Newsletter No. 378

8 No. 378, 19.5.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問大學保健處處長陸偉昌醫生 Dr. Luk Wai-cheong Scotty, Director of the University Health Service, will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming The University started the recruitment exercise for it as early as 2007, with special emphasis on the recruitment of senior professors. So far, we’ve appointed more than 10 senior professors and 200 professorial staff to fill the vacancies created by normal attrition. As languages and general education programmes will be enhanced in the new curriculum, more instructors are needed. About 10 instructors have already joined CUHK and more will be recruited. And over 15 staff members have been recruited for the five new Colleges so far. 4 在人力資源管理方面有何最新的趨向? Any recent trend in the concept of human resources management? 現今人力資源管理重視員工的身心健康,注重家庭生活與 工作之間的平衡,大學當然緊貼社會發展,早在2003年已 設立僱員支援計劃,為有需要的員工提供輔導,協助他們 解決家庭、婚姻、情緒困擾等問題。我們又不時安排健康 講座,推介健康新知,例如與職業病有關的資料。大學實 施五天工作周,亦讓僱員能有更合適的作息時間。2008年 為僱員提供侍產假期、領養假期及喪親假期,以便他們照 顧家庭,並應付人生各階段可能出現的不同情況。另一方 面,在職培訓和按表現調整薪酬和晉升,是普遍的人事管 理趨勢,故我們增設了專責人員,負責統籌各類培訓課程, 引入績效評核,並盡量簡化程序,給予各部門更大自主度, 使人事聘任更具彈性。 The latest trend of human resources management is the stress on the health and well-being of staff, and the work-life balance. That’s why the University launched the Employee Assistance Programme in 2003, offering counselling to employees who are faced with family, matrimonial or emotional problems. We also organize talks to introduce staff to knowledge about health, such as occupational health. CUHK has introduced a five-day week to provide staff members with more leisure. In 2008, we began to provide paternity leave, adoption leave and bereavement leave to our employees, so that they can take better care of their families in different stages of life. On- the-job training and performance-based salary system are widely adopted human resources management practices. Our office has professional staff responsible for staff training and performance reviews. We’ve also simplified recruitment procedures to give individual departments more flexibility in recruiting their staff. 5 可否簡單介紹一下你每天的工作日程? Can you briefly describe your daily routine? 每天回到辦公室後,第一時間檢查電郵,看看有甚麼突發事 情。隨後便會按着我那份「當天必做事情」清單來工作,不 過經常會有其他急事須處理,加上開會、來電等,恆常事務 纏身,因此,如沒有公務午膳,我會乘着午膳時較少來電的 時間,在辦公室邊看文件邊吃點東西。一般來說會盡量在 晚上9時前回到家中晚膳,陪先生聊聊天,看一會電視,晚 上11時再閱讀一下文件、查看和回覆電郵才就寢。 I check my e-mails upon arriving at the office for any emergencies. Then I start to work according to my ‘to- do list’. But other urgent matters, meetings, phone calls 1 可否簡述人事處的工作? Can you briefly describe the work of the Personnel Office? 人事處的工作非常繁重,除了僱員招聘外,還要處理教職員 的房屋、醫療、假期及僱員補償等福利事宜;人事服務如任 職證明和同事的工作簽證;僱員校外專業服務政策及紀錄、 工作考績、薪酬調整、晉升、實任、續約、退休及延任;籌劃 職員的培訓;以及更新僱員資料等。此外,亦會襄理校內各 級委員會事務並提供支援,如行政事務委員會、聯席諮詢委 員會等。還有雖非經常發生但必須小心處理的,就是遇上僱 員的紀律或行為問題,須加以調查及處理。 The Personnel Office has a heavy workload. In addition to the recruitment, it takes care of staff welfare like housing allowances, medical benefits, leaves, and compensation. It is responsible for personnel services such as certificates of service, visa applications, staff outside practice, performance reviews, salary adjustments, promotion, substantiation, contract renewal, retirement and extension. It organizes staff training and updates staff information. The office provides services to various committees like the Administrative Affairs Committee, the Joint Consultative Committee, etc. Employee misconduct investigations and discipline also fall into its scope of work. These don’t happen very often but require careful handling. 2 人事處有甚麼新猷?或新挑戰? Any new initiatives? Challenges? 為加強與世界大學接軌,大學於上一學年確立了助理教授、 副教授和教授三個職級,並設立三層(即學系、學院及大 學)專責教學人員人事委員會,審議教師的聘任、晉升、續 約等事宜。