Newsletter No. 321

第321期 2008年8月19日 No. 321 19 August 2008 中 大太空與地球信息科學研究所(太空 所)所長林琿教授,獲國家航天局頒發 專家聘書,擔任中國繞月探測工程科學應用專家 委員會專家。林教授對於能夠獲選感到非常興 奮,認為這不僅是個人的榮譽,也體現了國家航 天局對太空所的重視與支持。 林教授獲委任加入該委員會的月球形貌與構造專 家組,他將和其他專家獲得優先參與繞月探測資 料分析研究的機會。 林教授稱在三年前籌建太空所時,期望以三年建 設衛星遙感地面接收站,再用三年開展衛星遙感 對地球表面的典型觀測與研究,然後利用有關的 經驗與成果來推動中大的太空行星研究。他獲委 任為國家繞月探測工程科學應用專家,將有助研 究計劃提前展開。 P rof. Lin Hui, director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS), CUHK, was appointed by the China National Space Administration as an expert of the Scientific Application Committee of China Lunar Exploration Programme. Prof. Lin was pleased to be appointed and said it was not only an honour for himself but a great symbol of support for the ISEIS. As a member of the Lunar Topography and Structure Expert Group of the Committee, Prof. Lin will be able to work together with other experts to take priority in analysing the data from the lunar orbiting exploration programme. When preparing to set up the ISEIS three years ago, Prof. Lin expected to spend about three years constructing the satellite remote sensing receiving station and three more years studying the earth surface with satellite remote sensing. The ISEIS can then promote space and planetary studies in CUHK based on the experience and results of the earth observation and research. His newly received honour will help to accelerate the institute’s planetary programme which may begin ahead of time. 林琿教授參與 國家繞月探測工程 Prof. Lin Hui Participates in National Lunar Exploration Programme 大專盃 中大 男排奪魁 CUHK Men’s Volleyball Team in Inter-Collegiate Competition Triumphs 中大於四月舉行的大專盃男子 排球賽中,以三比一擊敗雲集 本地精英及內地省隊球員的港 大,重奪大專盃男子排球賽 冠軍。 The CUHK men’s volleyball team recaptured the championship with a 3:1 victory over the University of Hong Kong, a strong team comprising provincial representatives from mainland China and some of the best players in Hong Kong, at the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong Inter-Collegiate Competitions in April. 國家繞月探測工程總指揮欒恩傑博士(左)向林琿教授 頒發專家聘書 Prof. Lin Hui receives the letter of appointment from Dr. Luan Enjie (left), chief commander of China Lunar Exploration Programme 大學划艇賽 中大 七連霸 CUHK Rowing Team Wins Seventh Championship in a Row 中大在「成龍挑戰盃全港大學賽艇錦標賽2008」中,連續第七年獲得全場 總冠軍及女子組冠軍,今年更重獲男子組冠軍。 比賽於2008年7月12及13日舉行,八間大專院校共一百九十多名划艇健兒 同場較量。中大男、女子划艇隊表現優異,取得佳績。 The CUHK rowing team obtained excellent results in winning the Women’s Overall Champion and Overall Champion for a seventh successive year in the Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2008. This year, CUHK recaptured the Men’s Overall Champion. Over 190 rowers from eight local tertiary institutions took part in the event which was held on 12 and 13 July 2008. 中大國語辯論隊於四月舉行的兩大辯論賽,憑團結 一心,互相支持及互相信任,擊敗港大摘冠,二副 張帆(左)更獲選為最佳辯論員。在六月舉行的 英語辯論賽,中大再下一城,最後榮登兩大辯論賽 總冠軍寶座。 The CUHK Mandarin Debating Team defeated the University of Hong Kong to win the Intervarsity Putonghua Debating Contest held in April. They outperformed their counterpart by the unity, support and confidence among themselves. Team member Zhang Fan (left) was honoured with the Best Debater. In June, the CUHK English Debating Team defeated the University of Hong Kong and hence CUHK won the Overall Champion in the Intervarsity Debating Contest. 中大摘 兩大辯論賽總冠軍 CUHK Clinches Championship in Intervarsity Debating 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: / ❏ 二十三項研究項目獲撥款 23 Research Projects Receive Grants