Newsletter No. 362
乘長風破萬里浪 Making a Splash 中大划艇隊在8月22日舉行的「成龍挑戰盃2010年全港大學賽艇錦標賽」中,連續第九年奪得全場總冠軍,另亦贏得男子組總冠軍和女子組總亞軍。 The CUHK Rowing Team secured the overall championship in the Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2010 held on 22 August, making it the winner of the competition for the ninth year in a row. The team also won the titles of men’s overall champion and women’s 1st runner-up. 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六二期 二零一零年九月四日 No. 362 4 September 2010 P2 我們電子這一行的時間常數 大概最慢是一秒鐘,……而中 文系的時間常數動輒五千年。 In the field of electronics, the slowest time constant is one second … The time constant for the Chinese Department may be around 5,000 years. P12 一些台灣同學以為我是學生 物的,因為Egyptology(埃及 學)聽起來與Entomology (昆蟲學)有點像。 My classmates from Taiwan thought that I was studying a kind of biological science, since the term ‘Egyptology’ rang like ‘Entomology’. P6 青光眼是香港頭號視力殺手, 中大最近發現新眼藥水能治 療類固醇引發的青光眼。 Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in Hong Kong. CUHK identified a potential drug to treat steroid- induced glaucoma.
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