Newsletter No. 359

No. 359, 4.6.2010 楊汝萬教授獲專業成就獎 Prof. Yeung Yue-man Wins Professional Achievement Award 楊汝萬教授(左)獲頒專業成就獎 Professor Yeung Yue-man (left) receiving the award 楊教授對獲獎深表榮幸,他表示在西安大略大學只是就 讀了短短二十個月,完成碩士課程,獲得校友獎實有點意 外。他又指該段時間讓他開始熟悉加拿大生活,這對他之 後的事業發展、於芝加哥大學修讀博士課程,並及後返回 加拿大投入國際發展工作,均起了重要作用。 該獎項頒予專業範疇有傑出成就的校友,得獎人為後來者 樹立楷模,激發他們思齊之志。楊教授的工作經驗豐富, 泛跨教學、研究、國際發展,以及大學行政等範疇,他的領 導才能和對後輩啟迪的貢獻,獲西安大略大學稱揚。 P rof. Yeung Yue-man, Emeritus Professor of Geography and Honorary Fellow at CUHK, received the Alumni Awards of Merit—Professional Achievement Award from the University of Western Ontario (UWO) for his outstanding contributions to his profession and the community. Professor Yeung said he was flattered by this award, which came somewhat unexpectedly since he only spent 20 months at UWO for his Master’s degree. This period introduced him to Canadian life which has had a crucial impact on his career, doctoral studies at the University of Chicago, and eventual return to Canada to work in international development. The award recognizes superior achievement in a professional field and that the recipient is a role model who sets standards of excellence to which others can aspire. Professor Yeung has had a rich and varied career that has spanned teaching, research, international development and university administration. The UWO praised him for his leadership and success as an inspiration to future generations. 中 大地理學榮休講座教授兼榮譽院士楊汝萬教授獲 加拿大西安大略大學頒發傑出校友獎—專業成就 獎,以表揚他在專業範疇及社會的傑出貢獻。 繼 去年於香港環保卓越計劃公營機構及公用事 業界別的「界別卓越獎」奪得銀獎後(金獎從 缺),中大今年再下一城,成為該獎項成立以來首個獲 得金獎的機構,為學界樹立可持續發展的典範。頒獎禮 於5月12日舉行,由香港特區行政長官曾蔭權先生主禮。 中大校長劉遵義教授表示:「中大非常榮幸獲頒 2009『香港環保卓越計劃』金獎,這個獎項是對我們 一代又一代中大人致力推動可持續發展校園的重要肯 定。」他又稱中大人都以優美綠化的校園為榮,因此一 直致力保育校園的樹木、雀鳥、自然的生態環境,在校 園內栽種各種美麗的花卉和草藥、發展綠色天台、減碳 排放、節能減廢、應用可再生能源,包括在所有學生宿 舍安裝太陽能熱水器系統, 以及推行校園發展計劃。 協理副校長及校園景觀美 化委員會主席馮通教授說: 「要建立一個可持續發展 的校園,我們必須將每一項 可以實施的環保方案,在日 常生活和工作上貫徹執行。 今次獲獎,既肯定了全體中 大人在環保工作上的貢獻, 也鼓勵我們繼續精益求 精,在未來全方位的環保工 作上再創佳績。」 中大一向重視可持續發展, 定下目標在2025年前把人 均能源消耗減少百分之二十 五、人均溫室氣體排放減少百分之二十。大學的多項措施都 獲評判團嘉許,包括培訓一百零二位職員及學生執行碳審 計,利用太陽能為室外照明系統供電,使用LED燈,循環 再用污水、舉行樹木管理國際研討會、推動社區教育和五 項生態保育計劃,以及實行減廢獎勵合約等。 香港環保卓越計劃由環境保護運動委員會、環境保護署 及多所機構主辦,參加「界別卓越獎」的機構需經過三輪 嚴謹評選。評審團先審議其環保報告,了解有關政策及措 施,繼而實地考察入圍機構,並與管理層和員工會面,評 估其表現。評審準則主要是「環保領導」、「環保計劃與表 現」及「夥伴協力合作」。今年共有四百零三所機構參與 角逐該獎項。 A fter receiving the silver award of the Hong Kong Awards for Environment Excellence (HKAEE) Sectoral Awards under the category of Public Sector last year (no gold prize was awarded), CUHK went on to clinch gold this year, becoming the first-ever organization to win the award, setting a model of sustainability in the academic sector. The award ceremony officiated by Mr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of HKSAR Government, was held on 12 May. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau said, ‘The 2009 HKAEE gold award is an important recognition for generations of CUHK members for their concerted effort in promoting campus sustainability. We are all very honoured to receive this award.’ He said all of the Chinese University members take pride in the beautiful green campus. Flowers and medicinal plants are planted everywhere on campus. The University is committed to preserving plants, birds and the ecological environment of the campus. Besides, the University is devoted to developing green roofs, minimizing carbon emission, energy saving, waste reduction, as well as using renewable energy by installing solar hot water system for all student hostels, not to mention implementing the strategic campus master plan. Prof. Fung Tung, CUHK Associate Pro-Vice- Chancellor and chairman of the Campus Landscaping Enhancement Committee, said, ‘It is of utmost importance for everybody to go green in our daily lives and at work in order to build a truly sustainable campus. The award not only recognizes the contribution of campus members, but also encourages us to grow from strength to strength to better protect the environment.’ CUHK has committed itself to reducing 25% in energy use and 20% in greenhouse gas emission per capita by 2025. The green measures of the University impressed the adjudicating panel. They included training 102 Environmental Sustainability Ambassadors to conduct carbon audits; harnessing solar energy for outdoor lighting, using LED lighting and recycling grey water in new buildings, organizing international tree management seminars and community education, as well as implementing ecology preservation programmes and the Waste Reduction Incentive Programme. The HKAEE was jointly organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee, the Environmental Protection Department and other organizations. Competitors of HKAEE were subjected to three rounds of stringent assessment. The adjudicating panel screened all reports on environmental issues, reviewed policies and measures submitted by the participating organizations, and met with the management and staff to conduct field assessment on short-listed participants before selecting the winners. Attention was paid to ‘green leadership’, ‘programmes and performance’ and ‘partner synergy’. This year, a total of 403 entries competed for the Sectoral Awards. 香港特區行政長官曾蔭權先生(左)頒環保 獎項予中大劉遵義校長 Mr. Donald Tsang (left), Chief Executive of HKSAR, presenting the award to Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK (左起)中大物業管理處處長譚必成先生、馮通教授和校園環境 委員會主席朱利民教授攝於中大綠色辦公室的後園,圖中左邊為 太陽能光電板的裝置 From left: Mr. Benny Tam, Director of Estates Management, Prof. Fung Tung and Prof. Chu Lee-man at the backyard of a CUHK green office; solar panels are installed to generate power 中大成首奪環保金獎機構 CUHK First to Win Gold Environmental Award