, informal and family caregivers of older people and professional social and health care workers working with the aging population in Hong Kong. The kick-off ceremony cum symposium for the CADENZA Training Programme was held on 28 March. Over 350 participants from various health and social care disciplines joined this event. Two overseas experts specializing in gerontology, Prof. Mike Nolan, University of Sheffield and Dr. Scott Miyake Geron, Boston University delivered keynote lectures. They shed light on ways of creating positive partnerships with older people, family carers and formal carers, as well as building a foundation to develop a stronger workforce in the rapidly aging community. Various training activities will be offered for different target audience. All training activities are free of charge. Please go to for more information. and capable. In recognition of their achievements, the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education was launched in 2006. Excellent course design, lively teaching methods and patience in giving guidance won Mr. Dung Kai-cheung, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and Dr. Lynne Yukie Nakano, Department of Japanese Studies, the 2007–08 awards. Officiating at the presentation ceremony on 14 April, Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro- Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, praised the commitment of the winners. He remarked that it was more difficult and challenging to teach general education than major subjects because of students’ diverse needs. The teachers need to put in a lot of effort to design courses that suit the needs of a variety of students. Dr. Nakano teaches the course ‘Introduction of Japanese Culture and Society’, which introduces students to the major characteristics of Japanese society and human experience, and stimulates reflection on different cultures. She encourages students to participate actively in different interactive teaching and learning activities. Students are required to conduct a group research project on topics they select in order to hone their skills in data collection, analysis, comprehension and teamwork, and Dr. Nakano would provide detailed guidelines and feedback to the students. Mr. Dung teaches the course ‘Appreciation of Hong Kong Literature’ in three different dimensions — ‘Hong Kong’, ‘literature’, and ‘Hong Kong literature’. To cultivate students’ creativity, he urges them to read extensively. When guiding students to understand and critique a given text, he emphasizes the perspective of the writer in order to enhance students’ understanding of creativity. Although some students did not have any idea about the course when they first enrolled, they soon acquired a taste for literature. And their growth fuels his passion for teaching. 「通識之通,在於包容及參照;通識之識, 在於思維和判斷。」 ‘The generality of general education lies in tolerance and reference, the knowledge in thinking and judgment.’ 董啟章先生,中國語言及文學系 Mr. Dung Kai-cheung Department of Chinese Language and Literature 「希望通識能夠激發學生反思生命的根本議題,例 如人生的意義、理想的生命,以及如何活出理想的 人生。」 ‘I hope students will choose courses that lead them to address life’s most basic questions such as what it means to be a human being, what is an ideal life, and how we can go about living such a life.’ Dr. Lynne Yukie Nakano 日本研究學系 Department of Japanese Studies 為 擴闊學生知識基礎以面對 瞬息萬變的社會,政府大力 在中學推行通識教育。明年9月起, 通識將列為高中的必修科。中大早 識先機,深明通識的重要性,自創 校起即不懈推行通識教育,鼓勵學 生拓廣視野,跨越學科界限,關心 社會,探究人生問題。 現時任教通識科的老師逾二百位, 為表揚他們的貢獻,大學於2006年 起設立「通識教育模範教學獎」。 中國語言及文學系董啟章先生及 日本研究學系Dr. Lynne Yukie Nakano,以精心的課程設計、活潑 的教學方法,以及耐心的課業指 導,奪得2007 – 08年度的獎項。 頒獎禮於4月14日舉行,中大副校 長楊綱凱教授指,任教通識科相 較教授主修科,要面對更多困難及 挑戰。由於學生來自不同的學科背 景,要切合不同人的需要,提起他 們的興趣,課程設計便甚考功力。 Dr. Nakano任教「日本文化與社會概 論」,介紹日本社會的主要特徵與人文經 驗,啟發同學對不同文化的學術反思。她 鼓勵學生積極參與互動學習,並必須參 與小組研究計劃,自擬題目,培養蒐集、 分析等能力。透過細心批閱功課,她讓 學生具體了解老師的期望。 任教「香港文學欣賞」的董啟章先生, 從「香港」、「文學」,以及「香港文學」 三個層面講授課程。他要求學生多看 書,培養創造力,亦著重以作者的角度 理解、分析和評論,讓學生從中理解創 作意念。雖然有些學生最初是糊裏糊塗 選了這科,但到後來卻 大受啟發,燃起了對文 學的興趣。這些美麗的 誤會令他更享受授課 過程。 T o meet the needs of a rapidly changing society, students need a broad base of knowledge. Liberal studies will be a core subject in the local secondary school curriculum starting from September 2009. General education has always been a key part of the undergraduate curriculum at CUHK which strives to nurture students into educated persons with the intellect and inclination to appreciate issues of widespread concern to humanity and modern society. At present, over 200 teachers offer general education courses at CUHK, many of whom are extremely dedicated 燃點學習熱情 兩教員獲通識教學獎 Two Teachers Honoured for Inspired GE Teaching (左起) 中大校長劉遵義教授、安老事務委員會主席梁智鴻醫生、食物及衞生局常任秘書長(衞生) 李淑儀女士,以及香港賽馬會慈善事務執行總監饒恩培先生主持揭幕儀式 (From left) Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Leong Che-hung, chairman, Elderly Commission, Ms. Sandra Lee, Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health), and Mr. William Y. Yiu, executive director, Charities, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, officiate at the kick-off ceremony