Newsletter No. 329

No. 329, 19.12.2008 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR NEWS & EVENTS 神舟七號代表團訪中大 Shenzhou-7 Delegation Visits CUHK • 神 舟七號載人航天飛行代表團於12月6日蒞臨中大,向五百多名香港高等院校學生 及嘉賓講述升空和太空漫步技術及國家航天科技的進展,並回答提問,分享他們 的征空體會和經驗。 代表團成員包括團長兼中國載人航天工程副總指揮張建啟先生、航天員翟志剛、劉伯明 和景海鵬,以及負責神七工程的各主要系統指揮和設計師。 劉遵義校長致送了一幅由著名中國畫家王明明先生繪畫中大校園美景的畫卷,希望中大 獨特的校園風物可長留代表團各人心中。 T he Shenzhou-7 delegation visited CUHK on 6 December and spoke to over 500 students from local institutions and guests. The delegation described the Shenzhou-7 mission, spacewalking, and the latest developments of the space programme. They also answered questions and shared their experiences with the audience. Members of the delegation included Mr. Zhang Jianqi, delegation chief, the three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, Jing Haipeng, as well as scientists and technicians of the Shenzhou project. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, welcomed the delegation and presented a landscape painting of the campus by the renowned Chinese painter Wang Mingming. 四千校友歡聚校園 Record-Breaking Turnout at Alumni Homecoming • 逾 四千校友及同行親友出席12月7日舉行的中大校友日,數目為歷屆之冠,亦為大學 四十五周年校慶添上繽紛。 校友日為年內最大型的校友活動,今年的籌備人員及義工人數多達二百八十多人,活動兼 備資訊與娛樂,包括回到課堂精選講座、各式校園及設施主題參觀、音樂馬拉松、親子魔 術教室、無伴奏合唱及人聲敲擊工作坊、開篷巴士遊校園、兒童電玩車以及巨型吹氣彈床 等,還有警隊校友與體育運動科學校友進行「校友評議會盃」足球友誼賽。 T he 2008 CUHK Alumni Homecoming held on 7 December drew a record-breaking 4,000 alumni and their family and friends to the campus. The largest alumni event of the year, the Alumni Homecoming featured activities included an open-top double decker bus tour, a showcase of the University’s latest technological innovations, alumni band marathon, a carnival and game booths, a football match featuring the Superintendents/Police Inspectors team and the Sports Science and Physical Education Alumni team. The Alumni Homecoming is made possible with the generous support of alumni, partner units, colleagues and over 280 volunteers. I witnessed their professional spirit, industriousness, persistent strive for improvement, unfailing sense of responsibility, and enormous courage in the face of hardship. I also saw the great challenges they encountered due to unprecedented, and at times unpredictable, changes in the broader environment. They have my profound respect. I am indeed very proud to have worked with such a professional team of respectable women and men. 8 中國研究在大學的未來路向會扮演甚麼角色? What role will Chinese Studies play in the future developments of the University? 我們正一步步地建立起一個跨學科、國際性的綜合教學/ 研究平台,在各方面都不斷向前邁進。藉著中大獨特的人 文傳統及豐富資源,我相信這個發展方向是可持續的。我 很有信心中國研究必會發展成為中大的教研特色之一。 We are steadily building up an international platform of interdisciplinary teaching and research on China-related studies. Progress has been made in accordance with our planning. Thanks to our strength and long tradition in humanities and social science as well as the generous support of the University, I believe this trend can be sustained. I am confident that Chinese Studies will become a unique feature of teaching and research at CUHK. 9 你從所有行政工作退下來,現在如何分配自己的 時間? Now that you’ve let go of administrative duties, how do you spend your time? 除了家人外,我把主要的時間分給了教育、研究和其他的 學術交流和聯繫 (我稱之為學術的社羣工程)。教育並不淨 是教書,也包括探索課程的發展。不幹行政職務以來,同 時進行的幾項研究項目進度加快了,希望不久見到成果。 至於所謂學術的社羣工程,旨在為相關的學者及研究創造 更佳的環境與條件。這方面工作其實比以前沒有減少,反 而加強。我也開始自學拉丁文。 Besides my family, I devote my time to teaching, research, and other academic exchange and liaison (I call it ‘academic enterprising’). Education is not only about teaching. It includes exploring curriculum development. My research projects have picked up speed and I hope to see results soon. Academic enterprising is about creating more conducive research environments and conditions for researchers to strive in their own research agenda. My work in this respect has in fact increased. I’m also picking up Latin by self-learning. 10 你對中大哪一片土、哪一塊瓦最有感情? Which tree, brick and tile at CUHK are you most attached to? 我未滿二十歲便與中大結緣,迄今近四十年,對中大的感 情不可謂不深。但這份感情却不繫於一草一石等具體事物 之上,而是透過過去經歷的情境,空靈地一點一滴凝滙在 心底的回憶之潭。還記得以前的火車 (不是電氣化火車) 班 次一小時一班,多少次錯過了,可要坐在月台涼階上啃完半 部書,才迎來下一班列車。滄海桑田,明鏡常存。 I entered CUHK when I was not yet 20. I do have strong sentimental attachment to the University, but it is not confined to particular objects. My sentimental attachment finds its root in memory of all the wonderful, and not so wonderful, moments I experienced at this great university. I remember the train of old used to come every hour. How many times had I missed it and had had to swallow half a book, sometimes even with delight, waiting for the next one. Changes there always will be; but so will my memory.