Newsletter No. 370

8 No. 370, 4.1.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問張萍同學 Miss Zhang Ping will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 1 健康城市的定義和理念是甚麼? What are Healthy Cities about? 健康城市由世界衞生組織於1986年在歐洲發起,所謂健康 城市,是要持續創造和改善有形環境和社會環境,不斷擴 展社會資源,使市民能互相支持,以維持日常生活運作,並 發揮個人最大潛能。 First initiated in 1986 by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Europe, a Healthy City is one that continually creates and improves its physical and social environments and expands the community resources that enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to their maximum potential. 2 健康城市如何在香港發展起來? How did Healthy City develop in Hong Kong? 我早已對這概念感興趣,九十代年末,我專程到利物浦,了 解當地推行健康城市的情況,並向前英國利物浦大學公共 衞生政策系主任、歐洲健康城巿運動創辦人兼英國政府公 共衞生區域總監魏司頓教授取經。 I had long been interested in the project. In the late 1990s I flew to Liverpool to learn about its experience in promoting Healthy City. I also consulted Prof. John Ashton, former chairman of Public Health Policy and Strategy at the University of Liverpool, a pioneer of the Healthy Cities Movement Europe, and regional director of public health in England. 3 其時健康城市在香港是全新概念,你怎樣着手推介? How did you introduce the idea to Hong Kong? 由於與將軍澳醫院的醫務人員熟稔,加上將軍澳又是新市 鎮,故我便選它作試點。我聯絡了該區的民政事務專員和區 議會主席,提出組織地區人士,成立委員會,開展一個健康 城市的計劃,最後成立了全港第一個健康城市督導委員會, 成員有官員和居民,我則擔任顧問。 I chose Tseung Kwan O to be the ‘guinea pig’ as it was a new town and I knew the medical staff at Tseung Kwan O Hospital. I proposed to the chairman of the District Council and the District Officer of Tseung Kwan O the idea of setting up a district committee to launch the Healthy City project. In the end, the Tseung Kwan O Healthy City Steering Committee was established, and it comprised government officials and residents. I was the adviser. 4 多年來推廣健康城市,可有難忘的事情?至今發展 如何? Have there been any unforgettable experiences in your promotion of Healthy City? How is it developing? 記得我提出健康城市這概念時,民政事務總署署長李麗娟 女士十分認同和支持,還特別安排在該署灣仔總部舉行簡 介會,邀請了十八區區議會主席及專員出席,由我講解。現 在全港十八區均已成立了各自的督導委員會,香港更是西太 平洋區健康城市聯盟五個支部之一。 When I first proposed the idea of Healthy City, Ms. Shelley Lee, former Director of Home Affairs, gave me her staunch support by organizing a briefing at the headquarters of the Home Affairs Department in Wan Chai. I was invited to explain the idea to all the chairmen of the District Councils and the District Officers. Today all 18 districts in Hong Kong have set up their own steering committees, and Hong Kong is one of five chapters of the Alliance for Healthy Cities in the Western Pacific Region. 5 你有何嗜好?與強身健體有沒有關係? What are your hobbies? Are they related to health? 以前愛打網球,不過預約對手和場地需時,已掛拍多時。現 在多愛游泳,我在車上放了游泳褲,只要有空檔即可下水。 偶然也會在社交場合唱唱歌,我曾在世衞宴會中與該會總 幹事陳馮富珍女士合唱。 I used to play tennis. But it takes time to look for a partner and book the court. So I prefer to swim now. I put my swimming trunks in my car and swim whenever I am free. Sometimes I sing in social functions. I sang with Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, in one of its functions. 6 繼健康城市後,何以又一力促成中大成為健康大學? In addition to Healthy Cities, why do you push for CUHK to become a Healthy University? 健康不只是政府的工作,而是人人有責的,因為影響健康 的因素是由大家控制的,如生活模式、環境及醫療衞生等。 要繼續推動市民參與,使健康城市持續發展,最有效的 方法是從日常生活、學習和工作的地方入手,故有健康小 學、中學和大學之設。我建議在中大推行健康大學,獲前校 長李國章教授支持,並成立健康校園督導委員會,負責有關 工作。 