Newsletter No. 349
No. 349, 19.12.2009 O 《水泡眼》, 混合媒介 蔡德怡,藝術系三年級 The Bubble Eyes, mixed media Choi Tak-yee, Year 3, Department of Fine Arts 大學圖書館系統聖誕及新年假期開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours on Christmas and New Year Holidays 閉館 Date 大學、崇基、新亞、 聯合及法律圖書館 UL/CC/NA/UC/ Law Library 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 22.12.2009 8:20 am – 5:30 pm 9:00 am – 5:30 pm 8:30 am – 5:30 pm 23.12.2009 8:20 am – 10:00 pm 10:30 am – 9:00 pm 8:30 am – 9:00 pm 24.12.2009 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 25–27.12.2009 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 28–30.12.2009 9:00 am – 7:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:30 am – 9:00 pm 31.12.2009 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 1.1.2010 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 2.1.2010 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 閉館 Closed 9:00 am – 5:00 pm * 有關法律資源中心在此期間之開放時間,請查閱法律圖書館網頁。 Please refer to the Law Library homepage for LRC’s opening hours during this period. 學生事務處送贈2010年海報年曆 OSA 2010 ‘Caring Campus’ Poster Calendar 為了推廣校內關顧文化,學生事務處特設計了2010年海報年 曆,宣揚「關顧校園攜手創」的訊息,鼓勵中大成員結伴攜手, 共建關顧校園。 有意索取年曆的同學或教職員,可於辦公時間內憑學生證或職 員證到范克廉樓學生事務處索取(學生請到一樓學生服務中 心,教職員請到二樓學生輔導及發展組領取)。每人限領一份, 數量有限,送完即止。查詢請致電2609 7208江小姐。 As part of its campaign to promote a ‘Caring Campus’ in CUHK, the Office of Student Affairs commissioned the special production of an A3 size poster calendar for 2010 to promote the vision of ‘Building a Caring Campus’. The calendars are now ready for collection. Interested students and staff may get a complimentary copy from the Student Services Centre (for students) on 1/F or the Student Counselling and Development Service (for staff) on 2/F of the Benjamin Franklin Centre by presenting your student or staff I.D. card. One for each while stock lasts. For enquiries, please call Ms. Kong at 2609 7208. 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 同仁的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、子女、學歷等倘有更改,請填妥「更改個人資料表」及 附上有關文件正本或獲確認的副本,一併交回人事處。地址、電話或遇緊急事故時的聯絡 人資料如有更改,亦務請以書面通知人事處,以便更新。 全職僱員現可透過互聯網登入「僱員個人資料查詢系統」( . hk/ssp/logon.asp ),查閱其個人資料紀錄,並下載「更改個人資料表」以更新資料(亦可 致電2609 7179索取有關表格)。 個人資料如有變動須即時申報,以確保僱員人事紀錄存檔準確。有關資料亦可能影響可 享的附帶福利。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records, staff members with changes of personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, emergency contact, or acquisition of additional qualifications are requested to submit the form ‘Change of Personal Data’ to the Personnel Office with the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents attached. Staff members with any change in address or telephone number should also inform the Personnel Office of the same in writing. Full-time staff members may now access the ‘Staff Self-Service Enquiry System’ via the web ( ) to check their personal data records, and download the form ‘Change of Personal Data’ for updating purposes (the form can also be obtained by calling 2609 7179). Changes of personal data must be reported immediately to ensure the accuracy of University staff records. The updated data may have implications on staff members’ benefits entitlement at the University. 中大教師協會新一屆代表及執委名單 CUTA Council and Exco Membership 2009 – 10年度香港中文大學教師協會的代表會選舉及執委會成員互選結果如下: 會長: 伍鳳儀(商) 執委會主席: 黃創儉(理) 秘書: 張雙慶(文) 司庫: 黃熾森(商) 教協通訊編輯:萬波(文) 執委: 陳德有(教)、林建平(教)、譚永華(商)、左中(醫) 2009 – 11年度代表: 張雙慶(文)、蘇麗文(商)、關海山(理)、倪錫欽(社)、鄺覺仕(商)、梁禮國(理)、 葉雲艷(醫)、劉行榕(醫)、黃創儉(理)、魏雁濱(社)、王香生(教)、黃熾森(商) 2008 – 10年度代表: 伍鳳儀(商)、余濟美(理)、李活雄(文)、周建渝(文)、張明遠(工)、陳振宇(理)、 陳健民(社)、湛偉權(工)、萬波(文)、葉漢明(文)、葛偉(理)、蔡寶瓊(教) 教師協會電話:2609 7392/8997,電郵 Members of the Council and the Executive Committee of The Teachers’ Association of The Chinese University (CUTA) 2009–10 have been elected as follow: President: Ng Fung Yee, Linda (BA) Chairman: Wong Chong Kim (Science) Secretary: Chang Song Hing (Arts) Treasurer: Wong Chi Sum (BA) Editor: Wan Bo (Arts) Executive Members: Chan Tak Yau (Education), Lam Kin Ping (Education), Tam Wing Wah (BA), Zuo Zhong (Medicine) 2009–11 representatives: Chang Song Hing (Arts), So Lai Man, Stella (BA), Kwan Hoi Shan (Science), Ngai Sek Yum (Social Science), Kwong Kok Shi (BA), Leung Lai Kwok (Science), Ip Wan Yim (Medicine), Lau Hang Yung (Medicine), Wong Chong Kim (Science), Ngai Ngan Pun (Social Science), Wong Heung Sang, Stephen (Education), Wong Chi Sum (BA). 2008–10 representatives: Ng Fung Yee (BA), Yu Chai Mei (Science), Lee Wood Hung (Arts), Zhou Jianyu (Arts), Chang, Michael M.Y. (Engineering), Chen Zhen Yu (Science), Chan Kin Man (Social Science), Cham Wai Kuen (Engineering), Wan Bo (Arts), Yip Hon Ming (Arts), Ge Wei (Science), Choi Po King (Education) CUTA telephone: 2609 7392/8997, e-mail:
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