Newsletter No. 374

No. 374, 19.3.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 保護發明和發現 • Protecting Inventions and Discoveries 我 的發明是否受法律保護?我可向誰透露我的新發明?披露會帶來甚麼後果?」陳偉傑博士( 圖 )以這些 問題,開展了「保護你的發明和新發現:基礎與新知」知識轉移研討會。是次研討會由中大知識轉 移辦公室和李嘉誠健康科學研究所合辦,於2011年2月17日舉行。 陳博士是美國一所律師事務所和香港一家知識產權有限公司的主持人。他在研討會第一節向超過六十位 來自不同學系的與會者講解可受法律保護的發明和不同的法律保護,並介紹了多種形式的知識產權和專 利法規。在第二節,他集中討論診斷方法和幹細胞技術的專利保護,透過案例陳述了診斷方法專利註冊面 對的挑戰,以及幹細胞技術在美國和中國的相關法律最新情況。 ‘I s my discovery protectable by law? To whom should I disclose my new invention and what might be the consequences of the said disclosure?’ Dr. Albert Wai-Kit Chan (photo) began his talk with these questions at the Knowledge Transfer Seminar Series—Protection of Your Inventions and Discoveries: Basics and Updates, which was co-organized by the Knowledge Transfer Unit and Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences of CUHK on 17 February 2011. Dr. Chan is the principal of the Law Offices of Albert Wai-Kit Chan, PLLC, New York, USA, and of Albert Wai-Kit Chan Intellectual Property Limited, Hong Kong. In the first session, he shared with over 60 participants from different Faculties the kinds of discoveries protectable by law and available protections, which were followed by introducing various forms of intellectual property and basics of patent laws. The second session was more focused on patent protection in diagnostics and stem cell technology. Patent challenge of diagnostic methods was illustrated through several cases, and updates on legal issues relating to stem cell technology under the US and Chinese laws were introduced. 樂韻悠揚慶元宵 • Chinese Music on Campus 2 月17日,辛卯年元宵佳節,中國文化研究所庭院張燈結綵,近百來 賓出席研究所與藝術行政主任辦公室合辦的「李氏知音」元宵音樂 會,欣賞由中大音樂系和香港演藝學院畢業生組成的「沁樂集」演奏中 樂,現場還有燈謎遊戲及茶點招待,為佳節增添雅興。 A n audience of about a hundred gathered at the courtyard of the Institute of Chinese Studies on 17 February for the ‘Music for C.M. Li and You: The Lantern Festival Concert’. Jointly organized by the institute and the Office of the Arts Administrator, the concert featured a Chinese music performance by the Xin Ensemble, which is made up of music graduates of CUHK and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. Lantern riddles were also posted and snacks were served. 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 「 中大生半馬奪魁 Student Wins Half-Marathon 中 大越野隊隊長姚潔貞同學(護理學系四年級)於2月20日舉 行的「2011渣打馬拉松」比賽,以1小時20分33秒首奪半馬 拉松女子組總冠軍,並創出個人最佳成績。姚潔貞高興不已,她表 示當日適值是她的生日,獲獎尤如給自己一份最好的禮物,令她倍 感興奮。 M iss Yiu Kit-ching, CUHK Cross Country Team captain and Year 4 Nursing student, captured the woman overall championship title for the Half-Marathon in the 2011 Standard Chartered Marathon held on 20 February with her personal best time of 1:20:33. She was extremely excited because the day of the competition was her birthday, and she thought the award was the best birthday present ever.