Newsletter No. 349
No. 349, 19.12.2009 榮耀的肯定 前校長高錕教授親領諾貝爾獎 The Highest Recognition Former Vice-Chancellor Professor Charles K. Kao Receives Nobel Prize 四 十多年前,高錕教授埋首於他的光纖研究,每天都 很晚才歸家,夫人高黃美芸為此很生氣,高教授這 樣回答:「別生氣,我們現在做的是非常振奮人心的事情, 有一天它會震驚全世界的。」 高太太聽罷揶揄地說:「真的嗎?那你會因此而得諾貝爾 獎的,是嗎?」 四十多年前的戲言今天成為真實。高教授的研究成果為通 訊界帶來一場驚天動地的革命,也為他贏得2009年諾貝 爾物理學獎。 諾貝爾基金會按照傳統邀請各得獎人假瑞典斯德哥爾摩 舉行講座,與大眾分享其獲獎的研究。物理學獎講座定 在12月8日,高錕教授的講座題為‘Sand from Centuries Past; Send Future Voices Fast’,由其夫人代為主講。 高錕教授是中大前校長(1987 – 1996),大學為與所有中 大人和香港市民分享這份榮譽,特別安排於校內和網上直 播講座。約三百名中大師生及公眾親臨何善衡工程學大 樓王統元堂觀看直播,校長劉遵義教授、副校長楊綱 凱教授、博文講座教授楊振寧也有出席,場面熱鬧。 劉校長說:「講座道出高錕教授利用纖維傳遞光,成 功研發光通訊的奇妙過程。原來這項舉世聞名、為資 訊世界帶來革命、影響全球的發明,其原材料竟是來 自海裏取之不竭的沙。我們現在得以在斯德哥爾摩八 千里外的這個演講廳內,與高教授同步分享這份喜 悅,亦是端賴光纖的發明。」 諾貝爾頒獎典禮在12月10日假斯德哥爾摩音樂廳 舉行,高錕教授於滿場熱烈掌聲中,從瑞典國王卡 爾十六世手上接過2009年諾貝爾物理學獎獎章和 獎狀,代表世人對他成就的肯定與感激。 F our decades ago, in the 1960s, Prof. Charles K. Kao immersed himself in the development of fibre optics. He often came home late and his wife Mrs. Gwen M.W. Kao got very annoyed when this happened day after day. Professor Kao would reply: ‘Please don’t be so mad. It is very exciting what we are doing; it will shake the world one day!’ In response, Mrs. Kao would reply with sarcasm, ‘Really? So you will get the Nobel Prize, won’t you?’ Professor Kao’s prophecy came true today. His research has revolutionized telecommunications and won him the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics. Professor Kao’s Nobel Lecture in Physics entitled ‘Sand from Centuries Past; Send Future Voices Fast’, was delivered on 8 December by Mrs. Gwen Kao at Stockholm, Sweden. Professor Kao was Vice-Chancellor of CUHK from 1987 to 1996. To share such memorable moments with CUHK members and the public, the University broadcast the lecture live on CUHK campus and the internet. An audience of around 300, including Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Kenneth Young, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Yang Chen Ning, Distinguished Professor-at- Large of CUHK, gathered at T.Y. Wong Hall, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building to watch the live broadcast. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau said, ‘The lecture told the marvellous story of Professor Kao’s groundbreaking research on the transmission of light in fibres for optical communication, which heralded the information revolution and subsequently changed the world. The raw material of his great invention is sand from the sea, which is abundant and inexhaustible, and from which optical fibres are made. And thanks to fibre optics, we are able to share this great moment with Professor Kao today in real time, in this lecture hall, 8,000 kilometres away from Stockholm.’ At the Nobel Prize ceremony held on 10 December at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, amid warm applause, Professor Kao received from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden the Nobel Prize medallion and diploma, which symbolize the world’s recognition and appreciation for his achievements. 瑞典國王卡爾十六世 King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden 高錕教授 Prof. Charles K. Kao 高錕教授與夫人高黃美芸出席諾貝爾獎晚宴 Professor Kao and Mrs. Gwen Kao at the Nobel Banquet 相片:視覺中國 Photos: China Foto Press
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