Newsletter No. 367
6 No. 367, 19.11.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 賞詩.吟詩.樂詩 • Appreciating Poetry 隨 着日本當代著名詩人、翻譯家及劇作家谷川俊 太郎( 圖 )引吭一曲,「國際詩人在香港—谷川俊 太郎」於10月2日圓滿落幕。 「國際詩人在香港」由中大東亞研究中心主辦,香港城市 大學中文翻譯及語言學系、牛津大學出版社、商務印書館 和拔萃男書院協辦,利希慎基金資助。每年邀請兩位國際 著名詩人來訪,主持詩朗誦、演講及座談會等活動,更為來 訪詩人出版一本雙語詩選。 是次活動以中秋夜吟詩賞月活動為前奏。谷川俊太郎、 田原、北島、也斯和廖偉棠聚首於中國文化研究所中庭,同 台朗誦,並有古琴和聲樂相伴應和,氣氛輕鬆活潑,深受 聽眾喜愛。開幕式於9月24日在利黃瑤璧樓一號演講廳舉 行,由北島教授致歡迎辭,谷川先生朗誦,並有著名古琴 演奏家姚公白先生和香港青年琵琶演奏家雷梓欣小姐的 精彩演奏。 「詩歌與青少年」座談會於9月30日假拔萃男書院舉行, 谷川先生除了談論創作心得及朗誦詩作,更即席高歌一 曲。出席的三百多名學生來自香港十三所中學,他們對詩 歌極為熱情與好奇,並於會後踴躍提問,又與谷川先生合 照和索取親筆簽名。 T he ’International Poets in Hong Kong—Tanikawa Shuntaro’ came to a successful close on 2 October with a song sung by Mr. Tanikawa Shuntaro (photo), Japan’s most distinguished contemporary poet, playwright and translator. The event was organized by the CUHK Centre for East Asian Studies and co- organized with the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong; Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., Commercial Press (HK) Ltd.; and Diocesan Boys’ School, and generously supported by the Lee Hysan Foundation. Two internationally renowned poets will be invited to Hong Kong every year. A poetry reading, symposium, and public lecture will take place during the poet’s stay. A bilingual poetry collection for each invited poet will be published. The series of activities began with ‘Poetry and Music—Night of the Moon Festival’. Accompanied by guqin and vocal music, Tanikawa Shuntaro, Tian Yuan, Bei Dao, Leung Ping-kwan, and Liu Wai-tong recited poetry in the courtyard of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The opening ceremony was held on 24 September in the Esther Lee Building. Professor Bei Dao delivered the welcoming speech. In addition to a poetry recital given by Mr. Tanikawa, the famous guqin player Mr. Yao Gongbai and the young Hong Kong pipa player Miss Lui Tsz-yan delivered wonderful musical performances. The symposium on ‘Poetry and Teenagers’ was held on 30 September at Diocesan Boys’ School. Mr. Tanikawa shared his thoughts on writing poetry, recited poetry, and sang a song for the audience before the symposium ended. Over 300 students from 13 local secondary schools were in attendance and showed much passion for and curiosity about poetry. They asked questions, took photographs with Mr. Tanikawa and lined up for his autograph after the symposium. 崇基學院慶祝創院五十九周年 • Chung Chi Celebrates 59th Anniversary 聯合書院五十四周年院慶紀盛 • United College 54th Anniversary Celebrations 為 誌學院成立五十九周年,崇基學院、學生會及學院 校友會攜手合辦多項慶祝活動,重點包括校慶感 恩崇拜、千人宴及校友日。 10月29日在崇基學院禮拜堂舉行的感恩崇拜,由香港聖公 會西九龍教區主教、崇基校友蘇以葆主教( 圖 )主禮。千人 宴於1976年首辦,近年來每年都吸引逾一千六百人參加, 在嶺南運動場的草地上共進晚餐。 院慶翌日為校友日,活動包括院長茶會和由崇基校友會舉辦 的聯歡晚宴,當晚有超過二百五十名不同年代的校友出席。 I n celebration of the 59th anniversary of Chung Chi College, a series of celebratory events were organized 聯 合書院及學生會攜手共賀五十四周年院慶,於10月舉辦多項慶祝活動,包括「院慶活動開幕禮」、「聯合起跑」及 「大笪地」,並以於22日舉行的院慶典禮作結。出席典禮嘉賓及學生逾千,禮後即舉行由學生會主持的院慶生日 會,除有傳統醒獅助慶外,書院教職員聯誼會更送出一個大蛋糕,倍增喜氣。 22日晚上舉行的千人宴將院慶活動推向高潮,雖受天氣影響,亦有近千師生、校友及同學參加。晚會節目豐富,有樂隊、歌 手、舞蹈表演及幸運抽獎,全場盡歡,至11時多才結束。翌日則為校友日和為畢業二十五年及五十年或以上校友而設的晚 宴,兩項活動各吸引逾一百二十名位校友出席。 W eeks of celebratory activities including an opening ceremony, UC Fun Run, Open Bazaar and the 54th Anniversary Ceremony were held in October to celebrate the 54th anniversary of United College. Over a thousand students and guests of the College attended the anniversary ceremony on 22 October. It was followed by a birthday party held on the College campus. The celebration reached its climax with a lion dance by the College Chinese Martial Arts Society and the cutting of a birthday cake sponsored by the College Staff Association. The highlight of the anniversary activities was the Feast- for-a-Thousand held in the evening on 22 October. About 1,000 College staff, students, alumni, and guests enjoyed the dinner despite the bad weather. It was a wonderful night with a variety show performed by students and pop singers. UC Alumni Day 2010 and the Reunion Dinner for Alumni of 25 years and of 50 years or above were organized the next day with more than 120 alumni in attendance at each. by the College, its Student Union and the Chung Chi College Alumni Association (CCCAA). Highlights included the College Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service, the Thousand People Feast and Chung Chi Alumni Day. The Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service was held at the College Chapel on 29 October. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Soo (photo), Bishop, Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, and a College alumnus, addressed the assembly. Started in 1976, the Thousand People Feast attracts more than 1,600 students, staff members, alumni, and friends each year. The Chung Chi Alumni Day was scheduled on 30 October. Prof. Leung Yuen- sang, head of College, hosted a tea reception. The CCCAA organized an alumni dinner reunion which was attended by more than 250 Chung Chi alumni of different generations.
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