Newsletter No. 374

No. 374, 19.3.2011 3 Retracing the Footsteps of Pai Hsien-yung on CUHK Campus 2 011年2月16至19日,中大校園刮起一陣白先勇熱。這位與中大淵源深厚的文壇泰斗於2009年接受 中大榮譽博士學位後,首次重訪校園,出任2010至2011年度崇基學院黃林秀蓮訪問學人,與師生多 面接觸。 午餐會、夜話、周會、研討會─四天旋風式的行程非常緊湊。在不同場合,白教授一貫舌燦蓮花,細述 他如何弘揚崑曲,分享他創作《台北人》的經歷,回顧自己的文學之路。所到之處,均吸引大批希望親睹 其風采的讀者。活動前後,總有不少觀眾簇擁而上,希望與這位集小說家、散文家、評論家、劇作家於一 身的大師合照及索取簽名,而慣於面對群眾的白教授,也一副從容,一一滿足大家的要求。 2月22日,白先勇教授別過了中大,別過了香港,繼續上路。訪問雖短,泛起的漣漪卻久久不散,大家都期 盼這位老朋友不日再臨。 F rom 16–19 February 2011, the CUHK campus was seized by ‘Pai Hsien-yung mania’. Prof. Pai Hsien-yung Kenneth, the literary giant with a long and close connection with the University, revisited the campus for the first time after receiving an honorary doctorate from CUHK in 2009. He was invited by Chung Chi College to serve as Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow 2010–11 and met with staff and students on different occasions. Luncheon talk, evening sharing, assembly, and conference were packed into Professor Pai’s hectic schedule of the whirlwind tour. He adroitly shared his experience of promoting Kunqu , described how Taipei People was written and recounted his literary career. Wherever he went, crowds of fans followed. Before and after events, audience swarmed around him for his autograph and photograph, a testament to the popularity of the novelist, essayist, critic and playwright. And the gracious Professor Pai, used to facing the public, never said no. On 22 February, Professor Pai said goodbye to the University and the city. The visit was short, but the ripples of excitement still remained in the campus for a long time after. We all look longingly forward to the next visit of this old friend.