Newsletter No. 341
No. 341, 19.8.2009 3 NEWS & EVENTS 本 年中大透過大學聯合招生辦法(聯招)共錄取2,325 名學生,以中大為第一組別志願(Band A)院校的 人數近99%,為參與聯招的院校中最高。收生分數最高的 五個課程/專業範圍為物理、環球商業學、新聞與傳播學、 藥劑學及專業會計學。而以收生中位數計算,成績最高的五 個課程/專修範圍為環球商業學、計量金融學及風險管理科 學、藥劑學、醫學,以及保險、財務與精算學。 內地收生方面,今年透過「全國普通高校統一招生計劃」 錄取了二百六十名成績彪炳的考生,當中不少在所屬省/市 中名列前茅。初步統計,共有十六人高考成績屬省/市第一 名,高考總分位列所屬省/市前五名的超過四十人,另單科 最高分的亦有三人。 A total of 2,325 undergraduates were admitted to CUHK via the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) this year. Among them, nearly 99% are Band A JUPAS applicants, the highest among the participating institutions. The top five programmes based on results of the best applicants are Physics, Global Business Studies, Journalism and Communication, Pharmacy and Professional Accountancy. In terms of the median results of all applicants admitted, the top five programmes are Global Business Studies, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science, Pharmacy, Medical Studies, and Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis. For the mainland intake, this year saw 260 outstanding students being admitted to CUHK through the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination System. Preliminary statistics show that among them, 16 rank first in their respective provinces/ municipalities, some 40 are among the top five and three are the first scorers in a single subject. 精英學生匯聚中大 Top Students Admitted to CUHK 傅凱駿 (高考5A) 物理 Po Hoi-chun (5As in A-level) Physics 「我的志向是成為物理學家,我相信以中大物理系深 厚的實力,可以讓我實現夢想。」 ‘I dreamed of becoming a physicist. I believe that, being a leader in the field, the CUHK Physics Department will help me realize my ambition.’ 林楚皓 (連續三屆於國際奧林匹克數學比賽獲獎) 數學 Lam Cho-ho (Three-year awardee at International Mathematical Olympiad) Mathematics 「我自小就喜歡數學,選擇中大數學系的原因是希望能 夠與丘成桐教授等大師交流,日後 成為同樣成功的數學家。」 ‘I have been fond of mathematics since I was little. I chose CUHK mathematics because it would allow me to meet mathematical giants such as Prof. Yau Shing- tung, and help pave my way to becoming a mathematician. ’ 岳崢洸 (高考6A) 環球商業學 Yue Tsang-kwong Eileen (6As in A-level) Global Business Studies 「我一直希望入讀中大的環球商業學。課程最吸引之 處是有機會到丹麥和美國上課及交流,讓我可以建立 更廣闊的國際視野,對日後發展很有幫助。」 ‘I longed to enrol in the CUHK Global Business Studies Pro- gramme. It will give me the opportunity to study in Denmark and the US, and meet classmates from different cultures. This will broaden my horizon and help my future development.’ 李唯佳 (遼寧) 工商管理綜合課程 Li Weijia (Liaoning) Integrated BBA 「選擇中大,就是選擇一個更自由的舞台、一份更開闊的視野, 也就是挑選了更多元化、更富挑戰性的未來。」 ‘Choosing CUHK means choosing a freer platform on which to perform and choosing broader perspectives. It also means choosing a more colourful and challenging future.’ 宗東 (黑龍江) 計量金融學 Zong Dong (Heilongjiang) Quantitative Finance 「中大的國際化環境及獨特的書院制度,是最理想升學 選擇,我對大學生活充滿信心,並已初步制訂了學習計 劃,希望開課能快點調整狀態,適應全新的生活。」 ‘An international outlook and the unique college system make CUHK an ideal place for studies. I am looking forward to campus life here and have made preliminary study plans. I hope I will be able to adapt quickly to the new environment.’ 中 大腦腫瘤中心開幕 典禮暨綜合腦腫瘤 診所啓用儀式於6月26日舉 行,設於中心內的綜合腦 腫瘤診所,是區內首個集 合不同專科醫護人員、一 站式為惡性腦腫瘤病人提 供治療方案的診所。 T he opening ceremony of the CUHK Brain Tumour Centre and inauguration ceremony of the Combined Neuro-Oncology Clinic were held on 26 June. The centre adopts a combined-team approach to provide all-round care and therapy for brain tumour patients, in particular brain cancer patients. The new institute houses the Combined Neuro-Oncology Clinic, which is the first such facility in the region. 收生數字一覽 Admission Figures at a Glance 2,325 聯招計劃 JUPAS 260 內地生 Mainland Students 173 優先錄取計劃 Early Admissions Scheme 87 校長推薦計劃 School Principal's Nominations Scheme 30 自薦計劃 Self-Recommendation Scheme 23 運動員獎學金 Sports Scholarship Scheme 3 高考5A生 5-A Candidates 腦腫瘤中心開幕 Brain Tumour Centre Opens 為 答謝利國偉博士的 慷慨支持及無私貢 獻,中大威爾斯親王醫院 利國偉心血管治療中心於 6月10日舉行命名儀式。 中心預計於2010年年中成 立,位處屆時落成的威爾 斯親王醫院擴建大樓。 I n recognition of Dr. Lee Quo Wei’s magnanimous support, the naming ceremony of the CUHK–PWH Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Intervention Centre was held on 10 June. The centre will be set up in 2010 and located at the new extension block of the Prince of Wales Hospital which will be completed by then. 利國偉心血管治療中心命名 Naming of CUHK–PWH Cardiovascular Intervention Centre
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