Newsletter No. 325

No. 325, 19.10.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 且趁金秋好時節 暢遊中大資訊日 Orientation Day Attracts 20,000 Visitors • 生化系培育夢想科學家 DREAM Programme for Biochemistry Students • 理 學院生物化學系連續第三年舉辦簡稱DREAM的 「夢想科學家培育計劃」,資助六位學生到英美著 名學府參與科研實驗。 這六位學生是( 下圖:左起 )往加州大學河濱分校的陳安 衡,往英國倫敦大學帝國學院的婁子穎,往哈佛大學醫學 院的蔡佩樺,往喬治亞城大學的顧燊,往美國國家衞生研 究所的鄧渙璁,以及往辛辛那提大學的鍾禮賢。 前赴哈佛從事卵巢癌研究的蔡佩樺( 右圖:左一 )認為,這 次經驗加深了她對癌症研究的知識,並且能夠進行一些 香港做不到的實驗。顧燊則說:「外國的技術較高級,儀 器較先進。那邊的教授在技術和基本原理方面給了我很多 指導。」 除了這六位學生外,去年曾參加這項計劃的三年級生馮濤 聲( 下圖:右一 ),今年贏得加州理工大學的本科生暑期研 究獎學金,到該校參與老鼠胚胎幹細胞發育成心肌細胞的 研究。 T he Department of Biochemistry (Science) launched the Dedicated Research Exchange and Mentorship (DREAM) Programme for the third year, sponsoring six undergraduate students to conduct research projects in laboratories at prestigious institutes in Britain and the US. The six students and the destination institutes are ( left, from left ) Chan On-hang, UC Riverside; Lau Tsz-wing, Imperial College London; Choi Pui-wah, Harvard Medical School; Gu Shen, Georgetown University; Walfred Tang, the US National Institutes of Health; and Chung Lai-yin, Cincinnati University. Choi Pui-wah ( right, left 1 ) conducted research on ovarian cancer at Harvard. She believes the experience enhanced her knowledge of cancer research and allowed her to do experiments she could not otherwise have carried out in Hong Kong. Gu Shen, another student, said, ‘Laboratories in foreign countries have more advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment. The professors also gave me a lot of guidance on techniques and basic principles.’ Fung To-sing ( left, right 1 ), who joined the DREAM programme last year, won the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship of the California Institute of Technology. He went to Caltech to conduct research on the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes. 中 大在10月4日舉辦本科入學資訊日,共有逾二萬名 訪客專程蒞臨校園參觀,當中不乏中學老師、學生 及其家長,氣氛熱鬧。 當天的特備節目「全方位入學講座」座無虛席,副校長楊 綱凱教授致歡迎詞並介紹中大辦學理念後,入學及學生資 助處處長周陳文琬向聽眾介紹入讀本校途徑及各項統計 資料等。接着,多位校友和學生,包括現於電視台任職高 級記者的方健儀,也現身說法,分享校園生活點滴。 中大各學院、學系和課程均準備了展覽、入學輔導、參觀及 講座等活動。其中醫學院安排參觀威爾斯親王醫院,沈祖 堯和楊永強兩位教授還分別發表演講。工程學院邀得新一 屆立法會議員譚偉豪博士主講「善用工科知識,打開從商 之門」;生物系安排參觀李福善海洋科學研究中心,並示 範使用電子顯微鏡;音樂系則安排參觀利希慎音樂廳。 新聞與傳播學院別開生面,邀請盧冠廷、張繼聰等嘉賓舉 行「熱鹿回家音樂會」,帶出環保訊息。另外,中醫學院示 範了中醫診斷和針灸,並開放 中醫藥博物館和中草藥園;社 會工作學系則舉辦心理測驗。 此外,參觀者還到訪中大四 所書院的宿舍、圖書館和各項 設施。 資訊日的目的是向公眾介紹本校 近況,尤其要讓中學生加深認識 中大,因為他們日後很可能會成 為我們校園的新生。這次活動圓 滿結束,各書院、學院、學系的教 職員和學生,以及入學及學生資助 處等單位同仁功不可沒。 C UHK held itsOrientationDay for Undergraduate Admissions on 4 October, attracting more than 20,000 visitors, many of them secondary school teachers, students and their parents, to our campus. In the Admission Talk, after the welcoming address and introduction of the mission of CUHK by Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Mrs. Grace Chow, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, informed a full house of the admission statistics and channels. Mrs. Chow’s introduction was followed by a sharing session by CUHK alumni and students. One of the guest speakers was alumna Akina Fong, a senior television reporter. Colleges, Faculties, departments, and programmes organized activities ranging from exhibitions, admission consultations, visits, to academic counseling sessions. The Faculty of Medicine organized a visit to the Prince of Wales Hospital and two seminars by Prof. Joseph Sung Jao-yiu and Prof. Yeoh Eng-kiong. The Faculty of Engineering invited Dr. Samson Tam Wai-ho, a newly elected legislator, to talk on ‘Transforming Technical Knowledge to Business Opportunities’. The Department of Biology took visitors to the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory and demonstrated the use of electronic microscopes, while the Department of Music arranged a visit to the Lee Hysan Concert Hall. The School of Journalism and Communication presented the ‘Deer in the Box’ mini concert ( left ) to convey the message of environmental protection. In addition to giving demonstrations of Chinese medicine diagnosis and acupuncture, the School of Chinese Medicine held tours to its Chinese Medicine Museum and Herbal Garden. The Department of Social Work ran psychological tests for the visitors. Guided tours to the hostels of different Colleges, libraries and other facilities were arranged. The Orientation Day was aimed at giving the public, especially the secondary school students, a better understanding of CUHK and presenting to them the latest development of the University. Many of those students may join the University in the future. Thanks to the efforts of staff and students from all Colleges, Faculties, departments, especially the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, the event proved to be a big success.