Newsletter No. 345

No. 345, 19.10.2009 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問熊秉真教授 Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming Prof. Fung Tung 馮通 1 可否談談為何你鍾情地理學,箇中吸引之處是甚 麼? Why did you choose to study geography? What drew you to it? 記得小學時,父親買了一本地圖集回來,翻着翻着,發覺從 中不但可認識世界各地,也可與經濟、歷史及藝術等其他 學科知識結合,由此便愛上看地圖。在中學,參與過野外 考察後,對地理學的興趣更濃厚。 My father brought home an atlas when I was in primary school. By looking it up, I learnt about different places in the world—knowledge which could be integrated with that of other disciplines such as economics, history, and the arts. I have since loved to read atlases. My interest in geography was further heightened by field trips in secondary school. 2 在中大唸地理,跟在其他大學唸地理有甚麼分別? What are the differences between studying geography in CUHK and other local tertiary institutions? 地理學範疇非常廣泛,包括自然、人文和城市地理,還有近 年方興未艾的地理訊息學,彼此互為因果,一個學系要涵 蓋所有範疇實非可能。儘管如此,中大地理與資源管理學 系在眾多範疇取得平衡,並兼顧了周遭的區域性發展,學 生畢業後繼續深造或就業的前景也很多樣化。 Geography encompasses a range of knowledge that includes physical, human and urban geography, and the emerging field, geoinformation science, with which it has a reciprocal cause-effect relationship. A single department cannot cover all these fields. The Chinese University’s geography programme manages to strike a balance between various fields and emphasizes regional development. Graduates aremuch sought after by graduate schools and employers in a vast range of sectors. 3 出任協理副校長,主要負責哪些方面的工作? What are your responsibilities as Associated Pro- Vice-Chancellor? 主要協助程伯中副校長處理校園整體發展和管理工作。連 同新增的「三十九區」,校園總面積剛好佔香港土地約千 分之一,地方不算小,加上斜坡偏多,發展和管理會有不少 挑戰。 I assist Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, in campus development and management. With the new Area 39, the campus makes up about 0.1% of the total area of Hong Kong. That’s a sizeable area and the steep topography pose challenges for development and management. 4 目前為止遇到些甚麼挑戰,又得到些甚麼支持? What have been the challenges so far? What support have you received? 校園發展牽涉所有中大的持份者,必須提高政策透明度, 且保持良好溝通。是以,最大的挑戰在於要在最短時間 內,把訊息傳遞給大家,讓他們清楚了解,從而提供意見。 校園發展有賴前線工作人員的通力合作,就這方面來說, 校園發展處提供了專業建築設計,而物業管理處則戮力維 護校園景致。此外,書院、學生和校友對校園環境的關注 和積極參與也記一功。 As campus development involves many stakeholders, there must be a high degree of transparency and communication. The most challenging task is to make sure that messages are relayed to all concerned in a timely fashion, so they will understand the whole picture and be able to comment on it. The effort of our frontline workers in maintaining the campus environment is also crucial. The Campus Development Office provides us with state-of-the-art architectural designs and the Estates Management Office maintains a quality physical environment for us. There are other contributions in the form of long-term support from the Colleges, students and alumni. 5 中大的環保節能工作做得怎樣? How has CUHK been performing in environmental protection and energy saving? 觀乎中大獲得「2008香港環保卓越計劃」公共機構及非 政府機構組別的「界別卓越獎」銀獎,足證校方在綠化、 節能和保育等硬件方面做得不錯。然而,最重要的是生活 態度。我們每一舉動,都影響着地球,只要大家日常生活 貫徹實行環保理念,長遠來說必有助減輕對環境的破壞。 因此,校方更重視環保教育,新設的持續發展環保大使計 劃,就是藉同事和學生在校內推廣環保活動和教育,促使 大家反思應如何使我們的環境更加美好。 CUHK was conferred the silver award of the 2008 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Sectoral Awards under the category of Public Sector and Non- Government Organizations. The award recognizes the University’s excellence in hardware enhancement such as greening, environmental protection and conservation. But awareness and daily practice are most important as the state of our environment is affected by our behaviour. If we commit ourselves to adopting green practices, damage to earth will be lessened in the long run. That is why the University is concerned about environmental promotion and education. The newly launched Environmental Sustainability Ambassador Programme aims at encouraging introspection on how to lighten our carbon footprint by means of various activities and education led by staff and student ambassadors. 6 「三三四」建築項目進展如何? What is the progress on the ‘3+3+4’ capital projects? 晨興和善衡書院上蓋工程即將動工,而和聲書院的地基平 整工作、敬文和伍宜孫書院的設計工作亦已開始。至於另 外四項重要建築項目:圖書館擴建、學生活動中心、綜合 教學大樓II及綜合科研實驗室大樓的地盤平整工程亦已陸 續展開。 Superstructural works for Morningside College and S.H. Ho College, and site clearance for Lee Woo Sing College have begun. C.W. Chu College and Wu Yee Sun College are currently on the drawing board. Site clearance for the other four capital projects, namely, the Library Extension, the Student Amenity Centre, Teaching Complex II, and the Centralized General Research Lab Complex, is expected to begin soon. 7 你希望《可持續校園》這份校園綠色刊物扮演甚麼 角色? What is the role of the green publication Sustainable Campus ? 《可持續校園》不單是介紹校園環保工作、重要發展及特 別生態環境,加深大學同人對「可持續」的認識,亦是與大 家溝通的橋樑。 Sustainable Campus is not only an informative publication introducing our environmental works, development, and unique ecological conditions to enhance the understanding of ‘sustainability’; it is also a means of communication. 8 多年來你不輟服務社會,現在有參與甚麼公職? Throughout the years, you have served the community. What public services are you currently involved in? 隨着政府於十多年前陸續開始應用地理資訊系統,我分別 為規劃署、漁農自然護理署和環境保護署等部門提供顧問 服務,並協助訓練相關專才。最近,漁農自然護理署於西 貢確立了八個珍貴自然景點作為地質公園,我亦獲邀擔任 顧問委員,就平衡觀光和保育提供意見。 Since the government started geoinformation science application in the 1990s, I have provided consultancy and training services to various government departments such as the Planning Department, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), and Environmental Protection Department. I am a member of the Task Force on Hong Kong Geopark, AFCD, and I comment on the balance of sightseeing and conservation for geoparks in Sai Kung. 9 加入中大二十一年了,有甚麼特別感受? Having worked for over two decades in CUHK, do you have any special feelings? 這些年來不管是大學或是香港皆經歷急速的變化,生活節 奏緊張,要應付的問題亦層出不窮,寄語學生應及早裝備 自己,迎接挑戰。 Both the University and Hong Kong have gone through rapid changes these years. Life is tense and an infinite number of problems emerge, waiting to be solved. I urge students to equip themselves for the challenges ahead. 10 閒來的消遣是甚麼? What do you do in your spare time? 我是唸地理的,順理成章喜歡行山,既有益身心,又可沿 途欣賞地貌。大埔滘自然保護區是我常到的地方,在那 裏不時碰到中大同事。夏季的早上則會游泳,也愛聽古典 音樂。 I study geography, which makes it natural that I’m interested in hiking. It’s a healthy activity that allows you to appreciate the landscape. I often go to Tai Po Kau Country Park where I sometimes bump into CUHK colleagues. I swim on summer mornings and I like classical music.