Newsletter No. 366

No. 366, 4.11.2010 3 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 逾 四十位來自世界各地的著名人文學者齊集中大,參 與10月15及16日舉行的第八屆亞洲新人文聯網會 議,就主題「亞洲人文學與人文學在亞洲」展示亞洲人文 學科各領域的最新學術成就,並思考在學術全球化下,亞 洲地區人文學科之學術意涵。 亞洲新人文聯網由文學院院長熊秉真教授於2004年與 內地、香港、日本、韓國、新加坡及台灣的學者同創,作為 交流及分享亞洲人文資源的地區網絡。本屆會議由中大 文學院、人文學科研究所與東亞研究中心合辦,也是首屆 在香港舉辦的聯網會議。 會議探討課題包括亞洲人文學、亞洲哲學與全球化,以及 亞洲人文學在學術研究和學院建設等領域的發展。中大 人文學偉倫講座教授李歐梵( 圖 )發表主題演講,呼籲人 文學者應開創新氣象,思考如何從亞洲人文觀點挑戰西方 哲學思想,他指出由於全球化的影響無處不在,這個任務 於今尤其迫切。 O ver 40 prominent humanities scholars from around the world assembled in CUHK on 15 and 16 October for the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Asian New Humanities Net (ANHN). With the theme ‘Asian Humanities and/or Humanities in Asia’, the meeting showcased the latest achievements in Asian humanities against the backdrop of academic globalization. ANHN was founded by Prof. Hsiung Ping- chen, CUHK Dean of Arts, and leading scholars representing mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan in 2004 as a regional network for the exchange and sharing of humanities resources in Asia. The meeting, organized by the Faculty of Arts, the Research Institute for the Humanities and the Centre for East Asian Studies, marked the first assembly of this prestigious alliance in Hong Kong. 人文學在亞洲之現狀及發展 • Prospect of Humanities in Asia Topics covering Asian humanities, Asian philosophy and globalization, and the development of humanities in Asia in the context of academic research and institution building were discussed. Prof. Leo Lee Ou- fan (photo), keynote speaker and Wei Lun Professor of Humanities at CUHK, urged that scholars in the humanities should contemplate how to make a new beginning to challenge Western philosophical thought from an Asian humanistic point of view—a task made more urgent by the ubiquitous effects of globalization. 統合香港的人文研究 • Consolidating the Humanities in Hong Kong 為 甚麼人文學這麼重要?我們如何 進一步推展香港的人文學研 究?這些都是中大人文價值研究中 心成立研討會所探討的課題。 研討會以「人文學價值」為 題,於10月14日假祖堯堂 舉行。 沈祖堯校長於研討會致 辭時重申,大學處於易變 的世界,要確保發展方向 正確,就必須重視人文價 值。沈校長並感謝卓智基金鍾永珏先生慷慨支持成立人類 價值研究中心。 是次研討會邀得多位著名海外學者出席,其中倫敦城 市大學校長馬爾科姆.吉利斯(Malcolm Gillies)教 授主講英國的嚴峻財政緊縮對人文學的挑戰;前美國 現代語言學會會長、耶魯大學的米高.霍爾奎斯特( 圖 , Michael Holquist)教授談當代人文學的範式轉變及 文學與神經科學的新關係;多倫多大學的羅伯特.吉布斯 (Robert Gibbs)教授則提出因語言在人類人化中 擔當中心角色,故應以與科學不同的角度來 審視人文學。 研討會也吸引本地院校文學、人 文學及社會科學學院院長及資 深研究員出席,並舉行了午餐會 議,深入探討在港成立組織,以 統合人文學的研究。 W hy are the humanities important? How can we best promote and advance the study of the humanities in Hong Kong? These were some of the questions raised at the inaugural symposium of the Research Centre for Human Values (RCHV), ‘Valuing the Humanities’, in Cho Yiu Hall on 14 October. Opening the conference, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor, stressed the importance of keeping a focus on core human values if universities are to keep their direction steady in an uncertain world. He praised Mr. Leslie Chung of the Philomathia Foundation for his far-sighted generosity in supporting the setting up of the RCHV at CUHK. Eminent speakers from overseas included Prof. Malcolm Gillies, Vice-Chancellor of London Metropolitan University, who spoke about the challenges to the humanities in the climate of severe funding cutbacks in the UK. Prof. Michael Holquist (photo) of Yale, former president of the Modern Languages Association, spoke of changing paradigms in the contemporary humanities and of the new relationships between such subjects as literature and neuroscience. Prof. Robert Gibbs, director of the Jackman Institute for the Humanities at the University of Toronto, argued that the humanities counted in a different way from science by focusing above all on the central role language in human culture. Deans and senior scholars from almost every faculty of arts, humanities and social sciences in Hong Kong attended the symposium. A lunchtime meeting was held to advance discussion of an institution to consolidate the humanities across the territory. 把經典崑劇帶到香港 • Kunqu Opera Appreciation 琵 琶記》是崑劇經典,卻未嘗在港上演過。中大 明清研究中心獲迪志文化出版和博學堂贊助, 主辦「崑劇《琵琶記》大學校園演出」活動,終於在10月 上旬把這戲碼帶到香港,於中大、香港城市大學、香港 大學及香港理工大學巡迴表演,吸引逾千名大學師生及本 港崑劇愛好者觀賞。 應邀來港演出的上海崑劇團國家一級演員梁谷音( 中 )、 計鎮華( 右 )及張銘榮( 左 ),於中大演出後更與觀眾分享 心得。 T he University’s Research Centre for Ming-Qing Studies presented the Kunqu Opera Appreciation 《 on Pipa Ji ( The Lute ) in early October at CUHK, the City University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University respectively. Sponsored by Digital Heritage Publishing Limited and, this premiere of Pipa Ji on Hong Kong stage attracted over 1,000 university staff and students, and Kunqu fans. Liang Guyin (middle), Ji Zhenhua (right) and Zhang Mingrong (left), top performers from Shanghai Kunqu Troupe, performed and shared with the audience after the performance at CUHK.