Newsletter No. 361

No. 361, 19.8.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 中大學生信息系統投入服務 CUSIS Goes Live • 中 大學生信息系統(CUSIS)已於2010年7月5日正式 投入服務,教職員和學生可透過全新的MyCUHK 使用該系統。 學生可以利用CUSIS在網上管理個人和學業信息,包括: 查看和更新住址和電話;提交各種申請(如學分豁免)及 支付相關費用;網上選科,並能即時知道結果;查看成績 及非正式成績單。 教師可以透過CUSIS單一平台,處理教務及管理教學資 料,如搜尋個人的教學日程表及獲取最新的學生資料;利 用系統提供的課堂學生名單,發送統一電郵至個別或全班 學生。 有關 CUSIS 計劃及全新的MyCUHK詳情,請瀏覽CUSIS 網頁( /cusis )或與項目團隊聯絡: / 2696 1998。 T he Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS), accessible via the revamped University portal—MyCUHK, went live on 5 July 2010. Through CUSIS, students can manage a range of personal and academic information online, including updating and viewing their addresses and phone numbers; submitting various online applications; registering classes online and obtaining confirmation in real-time; viewing their official grades and unofficial transcripts. CUSIS will allow teaching staff to access and 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following are available at: ❏ 二十七項研究項目獲撥款 Twenty-seven Research Projects Receive Grants 革新兒童單孔微創手術 CUHK Develops Innovative Technique for Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery on Children 過 去兩年,單孔微創手術發展一日千 里。傳統微創手術需導致數個傷口, 單孔微創手術只有一個隱藏於肚臍內的細小 傷口。但單孔微創手術儀器體積只適用於成 人,並且只能單次使用,價錢亦非常昂貴。因 此,為兒童進行單孔微創手術的全球案例非 常少。 醫學院外科學系小兒外科及小兒泌尿外科組 最近研發革新技術,以交叉型的方式把傳統 直身微創手術儀器放進兒童體內進行單孔微 創手術。自去年10月起,已在沙田威爾斯親王 醫院成功為三十多位年齡由三至十五歲的兒 童進行單孔微創手術,由簡單的闌尾切除術至 複雜的脾臟和腎臟切除術皆有。外科學系更 於本年5月成功在兒童身上進行單孔微創半腎 及輸尿管切除術。目前醫學文獻尚未有同類手 術的成功案例,相信此乃全球首宗,足以使中 大在兒童單孔微創手術上佔世界領導地位。 S ingle incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) has rapidly progressed in the adult population over the last two years. It features a single small wound hidden in the umbilicus in contrast to several wounds over abdominal wall in standard laparoscopic surgery. The Division of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology has recently developed a unique technique of performing SILS on children. The new technique involves crossing two straight conventional laparoscopic instruments through a single incision to operate. Since October 2009, over 30 children aged three to 15 have successfully undergone SILS, from simple procedures such as appendectomy to complex ones like splenectomy and nephrectomy. In May 2010, the division successfully performed the world’s first single incision laparoscopic heminephroureterectomy on a child. With the great success of the innovative technique, the division has taken a leading role in pioneering single incision laparoscopic surgery in children. manage various teaching and learning information on one single platform rather than through multiple systems. For instance, teaching staff can search their class rosters and obtain real-time student information online, send mass email to the whole class or individual students via the class rosters provided by CUSIS. For more details about CUSIS, please visit the CUSIS website ( /cusis ) or contact the CUSIS Project Team at or 2696 1998. (左起) 外科學系小兒外科及小兒泌尿外科組主任李劍雄醫生、外科學系系主 任賴寶山教授及小兒外科及小兒泌尿外科組名譽臨床助理教授譚煜謙醫生與 病人合照 (From left) Dr. Lee Kim-hung, head of the Division of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology, Department of Surgery; Prof. Lai Bo-san Paul, chairman, Department of Surgery; and Dr. Tam Yuk-him, honorary clinical assistant professor, Division of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology, Department of Surgery pose with a patient 歷史學教授獲選中研院院士 Professor of History Elected Academician of Academia Sinica 本 校歷史學講座教授梁其姿於 2010年7月8日獲台灣中央研究 院推選為第二十八屆新任院士(人文 及社會科學組),以表揚其傑出的學術 成就。 梁教授是明清社會史和中國醫療社會史 研究的開拓者。她對當選中研院院士深 感榮幸,並表示:「年輕時有機緣在中研 院優良的研究環境中成長,十分幸運。 退休前能為香港學界做點事,也感到興 奮。希望這次當選對推動華人醫療文化 史研究有所助益,也希望能鼓舞更多女 性進入學術研究領域。」 P rof. Leung Ki-che Angela was elected an academician (Division of Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan on 8 July 2010 for her remarkable academic achievements. Professor Leung is a pioneer in the research of social history of Ming- Qing China and social history of medicine in China. She said she was honoured to have been elected, ‘I was blessed to be able to grow academically in the vibrant research culture of the Academia Sinica when I was young. I’m also excited to be able to contribute to Hong Kong’s academic community before my retirement. I hope that my election can help promote the studies of Chinese medical and cultural history and encourage more women to enter research.’ ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就