Newsletter No. 356

No. 356, 19.4.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 香港在中國金融市場的角色 Hong Kong’s Role in China’s Financial Market • 工 商管理學院院長及會計學講座教授黃德尊教授於3月30日在香港中央圖書館主講「良好 管治—香港在建設中國金融巿場所扮演的角色」,出席講座者逾百人。講座為博文公開 講座系列之一,由中大與香港公共圖書館合辦。 黃德尊教授指出,內地企業來港上巿雖可提升發展潛力,但企業的管治架構卻對於其融入香港 巿場造成一定障礙。黃教授分析這些障礙與內地企業營運環境之間錯綜複雜的關係,並探討香 港巿場對內地上巿公司的價值。相比上海和深圳巿場,香港的資訊自由流通,能提供高水準的金 融專業服務,有助內地企業改善公司管治。 P rof. T.J. Wong, dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Professor of Accountancy, spoke on ‘Good Governance—Hong Kong’s Role in Establishing China’s Financial Market’ at the Hong Kong Central Library on 30 March. Over 100 people attended the lecture, one of the Bowen Lecture Series co-organized by CUHK and the Hong Kong Public Libraries. Despite the tremendous growth opportunities of the Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong, they have distinct challenges in governance structures. Professor Wong explained that these distinct challenges are intricately linked with the economic environment in which these firms operate. He then discussed the value of the Hong Kong market to these firms. Compared to the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets, the Hong Kong market helps to improve the Chinese firms’ corporate governance because it facilitates the free flow of information and emphasizes a high degree of professionalism. 無創性內視鏡治療早期胃腸癌效果顯著 Update on Non-invasive Treatment of Early Gastrointestinal Cancers • 中 大消化疾病研究所近年積 極發展以內鏡粘膜下剝離 術(ESD)治療早期胃腸癌,痊癒率 高達九成半。 胃腸癌症是常見的癌症之一。根據 世界衞生組織的統計,全球每年有 一百五十萬人死於胃腸癌症,胃癌 及腸癌分別佔致命癌症的第二和第 三位。胃腸癌症一旦進入晚期便很 難治癒,但早期患者的五年存活率 達九成以上。 胃腸癌的傳統療法是動手術,牽涉 切除患處和吻合等步驟,出現併發 症和死亡的風險頗高。 中大於2004年率先引進ESD治療 早期胃癌,其優點是毋需開腹,傷 口極小,大幅減輕患者手術後痛 楚,而因胃腸器官得以保留,手術 後的生活質素亦免受影響。然而, ESD最初只適用於在粘膜的早期 胃癌。 過去五年,中大積極發展ESD技術,除治療早期胃癌外, 亦將此技術廣泛應用在整個消化道,包括咽喉、食道、 胃、十二指腸、大腸及直腸。2004年,以ESD治療的病例 只有少於十宗,至2009年已上升至五十宗以上。 目前,中大已為超過二百名病人施行ESD,當中有一百九 十六人痊癒,成功率高達九成半。ESD手術平均需時八 十五分鐘。大部分胃及食道的ESD在全身麻醉下進行, 而大腸ESD可以鎮靜劑作局部麻醉。切除癌症患處的平 均面積為十七點八平方厘米,最大的面積是五十二平方 厘米。病人平均住院時間為三天,當中並無死亡個案, 效果令人鼓舞。有關結果分別刊登於 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy 及 Surgical Endoscopy 等 醫學期刊。 T he Institute of Digestive Disease has widely applied the technique of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) to treat early gastric cancer with a primary success rate of 95% in recent years. Gastrointestinal (GI) cancers are one of the most commonly occurring cancers worldwide. According to World Health Organization cancer statistics, gastric and colorectal cancers are respectively the second and third most common causes of cancer related deaths, which amount to 1,500,000 deaths per year globally. While advanced GI cancers are difficult to cure, the five-year survival for GI cancers at an early stage is more than 90% worldwide. Conventional curative treatment for GI cancers is surgery, which involves resection and anastomosis, and carries significant risk of morbidity and mortality. In 2004, CUHK became the first to introduce the technique of ESD to Hong Kong for the treatment of early gastric cancer. Comparing to conventional surgery, ESD is less invasive because the endoscopic procedure does not have an open wound. Thus, postoperative pain will be substantially reduced. Furthermore, ESD gives the patient a better quality of life as the organ struck by the cancer is not resected. ESD can achieve a curative resection for early GI cancers limited to mucosa with wide margins. Over the past five years, this technique has been applied to treat early-stage cancers of the whole GI tract including pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, as well as colon and rectum. The number of cases treated by ESD increased from fewer than 10 in 2004 to over 50 in 2009. Currently, more than 200 patients have received treatment of early GI cancers by ESD with 196 patients having been successfully treated. The primary success rate of ESD is 95% and it includes patients with early neoplasia or submucosal tumours. The average operating time of ESD was only 85 minutes. Most of the ESD for stomach and esophagus were performed under general anesthesia, while those performed on the colon were under intravenous conscious sedation. The average size of specimen resected was 17.8 cm 2 , with the largest being 52 cm 2 . The average hospital stay was three days and there was no perioperative mortality. With this promising success rate, the above results were published in the journals Gastrointestinal Endoscopy , Endoscopy and Surgical Endoscopy . 外科學系上消化道外科組副教授趙偉仁教授示範內鏡粘膜下剝離術 Prof. Chiu Wai-yan Philip, associate professor, Division of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of Surgery, demonstrating the technique of ESD