Newsletter No. 348
No. 348, 4.12.2009 1 作為首位全職院長,對工商管理學院的發展有甚麼 計劃? Being the first full-time appointed dean, what plans do you have for the Faculty of Business Administration? 學院有三大目標,第一是把工商管理碩士課程發展為世界 級課程。第二是提升研究的質量至世界水平,除一般的學 術研究外,亦會着重研究中國及新興市場的發展。第三則 是進一步加強在內地的研究及培訓項目,從而提升學院在 內地的知名度及地位。 The Faculty puts forward three objectives. First, to develop a world-class MBA programme. Second, to raise the quality of research to world-class standard: both generic academic research and that on China/emerging market issues. Third, to enhance the Faculty’s profile and reputation in China by strengthening its research and training programmes on the mainland. 2 中國在世界經濟體系愈趨重要,中大工商管理學院將 擔任甚麼角色? What is the role of the Faculty of Business Administration with reference to China’s emergence in the world economy? 我們的任務是培養具國際視野的中國管理人才,以及洞燭 中國勢情的外國商業領袖。 Our mission is to nurture Chinese business leaders with global mindsets, and global business leaders with insights on China. 3 工商管理學院有甚麼優勢以達至上述目標? What advantages does the Faculty of Business Administration enjoy in its endeavours to achieve the above objectives? 學院的歷史悠久,全港第一個工商管理碩士課程和行政 人員工商管理碩士課程便是我們創辦的,研究範圍國際 化之餘,更植根中國文化。我們的校友網絡龐大,其中不 乏著名商界領袖和各行各業的高級行政人員。此外,學院 與內地知名院校及國家單位合作緊密,與清華大學、西安 交通大學及國家財政部上海國家會計學院等,均有合辦課 程,關於中國和新興市場的研究更是備受稱譽。本月15及 16日,經濟及金融研究所將和美國全國經濟研究所合辦 題為‘Capitalizing China’的國際研討會。這些在在都是 學院的發展優勢。 The Faculty has a long history, being the first academic faculty in Hong Kong to launch MBA and EMBA programmes. Our research is both global-minded and rooted in Chinese culture. We have a strong alumni network comprising eminent business leaders and senior executives in various sectors. The Faculty also has close collaborations with renowned mainland universities and government departments. We offer joint programmes with Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and the Shanghai National Accounting Institute under the Ministry of Finance. Our special research focus on emerging economies and China enjoys much international recognition. The international Conference on Capitalizing China will be co-organized by CUHK’s Institute of Economics and Finance, and the US National Bureau of Economic Research on 15 and 16 December. 4 在世界經濟全球化之下,學院有何相應的發展策略? In view of the globalization of the world economy, what are the Faculty’s strategic plans? 學院早已審時度勢,作出配合。我們的全日制工商管理碩 士課程學生有八成半是非本地生,又分別與麻省理工學 院、德州大學奧斯汀分校及法國HEC商學院合辦雙學位課 程。至於本科課程方面,則有與丹麥哥本哈根商學院和美 國北卡羅來納州大學合辦的環球商業學課程,盡攬本地尖 子;也有與國際商業數一數二的南卡羅來納州大學合辦的 國際貿易及中國企業專修課程。學院亦再創先河,開展中 東的經濟研究和教學。 The Faculty has assessed the situation and is well prepared for it. About 85% of our full-time MBA students are non-local students. We offer dual-degree MBA programmes with MIT, the University of Texas at Austin, and HEC School of Management in Paris. For the undergraduate programmes, the Global Business Studies Programme, admitting local top achievers, is jointly offered with Copenhagen Business School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, while the new International Business and Chinese Enterprise Concentration has as its partner the University of South Carolina which is widely recognized for the strength of its international business programmes. The Faculty will also pioneer economic research and teaching in the Middle East. 5 可否談談關於中東的教研計劃? Could you please tell us more about research and teaching plans in the Middle East? 