Newsletter No. 367
No. 367, 19.11.2010 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 卞趙如蘭音樂特藏捐贈儀式 • Donation of Rulan Chao Pian Music Collection EMBA課程名列全球十大 CUHK’s EMBA Leaps to Top 10 Worldwide 在 本年度倫敦《金融時報》的評選中,中大行政人員 工商管理碩士課程(EMBA)由去年的第十九位大 幅躍升,榮登為全球第十位,為該課程歷年全球排名的最 佳成績。是次排名共評核全球一百個EMBA課程。 EMBA課程主任陳志輝教授對此感到欣喜:「我們首創了 全港第一個EMBA課程,真正是香港製造。因此,課程的 成功,就等同是香港的成功。此外,我衷心感激大學管理 層的支持和商學院全體教職員、學生、校友和工商界朋友 的共同努力,沒有他們的支持,我們的EMBA課程不會有 今天的成績。」 中大EMBA課程在校友薪酬、薪金升幅、工作經驗、學員國 際化、國際諮詢委員會和女性學員比例等幾個範疇中的得 分明顯佔優。而校友薪酬更高踞全球第四,薪金升幅也高 達六成四。 中大EMBA課程的特點不只是香港製造。採用雙語教學, 也使它在全球首十大課程中獨樹一幟。 I n its latest global survey of 100 EMBA Programmes worldwide, London-based Financial Times ranked CUHK’s EMBA Programme No. 10 in 2010, the best global ranking the programme has ever achieved from Financial Times . It is also the programme’s great leap forward from its ranking of 19 achieved last year. 'We are very pleased to see the good performance of the programme. We are the first EMBA programme in Hong Kong, a truly made- in-Hong Kong product. The programme’s success is, therefore, Hong Kong’s success,’ Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, director of the EMBA Programme said, ‘In addition, we owe the achievement to the support of the University management and the dedication and hard work of all our faculty members, staff, students, alumni, and our devoted friends in the business community.’ The programme scored high in areas such as alumni’s current salary, salary increase, work experience, international students, international advisory board, and women students. Alumni’s salary is the fourth highest in the world. The programme’s graduates also achieved a high salary increase rate of 64% this year. The programme is not only a uniquely Hong Kong programme, but also the only programme in the top 10 where the medium of teaching is bilingual. 大 學圖書館系統獲卞趙如蘭教授捐贈珍藏的音樂書 籍、影音資料和器材、教材、筆記及樂器,為表謝 忱,圖書館於9月20日在崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館舉辦了 「卞趙如蘭音樂特藏捐贈儀式」,由卞教授女兒卞昭波 女士( 左 )、音樂系系主任麥嘉倫教授及大學圖書館館長 施達理博士( 右 )主禮。 卞趙如蘭教授為著名中國音樂學學者,學貫中西,專研中 國音樂,對日本及韓國等亞洲音樂亦有研究。她曾先後出 任中大音樂系客座教授和校外考試委員,以及偉倫訪問教 授。2006年及2010年,卞教授先後捐出了全部音樂藏品予 中大,計有手稿、信函、筆記、教學資料、相片、七千多件影 音資料、十八件樂器及六千多冊書籍期刊。 自六十年代始,卞教授多次到中國、台灣、日本、韓國及 香港等地作田野考察,拍攝及記錄各類藝術表演活動,訪 問藝人、音樂家及學者,並寫下詳盡筆記。卞教授於世界 各地所搜集之音樂書籍、影音資料及樂器種類繁多,內容 豐富,為研究民族音樂的珍貴資料。卞教授人脈廣、交遊 闊,上及其父趙元任教授五四同期之新文化風雲人物如 胡適等,下及中國數代及目前活躍樂壇之作曲家、演奏家及 歌唱家。卞教授的音樂藏品與中國二十世紀歷史緊扣,誠 中國近代史及中國文化之寶藏。圖書館以得此捐贈為榮。 T he University Library System presented a Donation Ceremony of Rulan Chao Pian Music Collection in honour of and to express gratitude to Prof. Rulan Chao Pian for her generous donations to the library. Ms. Canta Pian (left), daughter of the Pian family, Prof. Michael McClellan, chairman of Music Department, and Dr. Colin Storey (right), University Librarian, officiated at the ceremony on 20 September at the Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library. Prof. Rulan Chao Pian, Professor Emeritus of Music and East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, is a renowned musicologist proficient in the musicology of the East and the West. She specializes in Chinese and is knowledgeable about other Asian music, including Japanese and Korean. Professor Pian was a visiting professor and external examiner at the Music Department and a Wei Lun Visiting Professor of CUHK. Two batches of her donations were received in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Donated materials include manuscripts, correspondences, diaries, photos, teaching materials, notes, over 7,000 audio-visual materials, more than 6,000 books and journals, and 18 musical instruments. Starting in the 1960s, Professor Pian regularly visited mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong to conduct field work, investigating and recording all kinds of artistic performances and activities, interviewing artists, musicians and scholars. The music materials collected by her on her visits to various countries in the world are many and varied. Innumerable are gifts of their books, articles and musical compositions from her circle of a few generations of scholars and musicians. Professor Pian’s connections are deep and wide, covering literary figures of the May Fourth Movement, contemporaries of her father, Prof. Chao Yuen﹣ren, such as Hu Shih, and Chinese composers, performers and singers including those who are still active in the music scene. The library was extremely fortunate to receive the donations from Professor Pian. 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following are available at: ❏ 十一項研究項目獲撥款 Eleven Research Projects Receive Grants ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就 EMBA學員於今年6月到加州大學柏克萊分校完成環球工商管理考察課程 EMBA Programme students in a global study trip at UC Berkeley in June 2010
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