Newsletter No. 331

No. 331, 19.1.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中港大學首腦雲集 探討邁向世界頂峯之路 Heads of Chinese Universities Aim for Greater Excellence • 中 國大學校長聯誼會2 0 0 8年會暨校長論壇於 2008年12月16日在中大校園舉行,內地與香港十 所創會大學共派出四十五位代表參加,包括會長清華大 學顧秉林校長、副會長復旦大學王生洪校長、副會長中大 劉遵義校長、上海交通大學張傑校長、北京大學周其鳳校 長、西安交通大學鄭南寧校長、南京大學陳駿校長、香港 大學徐立之校長、浙江大學楊衛校長,以及香港科技大學 黃玉山副校長。 論壇以「中國研究型大學如何發展成為世界一流大學」為 主題,國家教育部副部長吳啟迪教授作主題演講,十位 校長輪流發表演說,各抒己見,分享治校發展策略,並討 論如何達致成為世界一流大學的目標。中國大學校長聯 誼會亦在同日舉行理事會,各成員積極商討該會未來的發 展方向。 中國大學校長聯誼會是由多所在學術和科研領域成就斐 然的研究型大學的校長,與關心中國高等教育發展的熱心 人士所組成的學術團體,於1997年在上海成立,屬國家部 委認可的民間組織。聯誼會的宗旨是集中優秀力量,為廿 一世紀中國高等教育的發展作出貢獻,並希望通過會議及 學術論壇,加強會員大學之間的交流合作,以提升學術及 科研水平。 T he heads of 10 prestigious universities from the mainland and Hong Kong came to CUHK on 16 December 2008 for the 2008 Association of University Presidents of China (AUPC) Meeting and Presidents’ Forum. They included university presidents of the founding members of the association: Prof. Gu Binglin, AUPC Chairman and President of Tsinghua University; Prof. Wang Shenghong, AUPC Vice-Chairman and President of Fudan University; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, AUPC Vice- Chairman and Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; President Zhang Jie of Shanghai Jiao Tong University; President Zhou Qifeng of Peking University; President Zheng Nanning of Xi’an Jiaotong University; President Chen Jun of Nanjing University; Vice-Chancellor Tsui Lap-chee of The University of Hong Kong; President Yang Wei of Zhejiang University; and Vice-President Wong Yuk-shan of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. A total of 45 representatives from these 10 institutions attended the forum. The theme of this year’s forum was ’Towards Developing World-class Status for Research-intensive Universities in China’. Prof. Wu Qidi, Vice Minister of Education, delivered the keynote address, while the vice-chancellors and presidents gave speeches and shared their views on how to become a first-class university in the subsequent discussions. The participants also discussed the future development of AUPC. AUPC is initiated by the presidents of a group of acclaimed research-intensive universities in China. It was founded in 1997 in Shanghai and was approved by the Ministry of Education of China. The objective of the association is to dedicate its expertise to and coordinate resources for the development of China’s higher education in the 21st century. Through meetings and forums, AUPC aims to enhance linkage among member universities and promote regular exchange and cooperation. 快樂騎士(北疆之旅) 阮健驄,人事處 ‘Happy Rider’ (A Trip to North Xinjiang) Yuen Kin-chung, Personnel Office 樂步行 愛校園 Walking for Our Campus 逾 七百師生及職員無懼寒風,參加於1月9日舉行的第三次樂步行活動,除宣揚步行 有益身心的訊息,更推廣全新的大學站至聯合書院新路線。 參加者由大學站出發,沿校友徑及中藥園,經新落成的西部教學綜合大樓直達聯合書院, 全程約二十八分鐘,是經聯合梯以外,另一條快速路線。 是次樂步行更增加了環保元 素,沿途有解說員講解校園的 樹木,並派發資訊單張,加強 參與者認識身體力行響應環保 的重要。環境事務督導委員會 主席朱利民教授及中大樹木計 劃的發起人兼中醫學榮譽講座 教授胡秀英博士更親臨開步典 禮,以表支持。 O ver 700 staff and students joined the Walking Campaign (Phase III) on 9 January to help promote a walking culture on campus, as well as a new route taking commuters from the University Station entrance to United College. The walkers set off from the entrance of the University Station, passing through the Alumni Trail, the Herbal Garden, and the new Western Teaching Complex, to arrive at their destination—Tsang Shiu Tim Building of United College. The whole walk took about 28 minutes. The walk incorporated illustrations of plants along the route and introduction leaflets to arouse environmental awareness among participants. Prof. L.M. Chu, chairman of University Steering Committee on Environment, and Dr. S.Y. Hu, founder of the CUHK Tree Project and Honorary Professor of Chinese Medicine, attended the opening ceremony to show their support. •