Newsletter No. 321

第321期 2008年8月19日 No. 321 19 August 2008 15 選擇轉換大學強積金計劃安排 Election for Change of MPF Scheme 根據大學安排,強積金計劃成員每年可選擇轉換強積金計劃一次(即轉換至「富達退 休集成信託計劃」或「德盛強積金精選計劃」),生效期指定為4月1日或10月1日。 成員如欲選擇於2008年10月1日轉換計劃,可填妥「轉換強積金計劃申請表格」及 「新強積金計劃成員登記表格」,於2008年8月27日或之前送達財務處薪津及公積金 組。有關表格可於財務處網頁 mpf.html 下載,或致電該組(電話:2609 7246)索取。 Please be reminded that MPF Scheme members may switch between the two MPF Schemes, viz., Fidelity Retirement Master Trust and Allianz Global Investors MPF Plan, once a year, on either 1 April or 1 October. Members who want to make the switch on 1 October 2008 should complete the Election Form for Change of MPF Scheme and Membership Enrolment Form for the new scheme, and submit them to the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of the Bursary on or before 27 August 2008. Forms can be downloaded from bursary/eng/public/payroll_benefits/mpf.html or obtained from the unit (Tel: 2609 7246). 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme and Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資成績之回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns on the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme. 2008年6月 June 2008 2008年第2季 Cumulative Returns for the 2nd Quarter of 2008 2007年7月1日至2008年6月30日 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間的匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned 基金 Fund 1995計劃 1995Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -0.78% -2.53% 平衡 Balanced -1.22% -2.64% 穩定 Stable -4.13% -3.37% 香港股票 HK Equity -6.22% -4.48% 香港指數 HK Index-linked -2.18% -1.99% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.52% 0.09% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.90% 0.31% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 7.72% 7.13% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* 1.02% 0.64% 基金 Fund 1995計劃 1995Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -3.05% -2.54% 平衡 Balanced 2.93% 1.34% 穩定 Stable 8.86% 10.45% 香港股票 HK Equity -1.15% 3.33% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 3.86% 4.59% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 3.58% 1.59% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 4.10% 1.09% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 21.37% 19.26% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* 22.42% 20.80% 基金 Fund 1995計劃 1995Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -7.30% -8.27% 平衡 Balanced -5.49% -6.28% 穩定 Stable -2.42% -2.51% 香港股票 HK Equity -11.23% -10.71% 香港指數 HK Index-linked -10.05% -9.56% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.16% 0.03% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.18% -0.01% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 1.50% 1.31% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* 1.92% 1.80% 非教學僱員的績效評核和發展制度 Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) for Non- teaching Staff 2007 – 08年度(即2007年7月1日至2008年6月30日)的非教學僱員績效評核已展 開。有關之通函和評核報告表格刊載於人事處網頁 personnel/ 。 大學經考慮部門/單位提出的意見後,決定於職責一欄加入「必要的素質」一項,以評 核僱員之工作態度/素質及能力,例如對所屬團隊的目標持正面態度;與上司和組員維 持良好協作關係;處事誠實正直;樂意及充滿熱誠地執行職務等。必要的素質所佔比 重為百分之十至二十,確實比重則視乎工作性質由部門/單位決定,惟對相同職級之僱 員,宜訂定相同之比重。此外,為能更精確反映僱員的工作表現水平,評核等級「僅 可」之指標修訂為「表現勉強符合職責基本要求」。 在完成整個績效評核過程後(即2008年9月中或以前),評核員、連署人(如適用) 和受評核僱員應各自保留一份已簽核的2007 – 08年度評核報告副本,正本由受評核僱 員所屬部門/單位存檔。另由2007 – 08年度開始,績效評核和發展制度將與績效獎賞計 劃掛鈎。部門/單位須於9月底前於指定的電腦系統輸入個別受評核僱員之整體評分, 以便大學於2009年1月向符合有關要求的僱員發放增薪點(如適用者)。 有關績效評核和發展制度詳情,可向人事處負責相關學院/部門/單位聘用事宜之同事 查詢。 The 2007–08 review exercise under the PRDS for the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 has already begun. The relevant General Circular as well as the Review Report are available at the Personnel Office website Having regard to the feedback from Departments/Units, the University has decided that an item on mandatory attributes be included in the ‘Accountabilities’. This is to assess an appointee’s job attitude/attributes and other competencies such as positive attitude towards the team’s objective, willingness to co-operate with good teammateship, honesty and integrity, and readiness to undertake tasks willingly and enthusiastically, etc. The weighting of the mandatory attributes, depending on the job nature, will be between 10% and 20%, to be decided by the Department/Unit concerned. It is advisable that the same weighting be applied to appointees on the same rank. The description for the rating ‘Fair’ has also been articulated more clearly to read ‘marginally meeting the minimum requirement of the job’, which will reflect more precisely the attained level of performance. Upon completion of the performance review exercise by mid-September 2008, the reviewer will make copies of the 2007–08 Review Report, duly endorsed and if applicable counter-signed, for retention each by the reviewee, the counter-signing officer, and the reviewer. The original Review Report is kept by the reviewee’s Department/Unit for record. Starting from 2007–08, PRDS will be tied to the Performance-Linked Reward Scheme (PLRS). Departments/Units will input individual appointee’s overall performance ratings in the PRD computer system by the end of September 2008 for granting the merit in January 2009 increment to the relevant appointees who meet the given criteria (if applicable). Enquiries relating to the PRDS may be directed to the respective appointment teams of the Personnel Office. O