Newsletter No. 369
10 No. 369, 19.12.2010 Prof. Gordon W. Cheung 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問李紹鴻教授 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 張偉雄 學術交流處處長 Director of Academic Links 1 你是中大舊生,當年在校的日子印象最深的是甚麼? What are the most unforgettable moments of your undergraduate life at CUHK? 我是新亞學生,住在知行樓。現在我腦海中不斷回憶的印 象,是沿着新亞梯上山走回知行樓的一段路。當時大學的人 和建築物都不多,提供了很寧靜的學習環境和氣氛。 I was a student at New Asia College, living in Chih Hsing Hall. A scenario which lingers on my mind is the journey I made from New Asia steps to the hall. The University was a haven of peace and tranquility as it didn’t have so many buildings and people in those days. 2 擔任逸夫書院輔導長的經驗如何? How was your experience as the Dean of Students at Shaw College? 書院學生會主要為同學謀福利,這和書院的目標很一致。所 以,那時候我和學生會幹事合作得很愉快。 The College and its Student Union shared the goal of promoting the students’ well-being, so I had a very good relationship with its members. 3 國際暑期課程辦了六年,下一階段有何新發展? What are your plans for the six-year-old International Summer School? 現在每年六百多的學生中,只有約一百五十人是中大生。我 們希望多點中大生參與,最理想是三分之一左右。更長遠的 目標是把大學的暑期課程與國際暑期課程合併,成為正式 的學期。這樣,大學全年就有三個學期,學生可以任選其二 上課,利用餘下一個學期去當交換生或實習。 Of the some 600 participants of the school, now only about 150 are CUHK students. We hope that more CUHK students will take part. Our long-term goal is to combine it with the University’s summer session and hold it as a formal school term. If realized, students can choose any two of the three terms of the University to take courses, and use the third one for overseas exchange or internship. 4 你認為每年參加學期制交換生的理想數目是多少? What do you think is the ideal number of students going on term-long or year-long exchange? 現在的數目約七百五十人,佔一屆學生的百分之二十三,已是 全港最高。我們的目標是百分之三十,即每年約一千人可出 外作一學期或一學年的交流。 Now the number stands at about 750, or 23% of annual student intake. That is already the highest among universities in Hong Kong. Our goal is 30%. That means about 1,000 students of a cohort can go on term-long or year-long exchange. 5 未來還會開拓哪些交流機會? Where will you look for more exchange opportunities? 有三個地區可供拓展的。第一是澳洲。澳洲的大學過去較着 重招收外國學生來校,近年才鼓勵本國學生出國交流,因 此中大生也多了機會往澳洲作交換生。第二是日本。兩年前 日本政府推出Global 30計劃資助當地大學國際化,包括增 加交換生。第一輪有十三所大學入選計劃,中大已與其中十 所簽定交流協議。第三是英國。英國以往的制度比較一板一 眼,必須先指定課程和科目,才能建立交換計劃,他們的學 生在這裏所修的科目才可以抵免學分。但近年已有所轉變。 There are three regions. The first is Australia. In the past, Australian universities tended to focus their efforts on recruiting foreign students. But recently, they have begun encouraging their own students to go on exchange. That means more of our students can go to the country for exchange. The second is Japan. Two years ago the Japanese government launched a project called ‘Global 30’ to fund universities’ internationalization efforts, which include increasing the number of exchange students. Of the 13 universities selected in the first round of the project, 10 have signed exchange agreements with us. The third is the UK. The British approach towards exchange used to be very structured. Their students could have their credits exempted at home only if they took designated courses on designated programmes. But we observe that favourable changes are taking place. 6 以甚麼準則選擇合作院校? What criteria do you use when selecting partner schools? 地區要安全,院校的學術水平要高,還要有適合我們的學生 的課程。法德兩國很多學校找我們,可惜他們用英語授課的 課程很少。 The area must be safe. The school must be of a high academic standing. And there must be programmes suitable for our students. We have been approached by French and German schools. It’s a shame that they don’t have many programmes taught in English. 7 三三四學制實施後,會對交流計劃有何影響? How will be the ‘3+3+4’ curriculum affect our exchange programmes? 最大影響在於2012年會有兩批學生入學,多了三千人。