Newsletter No. 361

No. 361, 19.8.2010 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 教研出色二十四位師生獲表揚 24 Teachers and Students Win Exemplary Teaching and Research Awards • 華雲生教授(中)與八位模範教師,左起:文學院英文系Prof. Jane Jackson、工商管理學院市場學 系陳志輝教授、教育學院體育運動科學系夏秀禎教授、工程學院計算機科學與工程學系黃子洋 博士、法律學院何世勳教授、醫學院那打素護理學院周柏珍教授、理學院化學系吳基培教授、社 會科學院社會工作學系馬麗莊教授 Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (centre) and the award recipients (from left) Prof. Jane Jackson (Department of English, Faculty of Arts), Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan (Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration), Prof. Ha Sau-ching Amy (Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Faculty of Education), Dr. Wong Tsz-yeung (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Stephen Hall (Faculty of Law), Prof. Chau Pak-chun Janita (The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Ng Kee-pui Dennis (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science), Prof. Ma Lai-chong Joyce (Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Science) 校長模範教學獎 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 青年學者研究成就獎 Young Researcher Award 研究生學術成果獎 Postgraduate Research Output Award 體育運動科學系夏秀禎教授認為,出色教學的根本所繫,是老師的「使命感和熱誠」。這 兩種素質可說是她和其他七位教師脫穎而出獲獎的原因。 Prof. Ha Sau-ching of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education believes that teaching ‘is all about mission and passion’. These two qualities are also what made the other seven awardees win. 署 理校長華雲生教授在2010年6月15日主持頒獎典禮,頒發2009年校長模範教學 獎、青年學者研究成就獎和研究生學術成果獎,三個獎項各有八人得獎。 A total of 24 teachers and postgraduate students were presented the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, the Young Researcher Award and the Postgraduate Research Output Award by Acting Vice-Chancellor Prof. Benjamin W. Wah on 15 June 2010. 華雲生教授(左四)與青年學者研究成就獎得主,左起:文學院 哲學系劉創馥教授、工商管理學院管理學系姚詠儀教授、教育學 院教育心理學系蕭鳳英教授、工程學院機械與自動化工程學系 王昌凌教授、醫學院腫瘤學系陶謙教授、理學院生物化學系陳浩 然教授、社會科學院經濟學系車嘉華教授。法律學院Prof. Bryan Mercurio未克出席典禮。 Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (4th left) and the award recipients (from left) Prof. Lau Chong-fuk (Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts), Prof. Yiu Wing-yee (Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration), Prof. Siu Fung-ying Angela (Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education), Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Tao Qian (Department of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Chan Ho-yin Edwin (Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science), Prof. Che Jiahua (Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Science). Prof. Bryan Mercurio (Faculy of Law) was unable to attend the ceremony. 華雲生教授(左三)與研究生學術成果獎得主,左起:文學院歴史系蔣寶麟先生、工商管理學院管理 學系張凌青女士、教育學院教育心理學系陸慧菁女士、醫學院生物醫學學院黃少玲女士、社會科學 院心理學系劉鐸博士。工程學院機械與自動化工程學系趙明先生、法律學院陳耀明先生和理學院 分子生物技術學課程繆岩松博士未克出席典禮。 Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (3rd left) and the award recipients (from left) Mr. Jiang Baolin (Department of History, Faculty of Arts), Ms. Zhang Lingqing (Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration), Ms. Lu Huijing (Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education), Ms. Wong Siu-ling (School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine), Dr. Liu Duo (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science). Mr. Zhao Ming (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Mr. Chan Yiu-ming Gordon (Faculty of Law) and Dr. Miao Yansong (Molecular Biotechnology Programme, Faculty of Science) were unable to attend the ceremony. 法律學院教授Bryan Mercurio 說:「我熱愛研究,因為我確實想為社會帶來改變。」這相 信是眾多得獎人的心聲。八位得獎人的研究涵蓋不同領域,但最終目標都是造福社會,令 人類的生活更美善。 Prof. Bryan Mercurio of the Faculty of Law said, ‘My passion is research because I truly want to make a difference in society.’ Although the eight recipients come from different disciplines, they share the common goal of making the world a better place. 研究工作荊棘滿途者多,一 帆風順者少,所以要成功就 需要毅力;這點得獎人之一 繆岩松博士知之甚詳。他說: 「失敗乃成功之母。我失敗 過很多次了。」面對挫敗仍百 折不撓,是八位得獎人一致 的精神。 The process of successful research is always fraught with frustrations. Dr. Miao Yansong knows this very well. He said, ‘Failure is the mother of success. I have encountered many failures.’ Perseverance in the face of difficulties is the quality that all eight awardees possess in common.