Newsletter No. 355

No. 355, 4.4.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 錢賓四先生講座歌頌香港文化 Ch’ien Mu Lecture on Celebrating Hong Kong Culture • 醫院改革之策略性系統評估 Knowledge Event on Hospital Reform • 醫 院肩負提供基本及先進醫療服務的重要角色,又 是醫療體系開支中最大一環。因此,要改革醫療服 務,提升效率、質素及應變能力,應先從醫院着手。公共衞 生及基層醫療學院與世界銀行學院及亞洲醫療體系強化 建設網絡於1月28及29日合辦「醫院改革之策略性系統評 估」會議,探討改革政策。 國家衞生部副部長李熙先生、香港特別行政區政府食物及 衞生局局長周一嶽醫生及其他主禮嘉賓主持開幕典禮,亞 洲醫療體系強化建設網絡主席楊永強教授以「醫院改革之 策略性框架」作主題演說。 逾六十位知名學者和醫療保健專家參加會議,他們來 自孟加拉、柬埔寨、中國、印尼、蒙古、菲律賓、新加坡、 斯里蘭卡、泰國、美國及越南,就醫院改革各抒其己見, 分享經驗。 H ospitals play a critical role in providing basic and advanced health care. They comprise the largest expenditure category of health systems and have been the targets of health sector reform aimed at improving efficiency, quality and responsiveness. The University’s School of Public Health and Primary Care hosted the ‘Knowledge Event on Hospital Reform: A Strategic Systems Approach’ in conjunction with the World Bank Institute and the Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening (ANHSS) on 28 and 29 January to examine the system components required for effective and efficient restructuring of hospital organizations. Mr. Xi Li, Vice-Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, and Dr. York Chow, Secretary for Food and Health of the HKSAR Government officiated at the opening ceremony with other distinguished guests. Prof. E.K. Yeoh, chairman of ANHSS, delivered the first keynote speech on ‘A Strategic System Framework for Hospital Reform’. 美 國匹茲堡大學音樂講座教授榮鴻曾教授應新亞書 院邀請,於3月10至16日主持「第二十三屆錢賓四 先生學術文化講座」,以歌頌香港文化為題舉行三場公開 演講。 首場講座以「香港人睇香港戲:粵劇與文化權」為題,於 3月10日假香港演藝學院舉行,吸引逾百名師生及社會人 士出席聽講。 榮鴻曾教授指出,世界各地的傳統藝術逐漸消失,地區社 群因而產生了失落感。此現象引起學術界的關注,提出文 化權的概念,即地區必須擁有本土文化藝術的基本自主 權力,傳統藝術也必須受到絕對保護。粵劇是香港粵人生 活中重要的一環,對世界各地的粵人來 說,更是強烈的凝聚力。面對時代急劇 發展,粵劇前途迷惘,香港行內外有心 人士遂奔走呼籲,力挽狂瀾。 至於餘下兩場講座的講題為「重視民 間音樂、認識本土文化:瞽師杜煥唱香 港」及「香港文人蔡德允女史」,分別 於3月12及16日在邵逸夫堂及許讓成樓 舉行。 榮教授曾任教中文大學、香港大學、加 州大學戴維斯分校及康乃爾大學。他 是早年於中國音樂研究中引入西方民 族音樂學方法的少數學者之一,在教研 和演奏等領域貢獻良多,其中國及香港 音樂的研究更是碩果累累,影響遍及 內地、本港、韓國、台灣及歐美。 P rof. Bell Yung, Professor of Music at the University of Pittsburgh, was invited to chair the 2010 Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture of New Asia College from 10 to 16 March. During that period, Professor Yung gave three public lectures on the theme ‘Celebrating the Literary, Dramatic, and Musical Masters and Masterpieces of Hong Kong’. The first lecture entitled ‘Hong Kong’s Own Theatre: Cantonese Opera and Cultural Rights’, delivered at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on 10 March, attracted an audience of more than 100. Professor Yung pointed out that many traditional art forms are gradually disappearing, potentially leading to the loss of a sense of shared identity within the community that long practised and enjoyed the art. This arouses the attention of scholars who propose that communities have the ‘cultural rights’ to preserve their artistic heritage. Cantonese opera has played a central role in the lives of Hong Kong Cantonese. This art form has also reached across oceans to bind the citizens of the Cantonese diaspora. Yet the future of Cantonese opera is in question, and concerned artists and citizens have been calling for external assistance in its survival, preservation, and development. The other lectures on ‘Folk Music and Local Culture: Blind Dou Wun Sings about Hong Kong’ and ‘Master Tsar The-yun: An Exemplar of Hong Kong’s Literati Tradition’ were delivered on 12 and 16 March at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and Hui Yeung Shing Building respectively. Professor Yung has taught at the Chinese University, the University of Hong Kong, the University of California at Davis, and Cornell University. He is one of the first academics to introduce the methodology of western ethnomusicology to Chinese music studies. He has contributed tremendously to fields of research, teaching and music performance. His studies on the music of China in general and that of Hong Kong in particular have great influence on academia in mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Europe and the Americas. Over 60 renowned scholars and health care professionals from around the world including Bangladesh, Cambodia, mainland China, Indonesia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the US, and Vietnam shared their insights and experiences on hospital reform. (左起)葛菲雪教授、Dr. Maria-Luisa Escobar、林秉恩醫生、周一嶽醫生、李熙先生、胡定旭先生、李麗娟女士、霍泰輝教授與楊永強教 授主持開幕典禮 (From left) Prof. Sian Griffiths, Dr. Maria-Luisa Escobar, Dr. Ping-yan Lam, Dr. York Chow, Mr. Xi Li, Mr. Anthony Wu, Ms. Shelley Lee, Prof. Fok Tai-fai and Prof. E.K. Yeoh officiating the opening ceremony