Newsletter No. 379

6 No. 379, 4.6.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 促進健康 軟硬兼備 • Software and Hardware for Health Promotion 健 康促進及防護委員會聯同不同校內單位,透過各 種軟硬件,全方位推動校園健康及防護。 硬件方面,大學保健處處長陸偉昌醫生( 左一 )說,大學去 年添置了七部自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動器(去顫器)。 保安及交通處處長黃柏年( 左二 )強調,中大是本地首所 設有流動去顫器的院校,置有流動去顫器的巡邏車二十四 小時巡邏,以便適時提供協助。大學安全及環境事務處處 長林樹佳( 右二 )補充,大學按照勞工處要求,在各建築物 設置足夠的急救箱。 軟件方面,保健處與香港紅十字會連續兩年合辦大型心肺 復蘇法訓練,另外,多項急救訓練和自動體外心臟去纖維 性顫動法訓練課程也已展開。體育部主任盧遠昌( 右一 ) 稱,該部鼓勵一年級學生參加不同的健康訓練及推廣活 動。此外,定期舉行的樂步行活動及校園保健大使計劃, 亦是推動健康生活的措施。 T he Committee of Health Promotion and Protection joins forces with different units of the University to offer software and hardware to promote health and protection on campus. For hardware, Dr. Luk Wai-cheong Scotty ( 1st left ), Director of the University Health Service (UHS), said the University has installed seven automated external defibrillators (AED) on campus for treating sudden cardiac arrest. Mr. Wong Pak-nin Philip ( 2nd left ), Director of Security and Transport, stressed that CUHK is the first local institution to install portable AEDs. Patrol cars with portable AED patrol round-the-clock to provide timely treatment on campus. Mr. Lam Shi-kai ( 2nd right ), Director of the University Safety and Environment, added that an adequate number of first-aid boxes has been provided on campus according to the requirements of the Labour Department. As for software, the UHS organized mass CPR training in collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross for two consecutive years. Various first-aid and AED training courses were also offered. Mr. Lo Yuen-cheong ( 1st right ), director of the Physical Education Unit, said that the unit encourages freshmen to participate in different training and health promotion activities. Regular events like the walking campaign and the Campus Health Ambassadors Programme are also being organized to help University members to live a healthy life. 變遷中的國民與公民會議 • Conference on Nation and Citizen in Transformation 社 會學系與社會科學院主辦的國際會議「變遷中的 國民與公民:東亞跨國主義的形成與消解」於5月6 至7日假中大校園圓滿舉行。來自美國、歐洲、亞洲及本地 的十三名學者,探討在全球化和區域整合等因素影響下, 東亞地區「國民」與「公民」概念的變遷。 O rganized by the Department of Sociology and the Faculty of Social Science, the international conference on ‘The Nation and Citizen in Transformation: Making and Unmaking of Transnationalism in East Asia’ was successfully held on 6 and 7 May at CUHK. The conference brought together 13 scholars from world-renowned universities and academic institutes in the US, Europe, Asia and Hong Kong to examine the transformations of the nation and citizenship in East Asia in response to regional and global dynamics. 日本研究學系二十周年 • Department of Japanese Studies Turns 20 今 年是日本研究學系成立二十周年,該系將在2011學 年起新增兩個全港首創的專修組別─「日本商業 及管理」及「全球視野下的日本」,並計劃在2012學年開辦 以英語授課的日本研究文學碩士課程。 日研系與多所日本大學建立交流聯繫,系主任中野幸江教 授( 中 )說,由2011學年起,該系新增五所交流夥伴大學。 應屆畢業生李子軒( 左 )曾到九州大學交流,同樣是今年 畢業的關潔晶( 右 )則曾到關西外國語大學留學,她本打算 與幾個同學到日本作畢業旅行,但日本發生地震後,決定 取消旅行,把旅費捐予紅十字會賑災。 T he Department of Japanese Studies (JAS) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and plans for two streams for major students beginning in 2011–12, namely, ‘Japanese Business and Management’ and ‘Japan in Global Perspective’. A new MA programme taught in English is also planned for 2012–13 to provide training in Japanese studies. JAS has established extensive networks with top universities in Japan. Prof. Lynne Nakano ( centre ), chairperson of the department, said, from 2011 onwards, five new exchange partners would be introduced to JAS students. Year 3 student Lee Tsz-hin Antonio ( left ) went on exchange to Kyushu University. Also a Year 3 student, Kwan Kit-ching Akira ( right ) went on exchange to Kansai Gaidai University last year. She had planned to travel to Japan this year again with some classmates to celebrate their graduation. But they cancelled their trip and donated their travel expenses to the Red Cross after the magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit northeast Japan in March.