Newsletter No. 331
No. 331, 19.1.2009 (Continued) 程翔先生 (左一) Mr. Ching Cheong (1st left) 「高桌晚宴講座為宿舍生活的重要部分之一,更 有助學生的成長。我在大學時,也十分享受高桌 晚宴講座。」 ‘An essential part of hostel life is contributing to the growth of students. I enjoyed high table dinners during my days at university.’ 鄧紹斌先生 (左一) Mr. Tang Siu-pun (1st left) 「萬分感謝大家,特別是沈祖堯教授。我亦享受高桌晚宴講座,要細說在講座中的收穫並非輕易。可是,我可以 表達想法,又能聽取大家的意見,從而更有活下去的能量。再次多謝大家。我很喜歡能在逸夫宿舍留宿一宵,與 同學相聚,讓我重拾青春,希望在不久的將來可以與大家再聚。」 ‘I must offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you. In particular, I can’t thank Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung enough. I enjoyed the High Table Dinner very much. I can’t tell you how much I got from the talk. I could express my ideas. I could listen to your points of view. It gives me power to go on living. I must thank you again. By the way, I love staying overnight in Shaw hostel to relive my youth. I hope to join you in the near future.’ 李少南教授(社會科學院院長) (右一) Prof. Paul S.N. Lee (Dean, Faculty of Social Science) (1st right) 「我在這個學期參加了兩次高桌晚宴, 這項新活動能讓學生及老師於輕鬆的 環境下,互相就各種嚴肅的課題如愛 國、生死等進行交流,很值得讚賞。學生 也有機會學習搜集主講嘉賓的資料和訪 問。我正期待參加未來的晚宴。」 ‘I took part in two High Table Dinners in the first term of 2008–09. They provide opportunities for students and teachers to exchange views on serious topics like patriotism, life and death, etc. over a relaxed setting. Students can also conduct research on the guest speakers and give interviews. I look forward to taking part in more dinners in the near future.’ 李欣紅(工商管理學士綜合課程二年級生) Miss Li Yan-hung (year 2, Integrated BBA Programme) 「高桌晚宴的各項安排都很細心,營造出隆重的氣氛,我很高興能夠 有這樣的機會與鍾尚志教授、老師及同學互相認識和交流。鍾教授很 有幽默感,每一言、每一語都獨具魅力,整個晚上笑聲此起彼落。他 當晚分享了在巴布亞新畿內亞那些意想不到的經歷和感受,令我最 為難忘。」 ‘Every detail of the High Table Dinners was well organized. The atmosphere was formal. I was glad to meet and exchange views with Prof. Chung, teachers and students. Prof. Chung is very humorous and a charismatic speaker. He made us all laugh. His stories about Papua New Guinea were most unforgettable.’ NEWS & EVENTS 榮譽博士述桂冠之路 Laureate Talks on Path to the Nobel Prize • 獲 中大頒授榮譽理學博士的1998年諾貝爾生理學/ 醫學獎得主路易斯 ‧ 歇拿奴教授,因事未能出席於 2008年12月4日舉行的第六十五屆學位頒授典禮。大學為 鄭重其事,特別邀請歇拿奴教授於1月7日親臨中大,接受 由劉遵義校長頒授的榮譽理學博士證書,並以「諾貝爾行 動:往斯德哥爾摩之路」為題演講,與中大師生、校友、醫 學和教育界人士分享成功經驗。 在講座中,歇拿奴教授縷述其成長歷程及幼年教育,道出 他自小已對化學及生物產生濃厚的興趣。他的雙親均為 美國的意籍移民,雖然從未接受正統教育,卻對他影響至 深。他亦簡介了諾貝爾獎及其評審準則,其獲獎研究的實 用價值,並談到得獎對其人生所起的變化。 A special ceremony for the presentation of the diploma of the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa , to Prof. Louis J. Ignarro by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, was held on 7 January on campus. Prof. Ignarro, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, had not been able to attend in person the University’s Sixty-fifth Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees earlier on 4 December 2008. Following the presentation ceremony, Prof. Ignarro gave a public lecture on ’The Road to Stockholm–A Nobel Mission’, in which he shared with staff, students, alumni and members of the medical and academic sectors his story of success. At the lecture, Prof. Ignarro talked about his childhood upbringing and early education, and his interest in chemistry and biology as a child. He explained the impact his parents—Italian emigrants to the United States who had not received any formal education—had on his development. He also talked briefly about the Nobel Prize, its selection criteria and how it has changed his life, his discoveries and the practical applications of his research. 歇拿奴教授(左)獲劉校長頒授榮譽理學博士證書 Prof. Ignarro (left) receiving the diploma for the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa from Prof. Lau 鍾尚志教授(左)與講座主持李欣紅(右) Prof. Sydney Chung (left) and Miss Li Yan-hung, student host
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