Newsletter No. 353

No. 353, 4.3.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 中科院訪問團與中大主管人員及教授 The CAS delegation, with senior officers and professors from CUHK 中科院院士講座系列 Visit by CAS Academicians • 中 大於2月2至6日舉辦第三屆中國科學院(中科院) 院士訪校計劃,訪問團成員包括北京航空航天大 學教授及軟件開發環境國家重點實驗室主任李未院士、 中科院數學與系統科學研究院院長郭雷院士、中科院數 學與系統科學研究院研究員陳翰馥院士、中國科學技術 大學教授及量子資訊重點實驗室主任郭光燦院士、清華 大學計算機科學與技術系教授張鈸院士、中科院上海技 術物理研究所研究員 君浩院士,以及中科院港澳台事務 辦公室張興根主任和中科院院士工作局技術信息辦公室 高級業務主管胡筠女士。 訪問團與中大主管人員署理校長華雲生教授、候任校長 沈祖堯教授、許敬文副校長、黃乃正副校長及徐揚生協理 副校長等會晤,亦會見了工程學院和理學院教授,到訪工 程學院實驗室及相關研究設施,以了解中大最新的科研計 劃和發展,交流意見,探討未來合作的可能性。 六位院士更於2月4日主講院士講座系列,與逾百位師生及 校外人士探討控制理論與系統科學、量子信息、計算機視 覺研究、極化物理材料和器件等課題。 T he 3rd Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians Visit Programme took place from 2 to 6 February. The CAS delegation comprised Prof. Li Wei, professor at Beihang University and director of the State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment; Prof. Guo Lei, president of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science; Prof. Chen Hanfu from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science; Prof. Guo Guangcan, professor at the University of Science and Technology of China and director of the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information; Prof. Zhang Bo, professor at the Computer Science and Technology Department, Tsinghua University; Prof. Chu Junhao from the CAS Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics; Mr. Zhang Xinggen, director of the CAS Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office; and Ms. Hu Jun from the CAS Division Office of Information Technical Sciences and Technological Sciences. The delegates were received by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Acting Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor Designate; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Pro-Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor. They met with representatives from the Faculties of Engineering and Science, and visited laboratories to exchange ideas and build links. On 4 February, the academicians delivered lectures on systems science, quantum information, and infrared physics, etc., to an audience of over a hundred. can increase output through changes in procedures, processes, or organizational structure with the same resources. Mrs. Cheng believes that the unit head and the colleagues of the unit under review know best where their resources should be spent and how to deploy the resources according to their needs. Therefore, Mrs. Cheng stressed, ‘The MER Update is a joint process between the IAO and the unit under review. Internal auditors are not miracle workers. We don’t have a crystal ball and we can NOT find the solution for the right level of resources on our own. What IAO does is to work together with the operating unit to collect factual data, perform analysis, and enable the unit’s management to have a realistic self-assessment of their own operation and resources.’ A simplistic expression of IAO’s role in the MER Update is that we are the one who hold a mirror up to the unit under review so that the unit’s management can (a) see how they currently deploy the unit’s resources for each key service or process, and (b) determine whether similar resource deployment can be applied to the anticipated workload in 2012. Since internal auditors are not jacks of all trades, IAO would engage external consultants to assist them in areas that require specialized knowledge whenever necessary. At the end of the day, the measurement of efficiency is not an exact science. As Mrs. Cheng puts it, ‘It’s the art of balancing resources with objectives, missions and cultures of the units.’ ‘Internal audit is an integral part of a good governance structure. It’s very common for a sizable organization to have an objective and independent office to carry out this function,’ said Mrs. Cheng. The sister universities in Hong Kong either have their own internal audit office or outsource the function to an international auditing firm. Auditing can be a thankless job and internal auditors are not always embraced with open arms. Mrs. Cheng said that she did have to deal with some very skeptical clients, but having an engaging and out-reaching personality definitely helped her to reduce some unnecessary tension with them. She said, ‘In addition to technical skills, internal audit requires someone with patience and a lot of people skills. A difficult client can become a friendly and helpful colleague if due care is given to his/her concerns.’ When asked what brings her satisfaction, Mrs. Cheng said that she derives satisfaction from a feeling that she and the internal audit team have made a difference. (接上頁 Continued ) 內部審核處各種審計工作 Types of Audit Performed by IAO 內部審核處的審計工作包括以下類型 IAO covers the following types of audit 1 財務審計: 評估財務系統和相關控制 Financial audit — relates to the assessment of a financial system and related controls 2 營運審計: 審核營運情況和內部控制,以評估是否達 到管理層訂立的目標 Operational audit — includes a review of the operational system and internal controls to assess whether they achieve the objectives established by the management 3 遵循審計: 檢討運作方法或程序,以評估是否遵循既 定的規則、政策或條例 Compliance audit — involves a review of processes or procedures to assess the degree of compliance with established rules, policies, or regulations 4 資訊安全及資訊系統審計: 針對大學資訊系統和網 絡安全的關鍵控制 Information security and IT system audit — focuses on key security controls for the University’s information systems and networks 5 特別調查: 應大學管理層要求所進行的調查 Ad-hoc investigations — carries out at the request of the senior management