學院於上月30日與科威特的 Al Fawaress Holding Company簽定備忘錄,於當地合設科威特.亞洲大學商學 院,開辦結合中東、中國和印度三個新興市場特色的環球 商業工商管理碩士及行政人員工商管理碩士課程。該國的 先進科學基金會並將大力支持中東和中國研究,學院希望 藉此建立一個中東和中國的商學研究平台。 The Faculty signed a memorandum of understanding with Al Fawaress Holding Company in Kuwait to establish the Kuwait-Asia University Business School on 30 November. The school will offer MBA and EMBA programmes in global studies, linking up the characteristics of emerging markets, such as the Middle East, China and India. The Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences will support research on the Middle East and China. We want to create a platform for business knowledge in China and the Middle East. 6 在你眼中,工商管理學教育的意義和價值在哪裏? Where does the value of business education lie? 工商管理學教育的意義不單在於傳授會計學、財務和管理 等理論和知識,最重要的是培養學生放眼世界的心態和專 業操守,從而貢獻社會,促進香港、珠三角,以至內地的經 濟發展。 A business education does not only equip students with hard skills like accounting, finance and management knowledge. More importantly, it cultivates in them a global mindset and professional ethics, so that they can contribute to the economic development of Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta, and China. 7 你說過會計學是一種語言,它以甚麼文法傳遞甚麼 內容? You said that accounting is a language. What are its grammar and its contents? 會計學扮演資訊和契約兩個重要角色。資訊角色是指會 計數據可用以衡量公司價值,契約角色則指股民投資一 家公司,即成為其股東,他們與公司之間便形成一種契約 關係,會計數據便有助股東衡量公司的運作效率和業務 表現。 Accounting has two key roles, i.e., information and contracting. The information role conveys a company’s value through its accounting data. Investors become the stockholders of a company once they hold its shares. Accounting data then helps to monitor the company’s operational efficiency and performance for the benefit of the stockholders. 8 會計學與公司管治有何關係? How is corporate governance related to accounting? 公司管治的目的是令公司有效運作,從而使公司價值提升 至最大,它有一系列機制,內裏包含很多契約,為了盡量增 加公司的長遠價值,和減少內與外之間的矛盾。會計扮演 的重要角色,便猶如為這些契約打一張成績單。 Corporate governance ensures that companies operate efficiently and maximize their value. It consists of a series of mechanisms, including contracts, to enhance companies’ long-term value and to reduce conflicts of interests between insiders and outsiders. Accounting plays a very important role in all this. It’s like drawing up a report card for these contracts. 9 你曾在美國及本地教授本科、碩士及博士課程,並獲 頒傑出教學獎,你認為教學最重要的是甚麼? You have taught undergraduates and graduate students at US and local universities and won the exemplary teaching award. What are the keys to good teaching? 我認為必須具備熱忱、好奇心和溝通技巧。如無熱忱,又 怎會樂於教學?懷有好奇心,自會尋根究柢,不斷求知求 新,從而激發學生的求學興趣。掌握與學生的溝通要訣亦 屬關鍵。 My tips are passion, curiosity and communication. You must be passionate about teaching to enjoy it. Curiosity drives you to look for answers and to innovate, which in turn will ignite students’ interest in seeking knowledge. Mastering communication skills is also important for successful teaching. 10 你從高球運動中領略到甚麽? What has golf taught you? 揮桿時最重要的是專注,亦剛亦柔,才可從心所欲。這恰好 是商學院教授或行政人員須具備的特質,因為市場總是混 亂的,特別是新興市場,要在亂局中找到出路,達到目標, 必須專注,還有剛柔並濟,這需要多種才能與技巧,也是 一門藝術。 You have to focus and hit the ball with a proportional mix of strength and tenderness. It is like being a business professor or executive. Markets are always chaotic, especially emerging markets. You have to be extremely focused to find a way out and achieve your target. This is an art requiring talent and skills. 黃德尊 Prof. T.J. Wong
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