Newsletter No. 344
No. 344, 4.10.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 納百川,有容乃大」乃清朝兩廣總督林則徐的自 勉,指大海之大,因為能夠容納無數的大小河 流,也用來比喻一個人如欲有寬廣氣度與胸襟,就不僅要 寬容別人,還要不斷吸取各種知識;政務司司長唐英年也 以這說話揭開演講的序幕。 香港特別行政區政務司司長唐英年獲邀擔任逸夫書院聚 會的嘉賓講者,於9月18日在中大以「領導—包容的藝 術」為題,與一千五百名學生分享高見。 他在講座中表示,精明的領導者有胸襟,身邊能夠容納 精明人和比他更精明的人,他更應該找一些在性格上能夠 與他互補的人。若你是勇往直前的人,最好身邊有人替你 勒韁,叫你「小心看路」。 to advance without thorough consideration, it is better to have someone to hold you back and remind you. To implement policies effectively, Mr. Tang pointed out that the government should not detach itself from the people. It is important to listen to voices from all walks. He quoted what Winston Churchill, the former British Prime Minister, said, ‘Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.’ Mr. Tang stressed that a good leader should be a good listener. He should be open to comments and opinions. Mr. Tang drew an analogy between a cook and the government. He said the government should no longer have the mindset that ‘you should eat what I cook’, but should adapt to the evolving climate which dictates that citizens be more involved in decisions related to what they are eating, how it is cooked, and who is cooking it. The lecture is part of the General Education Programme of Shaw College, which aims to broaden the exposure of students as well as to encourage personal and intellectual contact between students and teachers across all academic disciplines. The College has been inviting specialists of different professions to share their expertise and life experiences with its students. They have included Mr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Mr. Wong Yan-lung, Secretary for Justice and Mr. Lam Chiu-ying, former director of the Hong Kong Observatory. 日 本駐希臘大使北村隆則於9月17日在中大校園主 持講座,題目為「從歐盟經驗預告東亞融合」,與 百多名中大師生、政商界和學界人士,以及多國駐港領事 分享其真知灼見,反應熱烈。 北村先生根據他在歐洲的經驗,介紹歐盟制度的特色。 他首先分析存在了三百五十年的傳統主權國家體制,以及 一些歐洲國家怎樣為了彼此的利益,放棄主權而結成共 同體。他指出歐盟的特點是主權共有,並秉持同一價值 觀。 北村先生接着說,東亞由於區內經濟體系迅速發展,遲早 會超越美國和歐盟。據他預測,這將帶來權力的轉移,過 去處理東亞事務的方式將受質疑。他又指出,東亞如能組 成區域共同體,各國都將獲益匪淺。北村先生強調,提倡 及帶領東亞建立共同體的重任,落在中國和日本肩上。因 此,中日兩國的戰略夥伴關係極為重要。 北村先生1972年加入日本外務省,曾派駐多個駐外機構, 包括駐中國和駐菲律賓大使館、聯合國日本政府代表部 等。他於2004年獲委任為日本駐香港總領事,2006年起 出任日本駐希臘大使至今。 日本駐希臘大使談東亞融合 Ambassador of Japan to Greece on East Asian Overtures • M r. Takanori Kitamura, Ambassador of Japan to Greece, gave a lecture titled ‘EU experience of integration and East Asian overtures’ on 17 September on CUHK campus. The lecture was warmly received by over a hundred CUHK staff and students, members of the political, business and academic sectors, and foreign consuls. Mr. Kitamura introduced the institutional characteristics of the EU based on his experience in Europe. He first analysed the traditional sovereign states that have existed for the last 350 years, and the European countries that have relinquished sovereign rights and formed a community with one another for mutual benefit. He noted that the EU is to share the sovereign rights and the same value. He then spoke of East Asia with its fast growing economies that would exceed the US and EU sooner or later. He foresaw that as a result, a tectonic power shift would take place and the traditional way of managing East Asia would be challenged. He claimed that East Asia would benefit a lot from forming a regional community. He also stressed that China and Japan are to shoulder the main task of initiating and leading community building and for that purpose, the strategic partnership between China and Japan is extremely important. Mr. Kitamura joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1972 and has served overseas in China, Hong Kong, New York (United Nations), the Philippines and Greece. He was appointed Consul-General to Hong Kong in 2004 and assumed the current post of Ambassador to Greece in 2006. 唐英年論包容的藝術 Henry Tang Ying-yen on Art of Magnanimity • 唐英年稱要有效施政,政府不能夠脫離群眾,要聆聽社會 各階層的聲音,他又引用英國首相邱吉爾說的:「勇氣是 敢站起來說話,也敢坐下來傾聽。」強調領袖應是一個好 的聆聽者,對別人的意見及批評持開放包容的態度。 聆聽也是一個讓他人參與的過程,他以廚師比喻施政者: 「政府不能再以『我煮甚麼你食甚麼』的心態去施政,而 要適應市民對於『吃甚麼』、『怎樣煮』、『誰去煮』,都要 有份決策的這種變化。」 是次講座為逸夫書院通識教育的一部分,旨在擴闊同學的 學術視野及促進不同學系師生的交流。過去曾任講者的包 括特首曾蔭權、財政司司長曾俊華、律政司司長黃仁龍及 前天文台台長林超英先生等。 ‘T he sea accommodates hundreds of rivers because it can and is willing to accept all.’ This was part of a couplet which Mr. Lin Zexu, the Emperor’s commissioner in Canton in the Qing Dynasty, wrote to remind himself to be a good leader. It is a metaphor for the magnanimity of a person. A magnanimous person is willing to accept others and to learn constantly. The Honourable Henry Tang Ying- yen, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, began his speech with a reference to this couplet. Mr. Tang was invited to share his views on leadership and magnanimity with some 1,500 students at the Shaw College assembly on 18 September. Mr. Tang said a smart leader should be magnanimous enough to be willing to work with people who are smarter than him. He should partner with people who can complement his weakness. If you have the tendency 「海
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