Newsletter No. 379

No. 379, 4.6.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 中六尖子了解中大書院文化 • EAS Students Visit CUHK Colleges O ver 150 students admitted to CUHK via the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS), who will start their university life in the coming September, visited the CUHK campus on the EAS College Orientation Day on 30 April. The event began in the morning with an introductory session on CUHK’s unique college system by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor. He said, ‘Thanks to its college 逾 一百五十名透過優先錄取計劃入讀中大、將於本年 9月開始大學生活的中六生,在4月30日來到中大校 園,參與由七所成員書院合辦的中大書院輔導日。 在早上的簡介會中,沈祖堯校長介紹中大的書院制,他說: 「全賴書院制,中文大學能夠『大中見小』。」之後透過各 書院的個別介紹,同學認識到不同書院的文化及特色。參 加活動的學生在下午走訪各書院,了解多元化的書院生活。 system, CUHK can provide its students with a congenial environment despite its steady expansion.‘ Professor Sung‘s introduction was followed by presentations on different Colleges’ distinct cultures and features by individual Colleges. The students visited different College campuses in the afternoon to learn first-hand about different aspects of college life. 劉應力教授 Prof. Liu Yingli 劉應力教授於1992年起服務深 圳巿政府,現任黨組副書記兼 巿長科技顧問,負責高新技術產 業,並主理多個深港合作項目, 包括深港跨境大型基建項目及深 港西部通道工程建設等,促進兩 地技術交流,功不可沒。劉教授鼎力支持中大在深圳發展 學術和科研項目,包括興建中大深圳研究院等。他於2008 年出任中大工程學院榮譽教授,並於翌年成為校長的深圳 事務特別顧問。 Prof. Liu Yingli, science and technology adviser to the mayor of Shenzhen, has held many key positions since he joined the Shenzhen Municipal Government in 1992. He has played key roles in research and management in the hi-technology industry and steered various Hong Kong-Shenzhen collaboration projects, including the construction projects of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cross- border large-scale infrastructure and the Hong Kong- Shenzhen Western Corridor. He has also contributed significantly to technology collaboration between the two cities. With his enthusiastic support, CUHK has launched successful development projects in Shenzhen, including the founding of the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute. He has been serving as the honorary professor of the Faculty of Engineering since 2008 and as the special adviser to the Vice-Chancellor/President for Shenzhen Affairs since 2009. 盧瑋鑾教授 Prof. Lo Wai-luen 著名作家盧瑋鑾教授為中大校 友,1979年起任教於母校中文 系,2002年退休後出任中文系榮 譽研究員,並現為中大香港文學 研究中心顧問及東亞研究中心客 座教授。她把個人珍藏的香港文 學文化書刊和作家資料,全數捐予大學圖書館,對推動文 學發展貢獻非凡。 Renowned author Prof. Lo Wai-luen is an alumna of CUHK. She took up a teaching post at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK in 1979. After her retirement in 2002, she served as the honorary research fellow of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. She is currently the adviser to the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK and adjunct professor of the Centre for East Asian Studies. In support of literature development, she has generously donated her private collections of books, journals, as well as other archival materials to the University Library. 譚尚渭教授 Prof. Tam Sheung-wai 譚尚渭教授現為香港公開大學 榮休校長、中大化學榮休講座教 授,從事教學、研究及大學行政 近四十載。他於1965年加入中大 化學系,歷任校董、副校長、崇基 學院校長及院長、研究院院長等 要職,其後出任香港公開大學校長,帶領該校成為亞洲領 先的遙距及成人教育中心。 Prof. Tam Sheung-wai is currently President Emeritus of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) and Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, CUHK. Professor Tam is a veteran teacher, researcher and university administrator with nearly 40 years of experience. He joined the Department of Chemistry, CUHK in 1965 and served in different important positions, including member of the University Council, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, president and head of Chung Chi College, and dean of Graduate School. During his tenure as the president of OUHK, the university has become a prominent adult and distance education centre in the region. 朱民康先生 Mr. Tchou Ming-kong Larry 凱悅國際(亞太區)有限公司亞 太區董事總經理朱民康先生,是 中大酒店及旅遊管理學院客座副 教授。朱先生熱心支持專業教育 培訓,自2002年起出任中大酒店 及旅遊管理學諮詢委員會主席, 對學院發展貢獻殊深。 Mr. Tchou Ming-kong Larry, managing director of the Hyatt International-Asia Pacific Limited, is an adjunct associate Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at CUHK. Dedicated to vocational education and training, Mr. Tchou has been chairman of the Advisory Committee on Hotel and Tourism Management of CUHK since 2002 and contributed significantly to the development of the school.