新的挑戰自然是配合明年恢復本科四年制的招 聘,以及配合本年5月1日起生效的《最低工資條例》,由於 大學工種甚多,工作時間不一,我們必須小心留意,確保依 法而行。 To be in line with international practice at universities worldwide, CUHK adopted in the last academic year a three-rank structure for professoriate staff, comprising assistant professor, associate professor and professor. The recruitment, promotion, contract renewal, etc. of academic staff are handled by the committees on academic personnel at three different levels, namely, departments, Faculties and the University. The new challenge for us is certainly the recruitment of staff for the implementation of the four-year university curriculum next year and the enforcement of the Minimum Wage Ordinance on 1 May. Jobs at CUHK vary a lot in terms of working hours. We have to make sure that we comply with the law. 3 為應對三三四學制需要的招聘工作進度如何? How is the recruitment of staff in preparation for 3+3+4 going? 校方已早着先機,率先在2007年開始計劃有關工作,特別是 物色資深教授。至今已聘請了逾十名資深教授,另二百名各 級教授職級人員,以填補正常出現的教席空缺。新課程增加 了語文和通識教育的比重,所以亦要增聘導師,現時已增聘 了約十人作準備工作,未來會陸續增加。至於五所新書院也 需人手開展工作,目前已有逾十五人入職。 always come up. If I don’t have any business lunch appointments, I’ll stay in my office during the lunch break to read documents and have lunch. I try to return home for dinner before 9. After that, I have a little chat with my husband and watch some TV. I return to my documents and check e-mails again at 11 before going to bed. 6 可否以三個形容詞來描述典型的中大同事? Can you describe a typical CUHK colleague with three adjectives? 友善、有禮和平等相待。我還想多加一項,就是愛大學。 Friendly, polite and treat each other as equals. I would like to add one more—they love the University. 7 你最欣賞人事處同事的甚麼? What do you appreciate the most in your staff at the Personnel Office? 我非常欣賞同事們的團隊精神,大家合作無間,既勤力、 用心工作,每事皆有商有量。他們不但能幹、熱誠,且全心 為大學服務。慶幸能有這些員工,給我提供極大的支持和 幫助。 Their esprit de corps . Our staff members are diligent, dedicated, considerate and work as a team. It is great to have such competent and committed people to help me and serve the University. 8 中大人退休後總與大學繼續保持聯繫,為甚麼? Retirees have a long enduring relationship with CUHK. Why is that? 我想這正是中大的獨有文化─人情味濃。同事退休後,仍 與舊日同袍保持聯絡,也很關心大學發展,不少還以不同的 身分繼續支持校園各式活動。再說,我們有如此美麗的校 園,也吸引大家不時回校。 I think it is because of the close and harmonious relationships among the CUHK community. Retirees keep in touch with their former co-workers and care about the development of the University. Some keep on supporting the University in different capacities. The picturesque campus also draws them back to the University from time to time. 9 出任人事處處長至今,有甚麼最難忘的事? What is your most memorable experience as Director of Personnel so far? 最難忘的是2003至05年度,中大面對政府大幅削減撥款, 大學主管人員竭力減少對員工帶來的衝擊,前副校長廖柏偉 教授更是費盡心思,一同制定了一籃子應對方案。當時有部 分同事擔心大學會以外判制來縮減開支,令他們丟掉飯碗, 一度舉標語表達憂慮。看到這個情形,我感到非常難過,因 為他們此舉不過是源於擔心和恐懼而已,並非要和大學對 着幹。其後校方多方解釋對策,釋除了他們的擔憂,而最終 也沒有一人因撥款削減而遭解僱。 The most memorable experience is the severe budgetary cut in the 2003–05 triennium. The University management tried hard to minimize the impact. Prof. Liu Pak-wai, the then Pro-Vice-Chancellor, made tremendous efforts to formulate plans to deal with the cut. At that time some staff members, who feared that the University would cut costs by outsourcing work and they would lose their jobs, held banners in protest. I felt sorry for it. They just wanted to express their concern and didn’t intend to make things difficult for the University. Their worry disappeared after the University explained to them its measures. In fact, not a single staff member was laid off because of the cut. 10 你最喜歡校園哪裏? Which part of the CUHK campus do you like best? 凡是看到山和水的地方我都喜歡,校園處處有山有水,還有 美麗的花兒映襯着,都教我喜愛。 I like places with mountains and water. CUHK’s hilly and watery campus with lush greenery wins my heart. 劉郭麗梅 Mrs. Lau Kwok Lai-mui Sophie 人事處處長 Director of Personnel