Keeping healthy is not only the job of government, but the responsibility of everyone as we are in control of health determinants, such as lifestyle, environment and medicine. To encourage continuous participation by citizens and the development of Hong Kong into a Healthy City, we have to start with our daily life, study and work places. That’s why I proposed the idea of having Healthy Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Universities. Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, former Vice-Chancellor, was very supportive of my proposal of promoting CUHK as a Healthy University. And the Steering Committee on Health Promotion was established to organize related activities. 7 成為健康大學的要素是甚麼?中大師生反應如何? What are the main criteria for becoming a Healthy University? What has been the response of staff and students? 最重要有兩點,一是校方的領導,從最初的健康校園督導委 員會,及後升格為健康促進及防護委員會,並由鄭振耀副校 長擔任主席,可見大學在政策和資源上均給予重視和支持。 二是夥伴的支持,書院和其他部門的參與,有助動員更多師 生和職員。師生的反應不俗,像每年舉行的校園健康大使計 劃,每屆名額四十,但報名者遠超此數。 There are two. First, the University’s leadership. The upgrading of the Steering Committee on Health Promotion on Campus to the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection, a project led by Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, Pro-Vice- Chancellor, renders support to Healthy University in terms of policy and resources. Second, partnership. By acting as the co-organizers, the Colleges and other university units help to motivate staff and students to participate in the project. The activities have been received well. For example, the Campus Health Ambassadors Programme recruits about 40 students each year but the number of applicants far exceeds the quota. 8 已從職場退下來,為何仍繼續無間地致力推廣健康? Why do you continue to promote health after retirement? 預防做得好,可減少很多疾病,但過往社會只着重治療,我 一直都致力推廣公共衞生及預防醫學,希望它們受到重視。 退休以後,正好讓我全身投入這方面的工作。 Prevention keeps illness at bay. In the past, society was only concerned about finding cures. I have been promoting public health and preventive medicine in the hope of highlighting their importance. I am happy for the opportunity offered by my retirement to focus on this line of work. 9 可否和大家分享你的健康之道? Do you have health tips to share? 我已七十多歲了。我的口號是「健康生活、活力晚年」,生活 有七大要點:一、保持聯繫,維持社交生活;二、繼續向前, 多認識新朋友,讓生活更精采;三、培養情趣;四、適宜運 動;五、均衡飲食;六、盡忠孝道,成為榜樣,日後子女也會 尊敬和照顧自己;七、貢獻社會。 Being one in his 70s, I live by the motto ‘healthy living, active ageing’. I have seven lifestyle tips: 1. maintaining contact with people and a social life; 2. moving forward and making new friends, so life can be more colourful; 3. developing interests; 4. engaging in suitable exercise; 5. a balanced diet; 6. acting as a role model of filial piety to one’s children; and 7. contributing to the community. 10 聽說你退休後工作反而更為忙碌,是忙些甚麼? 家人沒有投訴嗎? It is said that you are now even busier than before. Is that true? Any complaints from your family? 現在身兼多份公職,確實數目一時也未能算清。能繼續服 務社會,給我帶來莫大的樂趣。我的四名子女均已長大成 人,他們和太太都很支持我。 I am involved in a number of community services but I can’t tell you the exact number right away. Serving the community gives me great joy. My four grown children and my wife are very supportive of my work. 社區醫學榮休講座教授李紹鴻教授於2010年10月 於首爾的健康城市聯盟第四屆全球會議中,獲頒授 「健康城市成就獎」,以表揚他在香港成功推動 健康城市計劃。 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung 李紹鴻 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine, has been presented the Award for Pioneers in Healthy Cities for Research at the 4th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities in Seoul in October 2010 in recognition of his contributions to the promotion of the Healthy Cities project in Hong Kong.