Newsletter No. 369
No. 369, 19.12.2010 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 成立全球最先進金融交易實驗室 • World-class Finance Trading Lab 工 商管理學院於澤祥街的新教學大樓增設教學用 金融交易實驗室,於11月25日舉行開幕儀式,由財 經事務及庫務局局長陳家強教授( 右二 )、許敬文副校長 ( 左三 )、工商管理學院院長黃德尊教授( 右一 )、兩位 財務學系客座教授雲普華夫教授( 左二 )及周文耀教授 ( 左一 )主禮。 這個金融業界譽之為全球最佳的金融交易實驗室,設備先 進完善,裝有彭博及路透社的終端機,提供全球多個主要 證券交易所的即時數據,包括香港、韓國、紐約、大阪、新 加坡和數個歐洲證券及期貨交易所。實驗室配備五十三台 電腦,為學界同類設施之最。學生可透過電腦進行即時交 易,親身體驗真實市場的運作,並可在國際著名金融機構 專業從業員的指導下,學習如何應付市場波動,更可在完 成課程後檢討自己的表現。 在開幕儀式上,許敬文副校長表示實驗室是商學院及其他 院系學生的寶貴資源,他衷心感謝合作夥伴和贊助商的慷 慨支持,令計劃得以落實。 陳家強教授讚揚中大設立創新的金融交易實驗室,締造模 擬實際市場運作的學習環境,讓學生獲取難得的實戰經 驗。All Options Ltd. 亞太區行政總裁及項目贊助雲普華夫 教授表示樂意與學生分享他的實戰經驗,指出「這項目充 分體現理論與實踐並重的重要性。」 金融交易實驗室蒙二十一間公司支持,贊助所需設備和服 務,並為學員提供獎學金和寶貴的實習機會。 T he Faculty of Business Administration has established a world-class finance trading laboratory at its new teaching building at Chak Cheung Street. Officiated by Prof. K.C. Chan (2nd right), Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui (3rd left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. T.J. Wong (1st right), Dean of Business Administration; Prof. Ralph van Put (2nd left), and Prof. Paul Chow (1st left), both adjunct professors, Department of Finance; the opening ceremony was held on 25 November. Regarded by the finance industry as the best of its kind on a university campus, the laboratory boasts the largest number of computers (53). The facility is equipped with Bloomberg and Reuters terminals and supported by real- time data feed from all major stock exchanges, including Hong Kong, Korea, New York, Osaka, Singapore, and the European exchanges. Students will be able to experience real market operations through practical training and gain a better understanding of how to react to market fluctuations under the supervision of professional traders from world-renowned financial organizations. Trainees will have the opportunity to review their performances after the course. Professor Hui said the trading laboratory is a valuable resource for students in business and other disciplines. 陳家強教授(右二)鳴鑼,象徵金融交易實驗室正式啟用 Prof. K.C. Chan (2nd right) hits the gong to open the finance trading laboratory He expressed his gratitude to partners and sponsors of the project. Professor Chan commended CUHK for setting up an innovative finance trading laboratory, which will equip students with crucial hands-on training in a simulated real-market situation. Professor van Put, CEO Asia Pacific of All Options Ltd. and sponsor of the project, was pleased to share his real trading experience with students. He stated, ‘The project helps students to bridge theory and practice.’ The finance trading laboratory is sponsored by 21 companies who provide support for equipment and services, and offer valuable internship opportunities and scholarships. 香港地理日2010 • Hong Kong Geography Day 2010 由 中大地理與資源管理學系與香港地理學會聯合主 辦,香港地理信息系統協會協辦的「香港地理日」 於11月27日在利黃瑤璧樓舉行開幕典禮。 香港地理日是香港地理教研界的盛事,隔年舉辦,旨在提 高中學生對地理學科的認識和加強各大學地理學科師生 的聯繫與合作。今屆地理日以「走向可持續發展之路的大 珠江三角洲」,探討了大珠三角在全球化與快速增長背景 下所出現的問題與挑戰。發展局局長林鄭月 娥女士( 圖 )及廣州中山大學鄭天祥教授於開 幕禮上發表主題演講,分享他們對大珠三角 現狀與發展趨勢的看法。 典禮之後隨即舉行一系列活動,包括地理科 學研討會、研究生海報設計大賽、為大學預科 生準備應試而設的珠三角發展教學講座、地 理信息系統研習班、中大地理與資源管理學 系開放日、香港地質公園地理考察,以及由各 大學地理系、特區政府有關部門和其他機構 參與的地理教學及科研展板展示會,吸引了逾 八百名來自本地中學及大學地理科/系的學生 和教師,以及廣州及澳門的人士。 H ong Kong Geography Day 2010 officially opened on 27 November at the Esther Lee Building. The event was jointly organized by the Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRM), CUHK, and the Hong Kong Geographical Association, with support from the Hong Kong GIS Association. Hong Kong Geography Day is a biennial event which draws the geography education and research community in Hong Kong together, aiming to foster academic exchange and collaboration between geography-related faculty members and postgraduate students, and to promote geography education in secondary schools. This year, with the theme ‘New Greater Pearl River Delta: The Path to Sustainability’, the event addressed and highlighted a variety of issues and challenges facing the Greater Pearl River Delta in an era of increasing globalization and rapid growth. The opening ceremony featured two keynote speakers—Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet- ngor Carrie (photo), Secretary for Development, and Prof. Zheng Tianxiang from Sun Yat-sen University. Following the ceremony, a number of activities took place, such as university research seminars, research student poster competition, secondary school talks, GIS workshop, geopark fieldtrip, GRM open house, and board exhibitions by government departments, NGOs, and business community to display their relationships with the discipline of geography. The event attracted over 800 participants, including students and teachers from local secondary schools, students and professors from geography departments of local universities, and guests from Guangzhou and Macau.
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