Newsletter No. 377

4 No. 377, 4.5.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 中大量子科技研究登權威刊物封面 • CUHK Quantum Science Research Makes Cover Story 物 理系劉仁保教授( 右圖 )的研究團隊發現提高核磁 共振靈敏度至單分子水平的方法,有助促進開發 具超高速運算能力的量子計算機。該研究獲《自然─納 米技術》刊登為4月號的封面故事。 近十五年來,科學家致力利用核磁共振技術研製具有超高 速運算能力的量子計算機。但最大的難題是核子磁性極 其微弱,需同時測量大量分子才能產生足夠信號。 劉教授的研究團隊發現,在超純淨的鑽石中,微量雜質的 電子自旋的量子態壽命很長,對微弱磁場極其敏感。他們 的發現有望提升核磁共振的靈敏度至前所未有的原子尺 度。中大最近已成立「量子相干中心」推動相關研究。 A research team led by Prof. Liu Renbao ( right ) from the Physics Department has developed a way to improve the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance to the single-molecule level, helping to advance the development of quantum computers with exceptional computing capabilities. The research was the cover story in the April issue of Nature Nanotechnology . In the last 15 years, scientists have strived to develop quantum computers with super computing power through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance technology. However, nuclear compasses are extremely weak, and only a large amount of molecules can produce detectable signals. Professor Liu’s team found that in high-purity diamond, electron spins of impurities have very long quantum-state lifetime and is therefore very sensitive to even an extremely weak magnetic field. Their discovery may help push the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance to unprecedented atomic scale. CUHK has recently established the Centre for Quantum Coherence to facilitate related research. 嶄新計算機輔助發音訓練系統 • Computer-aided Pronunciation Training System 傳統的識別技術只能把輸入的語音轉為文字,不能區別標 準發音和錯誤發音。Enunciate系統則改良了傳統的自動 語音識別技術,能夠記錄學員閱讀預設材料時的語音,自 動檢測與診斷錯誤的發音,然後以國際音標顯示錯誤之所 在和正確發音,並以動畫示範正確的發音口形。 這個網上系統自今年2月起開放予中大自學中心的學員使 用,並在4月13至16日,聯同另外十一個科研項目,在香港 會議展覽中心舉行的「國際資訊科技博覽」展出。 ‘E nunciate’ is a web-based computer-aided pronunciation training system developed by Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen, professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and coordinator of the Human-Computer Communications Laboratory, to help native Cantonese speakers improve their English pronunciation. Dr. Lo Wai-kit, research associate at the department, demonstrated it to the media on 11 April ( left ). Conventional recognition technology can perform transcription of input speech but cannot show the users in what ways their pronunciation differs from the correct one. ‘Enunciate’ features a new automatic speech recognition technology that can detect mispronunciations in recorded utterances. The system can show users their incorrect pronunciation and the correct pronunciation of a word by means of the letter symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Animations will also be generated to show users where their lips, tongue and teeth should be to pronounce the word correctly. The system has been available to all students at the Independent Learning Centre since February and was showcased with 11 other technology projects of CUHK at the International ICT Expo 2011 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 to 16 April. 為 了改善以廣東話為母語人士的英語發音,系統工 程與工程管理學系教授及人機通訊實驗室總監蒙 美玲教授研發出名為Enunciate的網上計算機輔助發音 訓練系統,該系副研究員盧偉傑博士在4月11日向傳媒示 範( 上圖 )。 科技部副部長來校訪問 • Vice-Minister of Science and Technology Visits CUHK 國 家科學技術部張來武副部長在3月30日率領訪問團 來校,到訪農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中 文大學)。 實驗室主任辛世文教授向代表團介紹實驗室最新發展,並 報告近期科研成果,然後和副主任林漢明教授陪同代表團 實地參觀實驗室,了解與內地密切合作的重點研究項目。 張副部長對實驗室的科研成就留下深刻印象,強調科技 部將繼續支持實驗室,並鼓勵研究團隊善用實驗室這個平 台,牽頭推動與內地高校和科研機構的深入合作。 A delegation led by Mr. Zhang Laiwu, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China, visited the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) (SKL) on 30 March. 右起:國家科學技術部副部長張來武先生、辛世文教授、中大副 校長鄭振耀教授、國家科學技術部國際合作司副司長馬林如先 生、林漢明教授 From right: Mr. Zhang Laiwu, Vice-Minister of theMinistry of Science and Technology of China; Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming; Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Ma Linru, Assistant Director General, Department of International Cooperation, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China; Prof. Lam Hon-ming Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming, director of the SKL, gave the delegation an overview of the recent developments and the latest research achievements of the SKL. Guided by Professor Sun and Prof. Lam Hon-ming, deputy director of the SKL, the delegation toured the laboratory to learn about the collaborations between the SKL and prominent institutions in mainland China. Mr. Zhang was impressed by the high impact research of the SKL. He emphasized that MOST would continue to support the SKL and encouraged the research team to play a leading role in promoting collaborations with different research institutes on the mainland.