Newsletter No. 344

No. 344, 4.10.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 長頸鹿  水彩畫 葉善衡,藝術系三年級 A Giraffe  Water colour on paper Yip Sin-hang Natalie Year 3, Department of Fine Arts 學生信息系統藍圖獲通過 Blueprint of Student Information System Finalized • 中 大學生信息系統(CUSIS)的發展突飛猛進,設計 藍圖於8月中獲項目督導委員會通過,該項目團隊 的下一步是着手建構整個系統。 過去五個月,CUSIS項目團隊舉行了一百二十多場工作坊 及會議,透過多方面的交流,跟各書院、學院、學系及行 政部門的主要用家通力合作,制定如何有效利用「Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise 校園解決方案」,滿足大學目前及 未來的需要。 CUSIS為一套供學生和教職員使用的綜合信息系統,提升 大學整體服務效率、靈活性和可用性。例如學生可透過一 站式的平台管理網上個人資料、報讀各類課程、申請獎助 學金或經濟援助,以及查詢學科成績等。同樣,導師亦可 以透過CUSIS,隨時隨地管理自己的教學資料、上課及考 試時間表和學生成績。 大學教務長吳樹培先生在一次簡報會中表示:「各書院、 學院、學系的行政人員和教學及服務單位緊密合作,是提 高大學服務質素的成功關鍵。」 團隊已開始跟大學不同部門介紹CUSIS,就未來大學工作 模式的改變多方交流。2009年底,項目將邁向另一重要里 程碑—系統測試和用戶驗收測試,屆時團隊將與學生和 教職員進行更廣泛的溝通。 團隊現正舉行「CUSIS標誌設計比賽」,歡迎中大學生參 加。勝出的設計將廣泛用於CUSIS相關的出版及宣傳媒 體,包括CUSIS網站。 有關比賽及CUSIS詳情,請瀏覽網址: hk/cusis/ 。 T he blueprint for the Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) was endorsed by the CUSIS Steering Committee in mid-August. This marks a critical milestone in the project. The project team is now moving full steam ahead to configure and implement the system. During the last five months, over 120 design workshops and meetings were conducted. Through these exchanges, the project team facilitated key users from the Colleges, Faculties, academic departments and administrative units to determine how the University can best leverage the Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solution (the basis of CUSIS) to address the current and future needs of academic administration. As an integrated information system supporting academic and administrative units across the University, CUSIS is expected to enhance overall service delivery to all stakeholders, in terms of efficiency, flexibility and accessibility. For instance, through the new University Portal, the main gateway to CUSIS, students will be able to enrol in courses, apply for financial aid and scholarships, view academic progress, and manage personal particulars, etc., all in a paperless online environment. Similarly, teaching staff will be able to access and manage teaching and learning activities/ information: from class schedule to exam schedule, from class roster to grading—anytime, anywhere. ’In order to achieve new and enhanced service delivery, the extensive collaboration of administrative staff from the Colleges, Faculties and departments, with administrative and service units across the University will be critical,’ said Mr. Eric Ng, Registrar of the University, in one of the recent briefings. With that, the project team has begun to conduct small- group discussion sessions and large-scale briefings to communicate with different stakeholder groups on how CUSIS would support their daily operations. Starting in the latter part of 2009, the project team will further communicate with the wider University community, in particular students and academic staff, when the project reaches the next critical milestone—system test and user acceptance test. In addition to traditional face-to-face and one-way communications, the project team will hold a CUSIS Logo Design Competition. This activity will be open to all students of the University. The winning logo will be adopted on all project-related publications, including the project website. More details about this as well as other CUSIS-related information can be found on the project website . 中大揚威兩大划艇賽 Grand Slam for Rowing Team at Intervarsity Championships CUSIS 簡報會 CUSIS Briefing Session 中 大男女子划艇隊分別擊敗港大男女子隊,於2009年 9月13日舉行的「第二十三屆兩大划艇賽」勇奪冠軍。 比賽首場為女子四人千五米賽事,起步後港大 佔先,中大力追,兩隊女將鬥至終點前一 百米仍然難分高下,直至衝線一刻, 中大隊力壓港大獲勝。而男子八人 三千米賽事為當天的重頭戲,中大 隊全程領先,最後中大健兒勇奪男 女子雙冠軍。 C UHK defeated HKU to win the 23rd Intervarsity Rowing Championships for both the men’s and women’s teams on 13 September 2009. The day began with the women’s 1,500m race and ended with the men’s 3,000m race. The CUHK rowing team won both, capturing the grand slam at the event.