Newsletter No. 345

No. 345, 19.10.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 空空,無一物……」新亞書院院歌所表達的辦 學精神,在歷史迴盪了近一甲子。先賢艱苦創 校,書院由桂林街、農團道到沙田時期,不斷成長、發展和 蛻變。這段為理想奮進的歷史,如今一一以圖片展現。 新亞書院邁進六十周年,於9月25日至10月25日假大學 圖書館展覽廳舉辦「奮進一甲子—新亞書院歷史圖片 展」,9月25日的開幕儀式吸引逾百位來賓、校友及師生 出席。 副校長兼新亞 書院院長黃乃 正教授致辭時表 示,展出的圖片 及文物反映創校 先賢的遠見,以 及後來者對弘揚 新亞辦學精神的 堅持及努力。書院 日後將繼續透過舉 辦多元化的書院及 學生活動,協助學 生在德、智、體、群、 美各方面持續成長。 是次展出的照片,已連同其他珍貴圖片結集成書,名為 《奮進一甲子—新亞書院歷史圖片集》,有系統地輯錄 了過千幀有關書院發展、學術和學生活動的照片。 新亞圖片回顧歷史 New Asia Pictorial History in Retrospect • 鏡頭捕捉學者另一面 Unveiling Scholars’ Other Sides • 學研究學者給人嚴肅寡言,高不可攀的感覺,但 其實並不是這一回事。」著名攝影師謝至德先生 希望透過鏡頭,讓大家認識學者的另一面。 「謝至德鏡頭下的中大學者群像」攝影展在9月29日舉行 開幕儀式,由中大副校長黃乃正教授主持,謝至德先生及 多位中大教職員均有出席。展出的 三十五幅研究人員肖像,亦見於同 時出版的《開新探微─中大學人 群像》。這本圖文並茂的專冊,讓 讀者既可一睹中大學者的風采, 也可得悉大學研究活動之包羅 萬象。 三十五位學者各自精采,要活現出 其個性,委實不易。謝至德表示, 他往往會在拍攝前了解學者專長 的領域,甚至親身到現場觀察以 作準備。至於如何捕捉學者的性格,倒不用刻意營造,因 與他們談話時,真情會自然流露;此外,偶有學者會提出 希望照片可達致怎樣效果,構圖也揉合了他們的想法。 背景、構圖、顏色、光暗等,都是攝影師賴以 襯托學者的性格及學術背景的元素。數學系 魏軍城教授背後是堆積如山的書架,謝至 德說鑽研數學的教授,通常需要很多資料, 於是選取了這個場景。數學家擅長抽象思 維,觀乎魏教授胸有成竹,足見雜亂中自有 章法。至於另一幅同樣以書架作背 景的作品,可見藏書汗牛充棟,惟井 然有序,一絲不茍,恰似法令莊嚴, 相中人正是法律學院院長麥高偉 教授。 ‘R esearchers always seem to look solemn and unapproachable. But, in fact, this is not the whole picture.’ Famous photographer Ducky Tse Chi-tak hopes to share with the public the other sides of scholars through his lens. The opening reception for the exhibition ‘A F e l l ows h i p o f L e a r n i n g : Por trait s of CUHK Researchers by Ducky Tse’ was held on 29 September. The reception was officiated by Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Pro- Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. In attendance were Ducky Tse and CUHK scholars and staff. The occasion also marked the launch of the brochure A Fellowship of Learning: Research at CUHK , which profiles 35 of the University’s star researchers, giving the public some idea of the impressive range of CUHK’s research activities. It is not easy to shoot unique portraits for 35 scholars. Tse said he had to acquaint himself with a scholar’s speciality before a shoot. When asked how to capture a researcher’s personality, the experienced photographer said he did it by engaging his subject in casual talk. Some researchers also offered input into the composition of the photos and Tse tried his best to incorporate their ideas. By means of the background, composition, colours and lighting, Tse tried to convey a sense of the scholars’ personalities, specialities, and what makes them unique. Prof. Wei Juncheng of the Mathematics Department, for instance, stood in front of a tastefully messy bookshelf. Tse said mathematicians need to work with a lot of materials, hence he picked the scholar’s bookshelf as the background. On the other hand, Prof. Mike McConville, dean of the Faculty of Law, also posed in front of a bookshelf in his office, but a very orderly one at that. N ew Asia College was established by scholars in difficult times six decades ago. From Kweilin Street to Farm Road to Shatin, the College experienced growth, development and advancement. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the College. In celebration, a historical photo exhibition themed ‘Six Decades of Endeavour’ has been organized from late September to 25 October in the University Library Exhibition Hall. The opening ceremony was held on 25 September. Over a hundred guests, alumni, staff and students were in attendance. In his speech, Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor and head of the College, said the photos and items related to the College’s history showed the vision of the founders and the persistent upholding of the New Asia spirit of the followers. The College will continue to organize diversified activities to encourage the growth of students morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically. Together with other valuable historic photos collected, the College has compiled and released the book Six Decades of Endeavour—A Pictorial History of New Asia College . Illustrated by close to 1,000 photos, it gives a detailed account of the College’s development, as well as its academic and students activities. 1955年農圃道校舍舉行動土儀式 Ground breaking ceremony of Farm Road Campus in 1955 開幕典禮主禮嘉賓:(左起)新亞書院教職員聯誼會主席鍾葉雲艷教授、院長 黃乃正教授、校友會會長陳志新先生,以及學生會會長林芷欣同學 Officiating guests (from left): Prof. Ip Wan-yim, chairman of NA Staff Association, Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, head of the College, Mr. Chan Chi-sun, chairman of NA Alumni Association and Miss Lam Tsz-yan, chairman of NA Student Union, cutting the ribbon 麥高偉教授 * Prof. Mike McConville * 魏軍城教授 * Prof. Wei Juncheng * * 照片由謝至德先生提供 Photo courtesy of Ducky Tse 「手 「大 謝至德先生 Ducky Tse