Newsletter No. 362
No. 362, 4.9.2010 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 校園添置心臟病急救設施 Life-Saving Devices Installed on Campus • 大 學最近於校園多處地點設置了自動體 外心臟去纖維性顫動器(去顫器),以 便遇有人心臟突然停頓,可第一時間搶救。 大學保健處處長陸偉昌醫生( 圖 )指出,心 臟病是本港第二號殺手,每年奪去約六 千人的性命。因心跳驟停而猝死的 個案每年千多宗,平均每天約三 宗。為了加深大家對心臟病的認 識,大學特別於2010年伊始推 出連串心臟健康教育活動,如 講座、與紅十字會合辦的大型 心肺復蘇訓練。 陸醫生說:「心臟病患者愈 來愈多,且更會在毫無預兆 下突然病發,接着心跳和呼吸停 止,失去意識。時間是復蘇搶救 成功的關鍵,根據美國心臟協 會建議,在醫院以外發生心 臟驟停後,須於三至五分鐘內 進行電擊除顫,每遲一分鐘,存活 率即下降百分之七至十。」 現時香港的商場和港鐵站均裝設去顫器。中 大校園人流眾多,實亦有此需要。陸醫生補充: 「雖說應第一時間召喚救傷車,但救傷車來到中大需 時七八分鐘,加上校園廣大,建築物達一百五十多幢,要 找到患者所在現場也得花上點時間。然而,搶救成功與否 便是往住在於那分秒之間。 「因此,校方不單在暑假期間於校園添置了去顫器,還為 保安員、保健處職員、設有去顫器場地的職員等開辦訓練 課程,簡介心肺結構、心臟病的認識及預防、心肺復蘇技 巧,以及去顫器的使用方法。現時已有四十八名同事受訓 完畢,日後將有更多同事受訓。」 去顫器分置於各體育場地(嶺南運動場、大學體育中心、 水上活動中心、泳池)、保健處,以及保安組總部和巡邏 車。陸醫生強調,由於保安員熟悉校園,接獲通知後,趕 往現場時間會較救傷車快。所以,若大家遇上該類事故, 致電999後,應即時再通知保安組,讓帶同去顫器的保安 員在最短時間內搶救患者。 社 會工作學系於2010年5月29日至6月5日舉辦為期 八天的山東交流實習團。在系主任馬麗莊教授、實 習課程主任盧吳美娟女士( 前排右二 )、專業顧問梁玉麒博 士( 前排右三 )及黃美菁女士帶領下,十八名本科生及七名 研究生前往山東參與研討會,題目涵蓋內地社會福利與社 會工作教育、民政福利服務體系、基層社區組織與社區服 務、家庭婚姻變遷與社會服務等。 本校學生還訪問了濟南市的老年公寓、基愛女性社工服務 中心、社會福利院及家庭寄養基地。 T he Social Work Department organized an exchange programme to Shandong from 29 May to 5 June 2010. Led by chairperson Prof. Ma Lai-chong Joyce, director of field instruction Mrs. Lo Ng Mei-kuen Eva (front row, 2nd right), and professional consultants Dr. Leung Yuk-ki Timothy (front row, 3rd right) and Ms. Wong Mei-ching Mooly, 18 undergraduate and seven postgraduate students attended seminars on social welfare and social work education, civil welfare system, grassroots community organizations and community work, family and marriage issues and social services. During their stay in the province, the students visited different social service organizations, such as a home for the elderly, a women’s centre, an institute of social welfare and a foster home. 社工系師生訪問山東 Social Work Students Visit Shandong • Dr. Luk says, ‘SCA leads to no breath, no pulse, and loss of consciousness. Many of its victims have no prior symptoms. Time is an essential factor in emergency treatment. The American Heart Association recommends that defibrillation be administered within three to five minutes after the arrest. The survival rate decreases by 7 to 10% for every minute that passes without defibrillation.’ AEDs are now available at many transport stations, shopping malls and buildings in Hong Kong. In view of our large staff and student population, the University has decided to install AEDs on campus to save lives. Dr. Luk explains, ‘It takes six to seven minutes for an ambulance to arrive at our University. As we have over 150 buildings in our huge campus, more time may be needed for the ambulance to reach the location where the victim is. But a couple of minutes can spell the difference between life and death. ‘In addition to installing AEDs on campus, we’ve trained our security and health staff in basic knowledge of heart diseases, CPR, and the use of AEDs. So far, a total of 48 staff members have completed the training and more will be trained in the near future.’ AEDs have been installed in sports facilities (Lingnan Stadium, University Sports Centre, Water Sports Centre, swimming pool), the University Health Services Centre, and the headquarters and patrol cars of the Security Unit. Dr. Luk stresses the importance of notifying the Security Unit after calling 999 if a SCA event occurs. Security guards are familiar with the campus, and with the AEDs, they can administer emergency treatment in the shortest time. T he University recently installed a number of automated external defibrillators (AED), a life- saving device for treating sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), on campus. Dr. Luk Wai-cheong Scotty, director of the University Health Service, points out that heart disease is the second biggest killer in Hong Kong, accounting for 6,000 deaths per year, of which 1,000 are caused by SCA. Thus, the University has launched a series of heart health promotion activities, including talks and cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training since early this year. 心室顫動會引致心臟顫抖或心跳驟停,繼而死亡。 電擊去顫術利用電擊去顫,使心跳回復正常,是治 療心室顫動的有效方法。 Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) causes the heart to fibrillate or stop. Defibrillation is an effective treatment for VF. It involves sending an electric current to the heart to stop fibrillation and restore its normal rhythm.
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