Newsletter No. 356

No. 356, 19.4.2010 第三五六期 二零一零年四月十九日 No. 356 19 April 2010 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at (續下頁 To be continued ) 建築事業的基石:基石培訓計劃 Laying the Cornerstone for an Architectural Career 這 句英諺沒有提到中國人會建甚麼。但不管怎樣,今 天的建築師對於建築概念和實務上的文化差異, 不能一無所知。現代建築師作業無定處,或許今天在上 海,明天在聖保羅,過幾天卻到了都柏林或杜拜,甚至同 時間處理不同地方的業務。因此,跨文化理解和經驗對於 現代建築師的養成極為重要。 中大建築學院與Cornerstone Concilium, Inc.(下簡稱 「基石」)攜手,推出基石培訓計劃。2009年10月,雙方 簽訂了解備忘錄,「基石」每年資助兩名建築學院學生到 加州三藩市實習一個月。 「基石」是以三藩市為基地的顧問公司,主力為設施、運 輸和科技行業的工程和管理提供顧問服務。其客戶除了 《財富》雜誌五百強企業外,還有政府部門,這些客戶 的大型基建工程遍及全美國。「基石」的創辦人和現任 主席兼行政總裁偉恩 ● 培理(Wayne H. Perry)在三藩市 灣區長大,從小立志投身建築和工程行業。培理先生是 非洲裔美國人,成長於工人階級聚居的社區,該處沒有建 築師居住,因此年輕時的他找不到可作楷模的建築師。 當他在1986年實現夢想並創業後,就成立推動教育的 基石基金會,幫助社會上弱勢一群,為他們鋪路,投身設 計和建造科技業的顧問行業。多年來,基金會拓寬了許多 美國年輕人的眼界,為他們提供獎學金,助他們晉身建 築、工程、建造、都市規劃和房地產開發行業。基金會進軍 香港,創辦基石培訓計劃,作為東方社會到西方尋找機會 的「橋樑」。 西班牙人每到一個島嶼拓殖,會先建 教堂;法國人建堡壘;荷蘭人建倉庫; 英國人則建酒館。 (十八世紀英國諺語 ) In settling an island, the first building erected by a Spaniard will be a church; by a Frenchman, a fort; by a Dutchman, a warehouse; and by an Englishman, an alehouse. (18th century English proverb) T he old English proverb does not say what a Chinese would build. But whatever it is, an architect today cannot afford to be ignorant of cultural differences in building concepts and practices. Cross-cultural understanding and experience are of utmost importance in the making of a modern architect who may find him/ herself working in Shanghai and Sao Paolo, or Dublin and Dubai at different times in his/her career or all at one time. The School of Architecture of CUHK has entered into a collaboration known as the Cornerstone Training Programme with Cornerstone Concilium, Inc. (Cornerstone). A memorandum of understanding was signed between the two sides in October 2009, according to which two CUHK architecture students will be sponsored by Cornerstone each year to embark on a one-month internship in San Francisco, California. Cornerstone is a San Francisco-based consulting firm that provides engineering and management consulting services within the facilities, transportation and technology industries. Cornerstone consults with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies on major capital infrastructure projects throughout the US. Its founder and present chairman and chief executive, Mr. Wayne H. Perry, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and even from a tender age knew he would be in the architectural and engineering profession. In his youth, “ ” Mr. Perry did not have role models in the architectural profession with whom he could relate to, given that he was an African American youth growing up in a modest working-class, inner-city community where no architectural professions existed. Once he realized his dream and established his own practice in 1986, he set up the Cornerstone Foundation for Educational Advancement, a ‘bridge’ programme to empower underprivileged members of society to succeed in the consulting services profession for the design and construction technology industry. Over the years the foundation has opened up the horizon of many young people in the US by providing them with scholarships and enabling their entrance to the career fields of architecture, engineering, construction, city and urban planning, and real estate development. The Cornerstone Training Programme is an extension of the good works of the foundation to Hong Kong, and aims to serve as a ‘bridge’ for society in the East to pursue opportunities in the West. Prof. Ho Puay-peng, director of the School of Architecture, said, ‘The School of Architecture is delighted that we are the first overseas programme for Cornerstone Foundation and treasure the opportunity that the programme would give our students first-hand experience in the construction industry in the US. The lecture series has already fired up our students’ desire to learn more and the visit to San Francisco would definitely make an indelible difference to the students’ outlook and experience.’ 培理先生(左)與何培斌教授簽訂了解備忘錄 Mr. Perry (left) and Prof. Ho Puay-peng signing the memorandum of understanding