Newsletter No. 377

No. 377, 4.5.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 第 七屆香港中文大學賽艇錦標賽已於3月27日假沙田 石門賽艇中心圓滿舉行。本屆參賽隊伍除了原有四 所書院,還有首次派員出賽的晨興書院和善衡書院。最後 逸夫書院獲得女子團體冠軍,崇基學院勇奪男子團體冠軍 及全場總冠軍。東方表行集團有限公司主席楊明標博士獲 邀擔任頒獎嘉賓。 T he 7th Chinese University of Hong Kong Rowing Championships was successfully held on 27 March at the Shek Mun Rowing Centre, Sha Tin. This year, Morningside College and S.H. Ho College joined the four Constituent Colleges for the first time to take part in the event. Finally, the women’s overall championship went to Shaw College, while men’s overall championship and overall championship was bagged by Chung Chi College. Dr. Yeung Ming-biu, chairman of the Oriental Watch Holdings Limited, was invited as the guest of honour to present prizes to the winners. 社工系與新加坡機構簽訂合作備忘錄 • MoC Signed between CUHK and Singaporean Society 第七屆中大賽艇錦標賽 • The 7th CUHK Rowing Championships 英國大學校長到訪中大深圳研究院 • UK Vice-Chancellors’ Delegation Visits CUHK’s Shenzhen Research Institute 社 會工作學系系主任馬麗莊教授( 後排右三 )於3月 28日與來校訪問的新加坡德教太和觀服務總監(家 庭服務及支援)黃光星先生( 後排右四 )簽訂合作備忘錄。 德教太和觀是社會工作學系的境外實習機構。這份備忘 錄不但能鞏固雙方的合作夥伴關係,還能保證該系穩定 地為學生提供實習機會,接受專業的社會工作訓練和實 地督導。 P rof. Ma Lai-chong Joyce ( back row, 3rd right ), chairperson of the Department of Social Work, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with Mr. Wong Kwong-sing ( back row, 4th right ), service director (family service and support) of the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society from Singapore, on 28 March. The MoC will not only enhance collaborations between the department and the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society, one of its non-local field placement agencies, but will also ensure the provision of regular professional training and field supervision opportunities for our social work students. 由 十五名英國大學校長和教育界領袖組成的訪問團, 在3月9日到訪中大深圳研究院和深圳虛擬大學園, 了解中大教研實力,以及未來十年深圳在研究與發展可發 揮的作用。 沈祖堯校長為訪問團主持「珠三角發展及香港與海外高 等教育的融合」圓桌會議,深圳市政府和院校的主要人 員也應邀出席,討論香港、中國大陸和英國三地院校的 關係。 兩位副校長鄭振耀教授和徐揚生教授就深圳高等教育和 研究,提出各自的知識和經驗。這次訪問加強中大與英國 重要院校的聯繫,奠定在珠三角的合作基礎。 A recent visit to CUHK’s Shenzhen Research Institute and the Shenzhen Virtual University Park by a delegation of 15 UK Vice-Chancellors and education leaders on 9 March has further enhanced their understanding of CUHK’s strengths and the role Shenzhen will play in research and development in the coming decade. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung chaired the roundtable ‘Pearl River Delta Development and International Collaboration in Higher Education’ for the delegation. Key personnel from the Shenzhen government and institutions in Shenzhen were invited to the roundtable and ideas on tripartite relations between institutions of Hong Kong, mainland China and the UK were discussed. CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellors Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng and Prof. Xu Yangsheng made presentations and shared their knowledge and experience on the development of higher education and research in Shenzhen with the group. The visit strengthened ties between the University and key UK institutions and formed a base from which the University and UK institutions can collaborate in the Pearl River Delta.