Newsletter No. 358

No. 358, 19.5.2010 專 業進修學院於5月1日假太古城 中心舉行四十五周年院慶開幕 禮,為一連串院慶活動揭開序幕,並展 示新院徽。 主禮嘉賓之一、中大專業進修諮詢委員 會主席陳志輝教授( 左六 )對學院的發 展感到十分鼓舞,並祝願學院「桃李滿 天下、春風遍人間」。學院亦特別邀請 政商界名人李鵬飛先生( 左四 )及資深 傳媒人張宏艷女士( 右三 )以「隔代話鳳 凰」為題,分享精益求精、追求卓越的 成功經驗。 院長李仕權博士( 左五 )致辭時表示:「學院一直以『專 業教育,人文傳統』為辦學宗旨,提供的課程廣及管理、 行政、資訊科技、設計、藝術、音樂、哲學、文化及宗教 等範疇。」 新院徽由著名設計師兼學院校友靳埭強先生( 右四 )設 計,CUSCS既是中大專業進修學院的英文簡稱,SCS亦 隱含success、commitment及sincerity之義,即成功、承 諾和真誠。最後的S由兩條弧線組成,代表陰陽,弧線的交 專業進修學院四十五周年院慶 SCS Celebrates 45th Anniversary • 接點如兩極交匯,強調學院與社會的緊密關係,而C與S的 連接則象徵終身教育的核心理念。 T his year marks the 45th birthday of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCS), an anniversary celebration opening ceremony was held on 1 May at Cityplaza. SCS’s new logo was introduced and a series of celebration activities launched. Prof. Chan Chi-fai Andrew (6th left), an officiating guest and chairman, Advisory Board of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK, is heartened by the development of SCS. At the ceremony, Mr. Allen Lee (4th left), business leader and political commentator, and Ms. Lavender Cheung (3rd right), veteran media professional, were invited to speak on ‘In Search of Excellence’. Dr. Victor S.K. Lee (5th left), director of SCS, said, ‘Our school bears the mission of providing “professional education with a humanistic tradition”. SCS courses and programmes cover a wide range of disciplines including management, administration, information technology, design, arts, music, philosophy, culture, and religion.’ The logo of ‘CUSCS’ was designed by Mr. Kan Tai-keung (4th right), renowned designer and SCS alumnus. It not only stands for the abbreviation of the Chinese University School of Continuing and Professional Studies, but also represents success, commitment and sincerity. Drawn in two curved lines, the last ‘S’ resembles ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ and the intersection conveys the connection between the school and community. The importance of life-long learning is expressed by the intersection of ‘C’ and ‘S’. 校隊勇奪師生網球賽冠軍 University Team Wins Tennis Championship • 體 育部主辦的師生網球賽於3月24日在大學體育中 心舉行,由現役的中大網球校隊球員與教職員 代表對壘,全部均為雙打賽事,採用九盤五勝制。激戰 三小時後,校隊以盤數五比四險勝教職員隊,奪回冠軍 寶座。該隊亦是本屆香港大專網球賽殿軍得主,賽後由 麥繼強教授( 後排左三 )頒獎。這項比賽前稱蜆殼盃師生 網球賽,歷史悠久,自1978年起每年舉辦一次。 A fter a fierce three-hour contest, the students’ team recaptured the championship of this year’s CUHK Staff and Student Tennis Competition with a five-four win over the staff team. All matches were doubles and results were based on the best of nine sets. The students’ team is currently the third runner-up of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong. Prof. Mark Kai-keung (3rd left, back row) hosted the prize ceremony. Organized by Physical Education Unit since 1978, the competition was held on 24 March at the University Sports Centre and is formerly known as the Shell Cup Staff and Student Tennis Competition. 中 大校友對母校一向非常愛護支持,由20 0 4至 2009年,校友的捐款額合計超過一億港元。大學 為誌校友心意,特於校友園豎立校友捐贈牌匾,並在5月 8日舉行揭幕典禮。 校友事務處處長楊如虹小姐感謝來賓撥冗光臨,並邀請 劉遵義校長主禮及致辭。劉校長指出,校友的支持和參與 是對母校最大的鼓勵,並期望日後以電子顯示板的形式, 銘謝每位出心出力的校友。拓展及籌募處處長鄭文珊亦 藉此機會介紹「中大校友關愛基金」及簡報多項由基金資 助的學生發展項目。 向校友致謝 To Alumni with Thanks • 近百人出席揭幕禮,包括校友、書院院長、校友評議會以 及校友會聯會的代表。是次活動亦特別邀請了一些受惠學 生及「Phone中關懷」學生大使出席,親自向資助他們的 學長致謝。 F rom 2004 to 2009, CUHK alumni have donated over HK$100 million to the University. In recognition of the long-standing support of alumni and their generous donations over the years, a new set of alumni donations commemorative plaques was erected at the Alumni Garden and an unveiling ceremony was held on 8 May. Miss Antonia Yeung, Director of Alumni Affairs, welcomed the guests and invited Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, to address the audience. Professor Lau pointed out that the biggest encouragement for CUHK was the support and participation of alumni. Mr. Ricky Cheng, Director of Institutional Advancement, gave a brief account of the ‘Graduating Class Pledge Scheme’. About a hundred guests attended the ceremony. Student beneficiaries of scholarships and awards took the opportunity to thank the alumni donors in person.