Newsletter No. 367

2 No. 367, 19.11.2010 現 時中大體育課程主要分兩類,一是所有中大生的必 修課,另一是專為主修體育運動科學教育學士學生 而設。曾教授兩類課程的夏教授不諱言,前者學生未必對 運動有興趣,她的目標是要令學生出一身汗、有成就感、開 心、喜歡上課便可了。至於後者,學生本身已酷愛運動,故 重點是教他們教授他人的方法,輔以理論,並培養他們推 廣運動的使命,使更多人「動起來」。 社區推跳繩 普及健體 說香港人完全不熱衷運動,又非盡然。每月要繳費的健身 中心、瑜珈班大行其道,而要預訂康樂及文化事務署場地, 也要大清早守在電腦旁,爭分奪秒與別人拼得焦頭爛額。 夏教授認為,若有理想的環境,如有冷氣、音樂、電視等, 又不用花太多體力,運動仍然是吸引香港人的。 — 夏秀禎教授 一頭短髮配上爽朗的笑容,即使穿上白恤衫黑西褲黑皮鞋, 正襟危坐的在辦公室接受訪問,仍掩不住體育運動科學系系主任 夏秀禎教授骨子裏散發出的那份運動氣息。獲得2009校長 模範教學獎的夏教授表示:「運動好比健康沖劑,希望全港市民 也會定時抽時間呷一兩口。」她亦身體力行,藉此影響身邊他人。 It is not hard to feel the sportiveness of the short-haired, smiling Prof. Ha Sau-ching Amy, chairperson of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education (SSPE), though she is sitting at her office in a white shirt, black pants and leather shoes. A recipient of the 2009 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, Professor Ha says, ‘Exercise is a health drink. I hope Hong Kong citizens can have one from time to time.’ Exercise: It’s Good for You 讓更多人 「 動起來 」 運動員出身 有利有弊 自小是籃球隊及田徑隊成員的夏教授,曾參加學界六十 米、四百米、八百米等比賽,也曾破學界紀錄。運動員出身 的她表示,這背景對教學有利有弊,因運動員與教師是兩 碼子的事。 「初入行時,我從運動員角度出發,會認為『我做得到,大 家做得到,你也應該做得到』,因此要求很高。」後來她發 現,每人能力資質不同,不能相比。另一方面,曾當運動員 的好處是本身熱愛運動,示範不同的動作有實戰經驗,教 學上更有說服力。 教學不二法 熱誠投入 對於獲得模範教學獎,1989年加入中大的夏教授 自言十分鼓舞。她認為「選一個自己喜歡的工作」 很重要,這樣才會有熱誠和投入,「要先不讓自己 覺得悶,方會令學生投入及興奮。」因此,她講授 教學法的課堂,往往有理論、討論及實習,務求令 學生更全面吸收。 夏教授笑稱因過往一直在嚴謹的運動員訓練中長 大,以前不苟言笑,但經過二十多年的歲月沖刷, 加上經驗的累積及反思,她形容自己現時仍是嚴 謹、有要求的教師,例如要求學生守時、負責、課 堂上積極參與,但學懂更有耐性和包容,亦會聆 聽學生的需要。 生活一部分 定期運動 身為準體育老師的導師,又領略了運動帶來的歡 愉,夏教授身體力行,現時保持每周跑步、打籃球、瑜珈或 散步,希望可以帶動身邊人也喜歡運動。「但現在只能每 兩周才打一次籃球,畢竟是體力需求很大的活動,難以與 二三十歲的年輕人匹敵。」 工作繁忙,仍能平衡工作與運動。夏教授以行動來說明步 履匆匆的都市人只要願意調整一下生活節奏,認同健體的 重要,運動,是可以在密麻麻的時間表中佔一席位的。 T he University’s physical education curriculum comprises both required courses for all students, and tailored-made programmes for SSPE students. Having been teaching both, Professor Ha admits that not all students taking required physical education courses are interested in them. So her goal is to let them sweat it out, enjoy a sense of achievement, and fall in love with their PE classes. As for the athletic SSPE students, the targets are to teach them the pedagogy of physical education, supplemented with theories, and to instil in them the mission of sports promotion. Skipping Rope for Health Given the popularity of fitness centres and yoga classes, and the difficulty of booking the sports facilities of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department online, one cannot say that Hong Kongers are not enthusiastic about sports. Professor Ha points out that sports activities are attractive to Hong Kongers as long as they are not too strenuous and the venue is desirable, such as being fitted with air-conditioning, a sound system for music, and television sets. Rope-skipping is a cheap and highly effective sport. Since 1995, Professor Ha has been promoting it in primary and secondary schools. She also founded the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China. ‘Research shows that even girls who dislike physical activities, love rope- skipping.’ They are attracted by the sport’s versatility and emphasis on team work. Its value for health has been evidenced by the support it has received from NGOs and the government in recent years. Athletic Background A basketball player and a member of the track and field team when young, Professor Ha participated in the 60m, 400m, and 800m races of the All Hong Kong Schools 跳繩便是資源少、成效大,人人可參與的運動。夏教授 自1995年起推動中小學跳繩運動,並創辦中國香港跳 繩總會,希望吸引學生,「研究顯示一般女生均不喜歡運 動,但卻喜歡跳繩。」能使常「對運動說不」的女生願意 伸展一下身體,加上這活動觀賞性高、創意高、講求合作 性,因此近年多了不少團體及政府部門支持,更印證了其 價值。