Newsletter No. 319

第 319 期 2008 年 6 月 4 日 No. 319 4 June 2008 中大畢業生平均月薪創新高 Average Monthly Salary of CUHK Graduates at All-time High 52保健大使報告成果 52 Health Ambassadors Receive Pat on Shoulder 健 康是全人發展中重要的一環,52位中文大學校 園保健大使於5月15日舉行的計劃畢業禮中報 告活動成果,並獲頒發證書,以表揚他們的努力。 校園保健大使計劃由健康促進及防護委員會主辦,每 年招募約40至50名本科生,今年為第五屆。參加者先接 受為期三天的培訓,內容圍繞傳染病、中醫、營養及 運動、公共衞生,以至表達技巧等。培訓完畢後,大 H ealth is a crucial component of whole-person development. A graduation ceremony was held on 15 May for 52 health ambassadors who had organized health-promoting events for members of the University. They were each awarded a certificate in recognition of their hard work. They also reported on the results of their health-promoting efforts. The Campus Health Ambassadors Programme, organized by the University’s Health Promotion and Protection Committee, recruits 40–50 undergraduate students as campus health ambassadors every year. A three-day intensive and comprehensive training is offered to the selected students to enhance their knowledge of infectious diseases, Chinese medicine, nutrition and exercise, public health and polish their presentation skills. They have to submit proposals for organizing health education activities for the Colleges to which they are affiliated, such as skipping competitions and nutritious recipe design competitions. The organizers of the activities would then give them feedback in terms of feasibility and assist in implementation. Officiating at the graduation ceremony, Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said he was glad to see the ambassadors take an active part in various College, University and even community health events and convey the health message to the public. He hoped the knowledge and experience they gained would not only benefit themselves but others as well. 保健大使與畢業禮主禮嘉賓 Health ambassadors with officiating guests of the graduation ceremony 使按所屬書院分為四組,各為書院設計該年度的健康 推廣活動,如跳繩大賽、營養食譜設計等。主辦單位 就他們的建議及可行性給予意見,並協助實際運作。 副校長鄭振耀教授致辭時表示,很高興看見保健大使 為書院籌辦健康活動,並積極參與全校性及社區的推 廣活動,向不同社群宣揚健康的重要。他希望他們獲 得的知識及經驗,能裝備自己,更可惠及他人。 中 文大學2007年畢業生薪酬及就業情況令人鼓舞,平均月薪約17,120元,為 近十年來最理想,較去年上升12.4%,其中最高薪的一名醫科生月薪更達 90,000元。近95%的受訪畢業生對現職感到滿意。 中大就業策劃及發展中心調查了二千七百多名2007年度全日制本科畢業生,在 2,547位回應者中,約93%在去年9月底前獲聘,平均每人獲2.3份聘書。 最多畢業生從事的行業為會計、審計、銀行及財務,共佔逾四分之一。中心主任 方永豪分析:「近年經濟暢旺,金融體系活躍,因此這些行業對人才需求甚殷。」 T he employment rate and salary level of 2007 CUHK graduates are extremely encouraging. The average monthly salary has gone up by 12.4%, hitting a 10-year high of HK$17,120. The highest salary at HK$90,000 belongs to a medical graduate. About 95% of the respondents are satisfied with their current jobs. The Career Planning and Development Centre of the Office of Students Affairs surveyed over 2,700 full-time graduates and found that around 93% of the 2,547 responding graduates received their first job offers by the end of September 2007. On average, each graduate received 2.3 job offers. Career fields with the most graduates are accounting, auditing, banking and finance, amounting to over 25% of graduates. Mr. TomW.H. Fong, head of the centre, explains, ‘The Hong Kong economy is booming and the financial market is vibrant. All these contribute to keen competition for the talent in those fields.’ 政治與行政學系謝志強 Tse Chi-keung (government & public administration) 謝志強去年畢業後,並不像其他同學般急於投身職場。他先往俄羅斯作 兩個月的交流實習,返港後才開始求職。他現於社會福利機構工作,協 助弱勢社群求職。謝志強說中大提供了很多海外交流的機會,擴闊他的 眼界,使他收穫甚豐。 Although many students are eager to get an offer as early as possible, Tse Chi-keung prefers to take his time. Tse took part in an exchange programme to Russia for two months after graduation and started his job-seeking process after returning to Hong Kong. He now works in a social welfare organization that helps social minorities find jobs. Tse says that themany exchange opportunities offered by the University have expanded his vision and shaped his life. 經濟學系朱海晏 Zhu Haiyan (economics) 來自上海的朱海晏共獲四份聘書,包括國際會計師行及管理顧問公司。 他憶述初來中大時,完全不諳廣東話,但修讀了大學提供的課程,加上 日常練習,已可用廣東話流利溝通。他認為內地生 求職優勝之處,是熟悉內地情勢。 Zhu Haiyan received four offers from international audit firms and managing consultant companies. Originally from Shanghai, Zhu knew no Cantonese four years ago. However, after taking Cantonese courses at the University and engaging daily practice, he can now communicate well in the dialect. He believes that the edge of mainland students is their familiarity with developments on the mainland. 會計/審計 Accounting/Auditing 13.8% 銀行/財務 Banking/Finance 12.9% 教學 Teaching 9.7% 電算機工程/資訊科技 Computer Engineering/Information Technology 9.1% 醫療及護理 Medical and Health Care 9.0% 行政/管理 Administration/Management 7.8% 銷售/巿場推廣 Sales/Marketing 4.8% 客戶服務 Customer Service 3.4% 公共關係/大眾傳播 Public Relations/Mass Communication 3.3% 科學/研究 Scientific/Research Work 3.3% 2007年學士學位畢業生主要從事行業 Major Career Fields of 2007 First Degree Holders