Newsletter No. 341
No. 341, 19.8.2009 7 訊 息工程學系黃建偉教授( 中 )憑過去三年傑出的論文發表紀錄,以及積極參 與世界知名的IEEE通訊學會學術會議,獲頒「2009 IEEE通訊學會亞太傑出青 年研究學者獎」。該獎項於2001年成立,旨在表揚三十五歲或以下的研究學者。 今年,來自亞太區的申請者共三十四位,六位學者脫穎而出。歷年共有十九位學者獲 此殊榮,黃建偉教授是唯一來自香港的得獎人。 黃教授曾於國際權威期刊及學術會議中發表近五十篇論文,並於兩書撰寫關於博弈論 及優化理論的章節,並曾任《國際計算機與電子工程期刊》常任編委( 2007 – 2010 )及 《IEEE通訊選題雜誌》等多份雜誌的首席客座編委。 P rof. Huang Jianwei (centre) of the Department of Information Engineering received the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2009 from the prestigious IEEE Communications Society, for his strong publication record and active participation in conference activities over the last three years. The award was established in 2001 with the aim of honouring capable researchers aged 35 or below. This year, six out of 34 applicants from the Asia-Pacific region were awarded. Professor Huang is the only winner from Hong Kong of the 19 who have received the award so far. Professor Huang has published some 50 papers in leading international journals and conferences, and two book chapters on game theory and optimization theory. He has served in different editorial positions, including as associate editor of the International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (2007–2010), and the lead guest editor of several journals including the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications . 時 間最能考驗一篇論文的影響力,計算機科學與工程 學系副教授傅慰慈憑十年前發表的論文《以子波為 時間序列作有效配對》,奪得第二十五屆IEEE數據工程國 際會議 (ICDE 2009) 的最具影響力論文獎。 ICDE是工程學界最具權威的國際會議之一,今年從十年前 發表的論文中選出一份,授予最具影響力論文獎。傅教授的 論文於1999首次在ICDE會議上發表,突破性地指出子波能 更有效地為時間序列配對,對以後相關的研究影響深遠。 T ime is the best judge of whether the influence of a research endures. Prof. Fu Wai- chee Ada, associate professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has been awarded the Influential Paper Award at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2009) for her co-authored paper ‘Efficient Time Series Matching by Wavelets’ presented 10 years ago. The ICDE, a premier forum in engineering, assessed papers presented 10 years ago for the single award this year. First presented at ICDE 1999, Professor Fu’s pioneering paper which proposed wavelets as an efficient time series matching technique, has been highly regarded by the database community. 火 車行駛時的顛簸、車流經過公路及橋樑時引 起的輕微振動,甚至人走路時,都可產生振 動能量。這些不為人察覺的能量,在科學家眼中卻 別具探索意義。 機械與自動化工程學系廖維新教授( 右 )及其博士研 究生梁俊睿( 左 ),研究如何將日常環境中的振動能 量轉化為電能,並加以收集儲存。他們成功設計出 一種能提升儲電效率的收集電路,收集所得的電能 比現有採用的電路高出百分之五十。有關論文獲電 機及電子工程師學會訊息與自動化國際會議本年度 的「最佳論文獎(自動化)」。 V ibration occurs when a train is jolting along a bumpy road, or even when people are taking a walk and scientists are very interested in it. Dedicated to investigating energy harvested from vibration and transforming it into electrical energy, Prof. Liao Wei-hsin (right) and his PhD student Mr. Liang Junrui (left) of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering designed an improved self-powered switching interface for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuits which can increase the energy harvested by 50%. The innovative design brought them the Best Paper Award in Automation in the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation. 中 大研究率先發現正常眼壓性青光眼與隱匿性腦梗塞的關係,為推翻「青光眼僅 源於高眼壓」的舊觀念提供更多證據。 眼科及視覺科學學系譚智勇教授( 右一 )表示,醫學界均意識到,多達50%的青光眼患 者的眼壓是屬於「正常」甚至是較低的範圍,眼壓升高是青光眼的危險因素,但並非 唯一致病因素。 在一個對象為286名正常眼壓 性青光眼患者、為期三年的前 瞻性研究中,發現患有隱匿性 腦梗塞患者的青光眼病情,比 沒有隱匿性腦梗塞的青光眼患 者嚴重61%。愈來愈多證據顯 示正常眼壓性青光眼與許多血 管因素有關。該項研究結果於 今年7月在美國眼科學會官方雜 誌 Ophthalmology 刊登。 A pioneering study by CUHK has identified a new relationship between silent cerebral infarct and deterioration of normal tension glaucoma, which poses more evidence against the old belief that glaucoma is a disease due only to high eye pressure. ‘As many as 50% of patients with glaucoma have eye pressure of a “normal” or even low range. Raised eye pressure is a risk factor, but not the only cause of glaucoma. Raised eye pressure is no longer part of the definition of glaucoma,’ said Prof. Tham Chee-yung Clement (1st right), professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. A prospective three-year study of 286 patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG) demonstrated that patients with silent cerebral infarcts, an asymptomatic stroke-precursor condition, were 61% more likely to have worsened NTG than those without. The result is consistent with a growing body of evidence that vascular factors are likely to be involved in normal tension glaucoma. The results of this study were published in Ophthalmology , the official journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology — a leading authority in the field. 工程教授膺 亞太傑出青年研究學者 International Accolade for Engineering Professor 隱匿性腦梗塞青光眼病人 眼患嚴重61% Silent Cerebral Infarct Found to Worsen Glaucoma 論文影響力歷久常新 Paper Praised for Enduring Influence 新設計提升 振動能源收集量近半 New Design Ups Vibration Energy Collection by Half
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