如何 為這些學生提供交流機會,不降低出外交流學生的比例, 是一大問題。我們在這幾年已鼓勵外地院校先送他們的學 生來,好讓我們儲備名額,那麼2012年後,才有足夠交流名 額多送一倍的學生出外。 The biggest impact is that we will have an additional 3,000 students in 2012 because there will be two cohorts. We are faced with the problem of providing them with enough exchange opportunities without lowering the percentage of our outgoing students. We’ve encouraged our partner schools to send their students to our university for exchange over the last few years, so that we can accumulate enough quotas for sending out ours after 2012, when the number of students we have to send abroad is doubled. 8 中大的學術交流將有何新的發展? What new developments will CUHK’s academic link see? 第一是交換生計劃方面,我們希望有更多像環球商業學課 程那種特定的交換生計劃。要辦這類交換計劃,課程一定 要有地區獨特性。所以,商學院或經濟系、政治學及亞洲文 化研究等較容易。 第二是拓展研究生的交流機會。研究生出外交流,跟隨不同 的學者做研究,得益會很大。他們的指導教授也可以藉此和 夥伴院校的研究人員建立關係,或能醞釀出新的研究計劃。 第三是增多和外國院校的合作研究。我們希望提供正式的 平台和後勤支援,讓教師藉此知道國外院校同行的研究,從 而促成更多合作研究。 First, regarding undergraduate exchange, we’re exploring the possibility of bringing about more programme-specific exchanges like that enjoyed by students of the Global Business Studies stream. It would be easier for us to create such exchange opportunities for the programmes that have regional uniqueness, such as those in business, economics, political science and Asian studies. The second is the development of postgraduate exchange. Research postgraduate students would benefit a lot from conducting research under the supervision of different scholars. Their supervisors may also benefit from the relationship they establish with their counterparts at partner schools as this may lead to new research collaborations. The third is the expansion of international research collaborations. We want to promote more international research collaborations by providing our teachers with a channel to learn about the research of their counterparts in overseas institutions and by taking care of the logistics involved. 9 中國崛起成為世界第二大經濟體,身為環球商業學課程 的課程主任,將如何在課程中回應這一發展? China has become the world’s second largest economy. As the director of the Global Business Studies stream, how would you respond to this development? 環球商業學課程已有兩科有關中國商業的必修科目。因應 中國經濟發展,我們在2010學年和美國南卡羅來納州大學 合辦了國際貿易與中國企業課程。最近中大和復旦、早稻田 三所學校也將合辦亞洲商業學課程。 The Global Business Studies stream already has two core courses on China business. In response to the rise of China’s economy, we launched the International Business and Chinese Enterprise stream in 2010, jointly with the University of South Carolina. And the most recent initiative is a new joint undergraduate programme in Asian business studies offered by CUHK, Fudan and Waseda. 10 你除擔任多項行政工作外,仍然教學及進行研究, 你如何分配時間於各項工作上? In addition to your many administrative duties, you teach and do research. How do you allocate your time? 要分配時間於各項工作上並不困難,問題在於怎樣分配多 些時間到工作上,主要是有兩個條件,第一是對每項工作都 有興趣,如果你對那件事感興趣,就不覺得是工作,好像我 把研究當作休閒活動。第二是工作要對人有正面的影響,上 課教書,見到學生成長,學習有成,有很大的滿足感。行政 工作的影響沒那麼直接,但卻大很多,可以實現自己的理 想,令很多人受益。 Allocating time for different jobs is not difficult. What is difficult is how to allocate more time for work. That has two requirements. The first is that you must be interested in your work, because when there’s genuine interest, you won’t see it as a job. I see research as a pastime. The second is that you have to feel that you’re having a positive influence on people. When I teach, I see my students grow personally and intellectually. That gives me a great sense of satisfaction. The impact of administrative work is not always direct but it is far-reaching. By doing administrative work, I can realize my dream of bringing good to people.
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