Newsletter No. 341

2 No. 341, 19.8.2009 Three Major Water Sports Mr. Chan, who has been a manager since 2000, says, ‘We focus on the promotion of three water sports, namely, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing. We offer canoeing courses taught by a qualified coach. The centre is a recognized school of the Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong and we are in the process of applying to be a training centre of sailing.’ The other manager Mr. Cheung adds, ‘The centre began to offer regular courses on canoeing and windsurfing from the summer of 2009. To make courses more flexible and to promote interest in water sports, we also organize tailor- made courses at the request of interested staff or students.’ Mr. Chan emphasizes that safety is the centre’s primary concern, yet accidents do happen. He was witness to an accident involving users of the centre. ‘One evening I received a call from the supervisor, who told me that three windsurfers had gone missing. We reported it to the police. In the end, one of the windsurfers came back in a van with their boards. They had been washed ashore by strong waves. One hired a van to bring the boards back to the centre, while his two companions were having noodles to fill their empty stomaches.’ Wind-chasers The period from April to September is the peak season of the centre because southerly winds make the areas around Tolo Harbour an ideal spot for water sports. Fanny says, ‘Our centre is open in winter. But many users prefer to go elsewhere because the wind is not right. They come back here in summer, like migratory birds.’ To better serve users, the staff of the centre normally do not take leave during the peak season. To promote water sports to undergraduate students, especially those from the inland provinces of China, and inbound exchange students, the centre wants to expand its fleet. However, boats are not cheap and frequent use will lead to fast wear and tear. Their maintenance requires extra manpower and special equipment. So, the speed of expansion depends on the availability of resources. Confucius said, ‘The wise find joy in water; the benevolent find joy in mountains.’ CUHK enjoys both the beauty of mountains and of the sea. So, being a wise person, why don’t you visit the Water Sports Centre and explore the fun of water sports? 樂水者言 What the Users Say 在中大四年,從未踏足水上活動中心,直至今年夏天參加大 學的獨木舟訓練班,才發現校園竟然有一個這麼完善的水上 活動設施,令我大感驚訝。儘管這裏的船艇不是最新最棒的 型號,但在吐露港的美景映襯下,乘着微鹹的海風破浪出 海,光是這點就叫人難忘。水上活動愛好者不可錯過這個中 心,對不想沾水的人來說,那裏的燒烤場,也能讓你悠閒愜 意地在海邊消磨一個周末下午。 m In my four years on this campus, I did not set foot inside the Water Sports Centre. Then I joined a canoeing course this summer. I was surprised that CUHK has such a nice water sports facility! It doesn’t have the latest and coolest sails and boats, but just the thought of sailing to sea with the salty breeze and the beautiful scenery of Tolo Harbour makes the experience unforgettable. For water sport lovers, you must pay a visit to the centre, and those who are not ready to get wet, barbecuing at the barbecue pits there makes for a nice and relaxing Saturday afternoon by the sea! 梁潔瑩 (分子生物技術學課程碩士研究生) Leung Kit-ying Crystal (Postgraduate student, Molecular Biotechnology Programme) In the muggy heat of the South China summer, when satisfaction ceases to spring from work, if no deadline presses, if no meeting demands, if no event intrudes, my fingers type ‘wind in Hong Kong’ on my browser. And if the Hong Kong Observatory webpage announces that Shatin has a force 4 wind from the south, gusting to 40 km at Tai Mei Tuk, I drive to the Water Sports Centre, one of the best kept secrets of CUHK, for windsurfing. I change into shirt, trunks and water shoes. I rig up. I don a life vest, harness and hat. I carry my gear down the slipway and wade into the water. And I set a course for A Chau. All of us can enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong. I hope that you m 譚安厚教授 (財務學系副教授) Prof. Hugh Thomas (Associate Professor, Department of Finance) will be seduced by the wind, the sun and the sea as I have been. The Water Sports Centre welcomes you. 在華南的溽暑時節,當工作的滿足感不能振奮我,手頭又沒 有急着完成的事情,沒有要見的人,也沒有其他俗務相擾, 我就會在電腦搜尋器輸入「香港風力」。要是天文台網頁說 沙田吹四級南風,大尾督陣風有四十公里,我就驅車到中大 最秘而不宣的寶地──水上活動中心,去玩滑浪風帆。 我換上汗衫、短褲和水上活動鞋,裝好桅帆和索具,穿上救 生衣,繫好安全坐墊,戴上帽子,然後帶着全副裝備沿斜道 下水,向丫洲出發。 香港的美景教人陶醉,希望你也會和我一樣,迎向和風、艷 陽和碧海誘人的魅力。水上活動中心歡迎你。