Newsletter No. 341

6 No. 341, 19.8.2009 建 築學院吳恩融教授( 左 )率領團隊設計的「毛寺生態實驗小學」,憑着「高 科學、低技術」的創新環保設計,成功示範兼顧生態及社經因素,並符合 可持續發展原則的建校模式,再奪國際建築大獎,獲英國皇家建築師學會( RIBA ) 頒發2009年年獎——國際獎項。同獲這項殊榮的世界級建築,包括北京奧運場館 「鳥巢」及「水立方」等。 毛寺生態實驗小學位於甘肅省黃土高原偏遠的毛寺村,當地生態環境及氣候惡劣,資 源貧乏,經濟、教育和技術水平亦相對落後。 吳教授督導的博士研究生穆鈞( 右 )利用先進電腦模擬技術,將研究所得融入校舍設 計中。團隊在設計時盡量利用天然光和自然通風,並就地取材,以土坯、毛石、茅 草、蘆葦等蓄熱和隔熱性能俱佳的自然物料為主要建材,所有邊角廢料均循環再用。 RIBA國際年獎旨在嘉許世界各地最頂尖的建築設計,今年全球共有四十件優秀作品入 圍,最後選出十五項獲獎作品。「毛寺生態實驗小學」項目除此還曾贏得多個國際獎 項,包括獲世界建築節評選為「學校」類別嘉許作品,以及在本港設計營商周中連奪 三項大獎——「亞洲最具影響力設計大獎」、「亞洲最具影響力可持續發展特別獎」 和「亞洲最具影響力金獎」,且更在首屆中國建築傳媒獎中,獲頒發最高榮譽的「最 佳建築獎」。 T he Maosi Ecological Demonstration Primary School designed by a team led by Prof. Edward Ng (left) of the School of Architecture was awarded another international architectural award, the 2009 RIBA International Award. Adopting the principle of ‘high science and low technology’, the project has successfully built a school that addresses the environmental and socio-economical dimensions of sustainability. Other projects receiving this honour include the National Stadium (aka ‘Bird’s Nest’) and the National Aquatics Centre (aka ‘Water Cube’). The Maosi School is located in the remote village of Maosi in the Loess Plateau region, Gansu Province, which is characterized by fragile ecological and extreme climatic conditions, a lack of resources, and low levels of economic, educational and tech- nological activities. The eco-school incorporates design and research based on the advanced computational simulation studies of Mr. Mu Jun (right), a PhD student of Professor Ng. The school is designed to maximize daylight and natural ventilation. Most of the building materials such as mud bricks, rubble, straw and reed, are natural products and were sourced locally with minimum embodied energy. The RIBA International Award rewards excellent architectural designs from around the world. This year, a total of 40 quality works were shortlisted, among which only 15 received the honour. The project also received a number of international honours, including Commendation in the learning category of the World Architecture Festival, three awards from the Design for Asia Award (DFA Award) —the DFA Grand Award, the DFA Special Award for Sustainability and the DFA Gold Award. The project also won the Best Architecture Award at the first China Architecture Media Award. 公 共衞生及基層醫療學院助理教授黃至生教授( 上圖 )、公共衞生人道計劃顧問歐 耀佳醫生和工商管理碩士(醫療)課程三年級兼讀制 學生范寧醫生( 下圖 )獲頒香港紅十字會及香港電台合辦的第 二屆香港人道年獎。 黃至生教授為香港再生會督導委員會主席及執行委員會主 席,參與義務工作二十年,致力關懷長期病患者及本港與 內地之弱勢社群。他積極推動各類長期病患者服務,曾主 持超過一百多個病人互助關懷小組,並連續八年擔任「十 大再生勇士選舉」籌備委員會主席,以表揚長期病患者堅 毅不屈、逆境自強的生命力。 歐耀佳醫生自八十年代開始已積極投入社會服務。他與同 事於1997年成立香港輪椅輔助隊,為殘疾人士和輪椅長者 提供援助。2002年,他參與香港紅十字會和無國界醫生的醫療義工,曾遠赴 利比里亞、印尼、南蘇丹、泰國和中國內地等地方提供醫療援助。 范寧醫生多次以專業義工的身份,參與香港紅十字會在世界各地的救援工 作。四川地震期間,他是香港紅十字會派往四川省首支醫療隊的其中一員, 前往重災區北川為災民提供緊急醫療服務。范醫生現任無國界醫生(香港辦事 處)主席,他於2009年初曾到加沙地帶參與人道救援工作。 P rof. Wong Chi-sang Martin (top), assistant professor in the School of Public Health and Primary Care (SPHPC), Dr. Au Yiu-kai, advisor of CUHK-SPHPC Public Health Humanitarian Initiative, and Dr. Fan Ning (bottom), Year 3 part-time student of the MBA programme in Health Care, have won the Second Hong Kong Humanity Award co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong with the aim of paying tribute to people who live up to and put into practice the spirit of humanity. Professor Wong has participated in voluntary services for 20 years, serving chronically-ill patients and vulnerable groups in Hong Kong and mainland China. He is currently the chairman of both the Steering Committee and Executive Committee of the Regeneration Society in Hong Kong. He has also taken steps to promote a multidisciplinary service for chronically-ill patients and organized over 100 patient support groups. He has been the chairman of the Organizing Committee for ‘Ten Outstanding Warriors of Regeneration’ for eight consecutive years. Dr. Au has been serving Hong Kong society since the 1980s. In 1997, he set up the Hong Kong Wheelchair Aid Service with his colleagues to provide assistance to wheelchair-bound seniors and the physically challenged. Since 2002, he has been a medical volunteer of both Hong Kong Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières, serving distressed populations in countries such as Liberia, Indonesia, South Sudan, Thailand and mainland China. Dr. Fan Ning has joined a number of Hong Kong Red Cross relief operations around the world as a professional medical volunteer. After the 5.12 Sichuan earthquake, he went with the first Hong Kong Red Cross medical team to provide emergency medical services in Beichuan County. As the president of Médecins Sans Frontières (Hong Kong Office), Dr. Fan took part in humanitarian relief work in the Gaza Strip in early 2009. 環保學校項目再奪 國際殊榮 Wins Ecological School Project International Award 中大師生 人道精神 獲 表揚 Recognized CUHK Members for Enhancing Human Wellness