Newsletter No. 374

4 No. 374, 19.3.2011 第 四屆中國科學院(中科院)院士訪 校計劃於2011年2月21至25日舉 行,邀請了六位中科院院士到訪中大,包 括:( 上排左起 )中科院化學研究所朱道本 院士、國家科學技術部程津培院士、中科 院福建物質結構研究所洪茂椿院士、( 下排 左起 )南開大學陳省身數學研究所葛墨林 院士、中科院高能物理研究所柴之芳院士 和北京大學城市與環境學院陶澍院士。 代表團與中大校長沈祖堯教授、副校長鄭振 耀教授和黃乃正教授、理學院院長伍灼耀教 授以及理學院教授會晤,並參觀理學院實驗 室及其他相關研究設施,了解中大最新的科 研計劃和發展,交流學術意見,探討合作的可 能性。 六位院士亦於2月22至23日擔任「院士講座系列」演講嘉 賓,主持專題講座,分別在理論物理、有機化學、物理化學 和有機污染物控制等領域發表演講,吸引逾二百位師生及 校外人士出席。 「中科院院士訪校計劃」於2008年首辦,每年邀請五至六 位中科院院士訪問中大,並主持「院士講座系列」,加強雙 方的學術交流。 Energy Physics, CAS; and Prof. Tao Shu, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University. The delegates were warmly received by Prof. Joseph J.Y Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Jack Cheng and Prof. Henry Wong, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Ng Cheuk-yiu, Dean of Science, and other faculty members. They paid a visit to the Faculty of Science and toured research facilities to learn about the latest research development of the University. Representatives from CUHK and CAS also took the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further collaboration. The six academicians delivered public lectures in the ‘Lecture Series by Academicians’ on 22–23 February. They shared their expertise and views of myriad fields covering theoretical physics, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and control of organic pollutants. Over 200 people including academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other universities as well as members of the public attended the lectures. CAS Academicians Visit Programme was launched in 2008 to promote academic exchange with CAS. Under this programme, five or six CAS academicians are invited to visit CUHK and deliver public lectures for the ‘Lecture Series by Academicians’ each year. T he fourth Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians Visit Programme was held on 21–25 February 2011. The delegation included six CAS academicians: (top from left) Prof. Zhu Daoben, Institute of Chemistry, CAS; Prof. Cheng Jinpei, Ministry of Science and Technology; Prof. Hong Maochun, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS; (bottom from left) Prof. Ge Molin, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University; Prof. Chai Zhifang, Institute of High 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 醫療改革國際會議 • Conference on Health Care Reform 中 大香港亞太研究所為慶祝成立二十周年,於3月4至 5日舉辦「醫療改革:亞太區經驗與西方模式」國 際學術會議,邀得食物及衞生局局長周一嶽醫生( 前排左 六 )擔任主禮嘉賓,聯同中大校長沈祖堯教授( 前排左五 ) 及會議籌委會主席暨研究所所長張妙清教授( 前排左四 ) 主持開幕儀式。 醫療服務與社會和經濟公義息息相關。人口老化、全球化 和城市化帶來的社會行為轉變,使亞太區多個國家的政策 次序和資源分配與醫療需要出現錯配,加上愈來愈不平等 的醫療服務,都為醫療體系帶來極大的挑戰。為回應這些 需求,亞太區多個經濟體系紛紛推行醫療改革。 這些醫療改革有多成功?各地區的醫療狀況存在極大差 異,它們如何修改既有的西方醫療服務模式,以配合其本 地情况和需要?二十三位來自世界著名大學和專業團體的 學者、專家及政府官員,以醫護系統、醫療融資、以及本地 及全球醫療改革所面對的挑戰為主題,分享各國的經驗, 促進國際與跨學科合作,為各地的醫療體系提供有效和創 新的改革方案。 T he Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) at CUHK held the International Conference on ‘Health Care Reform: Asia-Pacific Experiences and Western Models’ on 4 and 5 March. The conference was one of the celebratory activities of its 20th anniversary. Dr. York Chow, Secretary for Food and Health of the Hong Kong SAR Government, was invited to officiate at the opening ceremony together with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Fanny Cheung, HKIAPS director and chair of the organizing committee of the conference. 六中科院院士訪中大 • Six CAS Academicians Visit CUHK 出席研討會嘉賓合照 A group photo of all guests Health care is inextricably linked to every aspect of social and economic justice. As a consequence of population aging and socio-behavioural changes associated with globalization and urbanization, many health systems in the Asia-Pacific region are facing major challenges due to mismatch between priority setting, fiscal allocations and health needs, and the widening inequality in the provision of health services. To cope with these demands, health care reforms have been launched in many Asia-Pacific economies. To what extent are these health reforms successful? How have they modified established western models of service delivery to cater to the needs of their own situation, given the enormous diversity in health status? Twenty-three scholars, policy-makers, and experts from world-renowned universities, professional bodies, and governments shared their research and experience on health care delivery, health care financing, and major local and global challenges in health care reforms in the Asia-Pacific region, in order to promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration in developing effective and innovative strategies to reform the health system for the local context.