Newsletter No. 356

No. 356, 19.4.2010 (接上頁 Continued ) 曾 參加講座的建築碩士生黃文穎說:「在這五天裏,我們從個案研究得知建築學 生在中國和美國可以得到甚麼樣的機會;我們也各自提出了一些有關建築業 的意見。培理先生向我們介紹了他的公司『基石』,並分享其工作經驗。我曾在內地和 香港實習,如果這次能到三藩市,將是我第一次到國外實習,這是看看中國和美國工作 方式異同的好機會,也可認識美國建造制度並加以借鑑。」 H uang Wenying Fiona, a Master’s student in architecture, said, ‘Through the case studies in the five-day lecture series, we gained ideas about the opportunities for us as architecture students today in both China and the US. We also shared our opinions on the architectural industry. Mr. Perry introduced his company Cornerstone to us and shared his own work experience. It will be the first time for me to go abroad for an internship if I get the chance to go to Cornerstone in San Francisco. As I have internship experience in both mainland China and Hong Kong, it will be a great opportunity for me to see the differences in the ways of working between China and the US. What’s more, as an architecture student, I will be able to learn about the construction system in the US and learn from it.’ Mr. Perry said, ‘Cornerstone’s vision is to use our unique God-given ability to serve and enrich society with wisdom and integrity—we intend to have a Cornerstone Training Programme and impactful community presence wherever our company is engaged on a project worldwide. I envision that through our partnership with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, we will be able to expand our reach to new markets, and establish our global footprint in the East.’ The collaboration also entails a lecture series and training to be delivered by Cornerstone at CUHK each year on a series of industry trends and relevant topics. Some of these topics include global industry trends in sustainability, green technology, advanced technology, construction technology, business strategy and management practices. In February 2010, Mr. Perry came to Hong Kong to give the first series of lectures and training to CUHK 英 國衞生部首席衞生官利 安姆.唐納森爵士應邀 擔任偉倫訪問教授,於3月26日 主講「公共衞生與藝術」,吸引百 多名中大師生、校友、中學師生、 醫療服務界及公眾人士出席。 唐納森爵士深入探討了從十九 世紀到現代藝術和公共衞生之 間的聯繫。過去二百年來,歐洲 城市工業革命造成的疾病和社 會災難導致了現代公共衞生運 動的誕生,其間公共衞生經歷了 從個人、公眾和政治環境之間的 轉變。公共衞生和藝術的關係密 切。藝術描繪了人類的苦難,也 闡釋了健康與疾病間的脈絡,有 時甚或肩負動員的角色。 唐納森爵士對公共衞生及保健貢獻卓越,影響力遍達全 球。他通過與病人及其家屬、政治家、決策者和世界各地 專家的深入探討,倡議改善病人安 全,國際衞生組織並就此建立了世 界病人安全聯盟。 唐納森爵士自1998年起獲任命為 英國首席衞生官,為該職位任職最 長的官員。 S ir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer for England and Adviser to the United Kingdom, was invited to present a Wei Lun Public Lecture on ‘Public Health and Art’ on 26 March. The lecture attracted over a hundred CUHK teachers, students and alumni, secondary school teachers and students, as well as members of the health care and public sectors. Sir Liam explored the links between art and public health from the 19th century to modern times. The NEWS & EVENTS 英國首席衞生官剖析公共衞生與藝術 English Chief Medical Officer on Public Health and Art • 建築學院院長何培斌教授說:「我們很高興基石基金會選 擇本學院為其首個海外計劃的對象,我們的學生可以從 中獲得美國建造業的第一手經驗,是十分難得的機會。本 院學生聽過講座系列後,渴望了解更多。對學生來說,到 三藩市實習將會是一生難忘的經歷,定能拓其視野,增其 見識。」 培理先生說:「『基石』的願景是運用上帝所賦予我們的 獨特能力,藉着智慧和摯誠,服務社會,使之更豐盛。我 們希望公司無論到世界任何地方工作時,都能設立基石培 訓計劃,造福當地社群。我期望與香港中文大學的夥伴關 係,能夠幫助我們涉足新市場,並把我們遍及全球的足印 留在東方。」 伴隨這個合作計劃的,還有每年由「基石」負責的一系列 講座和培訓,內容涵蓋業界趨勢和其他相關題目,包括全 球業界有關可持續理念的趨勢、綠色科技、先進科技、建 造技術、商業策略和管理實務。2010年2月,培理先生特 地來港,為建築學院學生主持第一次系列講座和培訓。透 過由2月1日起一連五天的講座和培訓, 學生了解基石培訓計劃能為他們帶來 的裨益和機會。他們也參與由培理先生 主持的互動個案研究,分析全球業界的 趨勢,並討論美國和海外就業及創業的 新機遇。學生認為,培理先生對特定項 目的分析和個案研究,與他們息息相關 並富有啟發性。 培理先生是卓有成就的企業家和慈善 家,他致力透過「基石」實現他在近四 分之一世紀前創辦該公司時所立下的願 景。這位來自三藩市的美國人希望為中 大建築學院學生的建築事業道路鋪下 一塊奠基石,令這些未來建築師能夠 慎思明辨,技藝嫻熟,並專心致志實現 自己的願景。 architecture students. Over the five-day period from 1 February, participants were enlightened about the benefits and opportunities from their involvement in the Cornerstone Training Programme. They also participated in interactive case studies facilitated by Mr. Perry, whereby they analysed global industry trends and discussed emerging career and entrepreneurial opportunities in the US and abroad. Students particularly found Mr. Perry’s analyses of specific projects and case studies relevant and illuminating. A successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mr. Perry strives for Cornerstone to achieve the vision it established nearly a quarter of a century ago. What this American from San Francisco will bring to CUHK architecture students is the hope of laying a cornerstone in their path to becoming architects who are critical thinkers and substantially skilled and focused on achieving their vision. birth of the modern public health movement was a response to the diseases and social scourges of the industrial revolution in European cities throughout the last 200 years when public health moved between the personal, the public and the political environment. The relationship between public health and art has been a close one. Art has depicted human suffering, explained the context of health and diseases and acted, at times, as a call to arms. Sir Liam is leader of global influence in health and health care, particularly in the fields of public health care quality. His championing of the imperative to improve patient safety—engaging with victims and their families, politicians, policy-makers and professional leaders worldwide—led directly to the establishment of the World Health Organization World Alliance for Patient Safety. Sir Liam has been appointed as Chief Medical Officer for England since 1998, and is the longest serving Chief Medical Officer in modern times.