Newsletter No. 358

No. 358, 19.5.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 為 慶祝翻譯文學碩士課程二十五周年,翻譯系上月 舉辦「文化互動:中國文學英譯」國際會議及周年 晚宴。 會議由中大翻譯系與牛津大學的中國學術研究所和中國中 心合辦,崇基學院及聯合書院贊助,於4月15及16日假祖堯 堂舉行,除為翻譯學者提供討論及交流平台外,亦藉此紀 念去夏辭世的漢學大師霍克思教授。 來自牛津大學、劍橋大學、澳洲國立大學、加州大學、史丹 福大學、華盛頓大學、耶魯大學、珀瑪納學院的著名教授 及中大翻譯系的學者,分享中國文學英譯的研究心得。 4月16日晚上於沙田凱悅酒店舉行的翻譯文學碩士課程 翻譯文學碩士課程二十五周年 25th Anniversary of MA Programme in Translation • 二十五周年晚宴,筵開十二席,賓客、教師、校友和學生 聚首一堂,共慶銀禧。 T o celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the MA Programme in Translation, the Department of Translation held an international conference on ‘Cultural Interactions: Chinese Literature in English Translation‘ and an anniversary dinner in April. Jointly organized by the CUHK Department of Translation, the Institute for Chinese Studies and the China Centre, University of Oxford, the conference was held at Cho Yiu Conference Hall on 15 and 16 April to provide a platform for academic exchange, and also in memory of late Prof. David Hawkes, a renowned sinologist at Oxford University, who passed away last summer. The conference was sponsored by Chung Chi College and United College. Scholars from world-renowned universities, including the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Australian National University, University of California, Stanford University, University of Washington, Yale University and Pomona College, and professors of the CUHK Department of Translation presented their findings on Chinese literature in English translation. The dinner, held on the evening of 16 April at Hyatt Regency Sha Tin, was attended by 150 guests, teachers, alumni and students. 中 大與香港公共圖書館合辦博文公開講座第四講於 4月23日在香港中央圖書館舉行,由電子工程學系 許正德教授主講「光纖通訊─綠色科技的體驗」,出席聽 講者近一百三十人。 許正德教授以普及科學的角度介紹光纖通訊,分析這項綠 色科技的發展,並探討如何減省通訊的耗電量,以達至更 環保的目標。 J ointly organized by the Chinese University and the Hong Kong Public Libraries, the fourth Bowen Lecture 光纖與環保科技新發展 Optical Fibers and Environmental Technology • was held on 23 April at the Hong Kong Central Library. Prof. Chester Shu, professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, spoke on ‘Optical Fiber Communication—Experiencing Green Technology’ to an audience of about 130. In the lecture, Professor Shu illustrated optical fiber communication from a general science perspective. He then commented on the development of this green technology and discussed how to save power consumption for achieving a more environmentally- friendly world. 商 學院本科課程於4月舉辦兩場「心連心對話」講 座,邀請陳南祿先生及周文耀先生兩位商界領袖 蒞校,分享成功之道,啟發學生。 4月13日的講座由前太 古(中國)有限公司主 席兼前國泰航空副主席 陳南祿先生主持。他簡 述了國泰航空由1997至 2004年的市場策略,以 及該公司成功重新定位 的經過。 前香港交易所行政總 裁周文耀先生則於4月 20日與商科生會面,細 談他在財經界累積的寶 貴經驗及智慧,以及其 個人信念。 商界精英分享成功之道 Business Elites Speak to Students • and Mr. Paul Chow, both business leaders, shared their insight with undergraduate business students. On 13 April, Mr. Philip N.L. Chen, SBS, JP, former chairman, John Swire & Sons (China) Ltd. and former deputy chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., hosted the talk ‘The Marketing Strategies for Cathay Pacific from 1997 to 2004’ on campus. He also gave examples of how Cathay Pacific repositioned itself. Mr. Paul Chow, SBS, JP, retired chief executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd., met with the business students on 20 April. He candidly shared with the audience his experience in the financial industry, his hard-won wisdom as well as some of his personal beliefs. T he Undergraduate Programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration organized two ‘Heart-to- Heart Talks’ in April in which Mr. Philip N.L. Chen 左起:商學院院長黃德尊教授、陳南祿先生及許敬文副校長 From left: Prof. T.J. Wong, Dean of Business Administration, Mr. Philip N.L. Chen, and Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, CUHK Pro- Vice-Chancellor 周文耀先生(前排左)、工商管理學院副院長陳志輝教授 (前排右)及學生 Mr. Paul Chow (left, front row), Prof. Chan Chi-fai Andrew (right, front row), associated dean, Faculty of Business Administration, and students