Newsletter No. 380

6 No. 380, 19.6.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 兩岸三地綠色大學聯盟成立 • Cross-strait Green University Consortium Launched 中 文大學、南京大學和中央大學締 結綠色大學聯盟,聯盟成立典禮 於5月31日在中大校園舉行,南京大學校 長陳駿教授( 左二 )、中央大學校長蔣偉 寧教授( 右一 )、香港政府環境局署理環 境局局長潘潔博士( 左一 ),聯同中大校 長沈祖堯教授( 右二 )主禮。 來自香港、內地及台灣的百多位嘉賓參 加典禮,見證三校校長簽署綠色大學聯 盟協議書。沈祖堯校長並宣讀綠色大學 聯盟宣言。他說:「無論個人或群體,都 應履行自身以及對地球萬物的責任。而 高等教育學府對推進綠色科學研究、開 展綠色教育及社會服務,以及推廣綠色 文化方面更是義不容辭。」各主禮嘉賓 更在典禮上主持植樹儀式,並合力以健 康食材炮製低碳菜色供嘉賓享用。 根據綠色大學聯盟協議,三校將定期舉行研討會、組織共 同研究團隊、發展跨校綠色課程、共享教學資源及交流學 習經驗,從而提升學術水平及創新能力。此外,還會組織 學生投身綠色校園建設、參與相關社會服務及考察體驗, 身體力行締建更環保的社會。 T he Chinese University, Nanjing University and Central University formed the Cross-strait Green University Consortium. Its establishment ceremony was officiated by Prof. Chen Jun ( 2nd left ), President of Nanjing University; Prof. Chiang Wei-ling ( 1st right ), President of Central University; Dr. Poon Kit Kitty ( 1st left ), Acting Secretary for the Environment, Hong Kong SAR Government; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd right ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK on 31 May on CUHK campus. Over a hundred guests from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan attended the ceremony. Heads of the three universities signed the agreement of the Green University Consortium and Professor Sung made the declaration. He said, ‘Every individual or organization should be responsible for their actions and the future of the world. Tertiary institutions are dedicated to advancing green science research, green education and social services, as well as promoting green culture.’ The officiating guests also hosted a tree planting ceremony and prepared a low-carbon dish using healthy ingredients to signify their commitment to environmental protection. According to the Green University Consortium Agreement, the three institutions will host regular seminars, co-organize research teams, develop cross- institution green programmes, share teaching resources and exchange learning experience to boost academic standards and innovation. They will also get students involved in building a green campus, in community services and in field trips. 全球專家雲集中大 討論服務貿易新趨勢 • World Experts Discuss Role of Services Trade 由 中大香港亞太研究所與全球經濟及金融研究所合 辦、亞洲開發銀行研究所及太平洋經濟合作議會 策劃的「二十一世紀服務貿易新趨勢」國際學術會議,於 6月2至3日假祖堯堂舉行。 是次會議雲集世界貿易組織、經濟合作暨發展組織、世界 銀行、亞洲開發銀行、東南亞國家聯盟、亞太經濟合作等 組織的專家,以及世界各地工商界、政府機構和學術界代 表,深入討論多項課題,包括服務業的競爭力、服務貿易及 投資改革的利益、提高服務業出口的方法以及如何改善全 球及地區管治,以促進服務貿易和投資等,以期為11月的 亞太經濟合作組織領袖會議提供重要的政策建議。 為會議主持開幕禮的嘉賓包括香港政府工業貿易署署長 關錫寧女士、美國夏威夷東西中心校長及亞太經濟合作 組織聯合主席莫里森博士、亞洲開發銀行研究所所長河合 正弘博士,以及中大博文講座教授兼1996年諾貝爾經濟 學獎得主莫理斯教授。 香港亞太研究所副所長兼太平洋經濟合作香港委員會主 席宋恩榮教授說,該會議在香港舉行,證明香港是世界上 最注重服務業的經濟體。德雷克─布羅克曼女士與太平洋 經濟合作議會及亞洲開發銀行研究所攜手,令會議得以香 港舉行。她說,服務業佔全港生產總值逾百分之九十三,全 港百分之八十八的勞動人口從事服務業,香港是東亞少數 服務貿易淨輸出的地區之一。 O n 2 and 3 June, an international conference on ‘Services Trade: New Approaches for the 21st Century’ convened at Cho Yiu Hall under the joint auspices of the Global Institute for Economics and Finance and the Economic Research Centre of the Hong Kong Institute for Asia Pacific Studies (HKIAPS). The conference was jointly organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). The event brought together experts from WTO, OECD, World Bank, ADB, ASEAN and APEC, as well as specialists from the academic, government and business 後排左起:河合正弘博士、莫里森博士、莫理斯教授、宋恩榮教授、德雷克─布羅克曼女士、阿德萊德大學經濟學院院長芬德利教授、 美洲國家組織機構關係主管斯蒂芬森博士、香港總商會總裁方志偉先生、太平洋經濟合作議會秘書長佩德羅薩先生 前排左起:關錫寧女士、香港亞太研究所所長張妙清教授、亞洲開發銀行研究所研究員帕薩迪亞女士 Back row from left: Dr. Masahiro Kawai; Dr. Charles E. Morrison; Sir James Mirrlees; Prof. Sung Yun-wing; Ms. Jane Drake-Brockman; Prof. Christopher Findlay, Head of the School of Economics at the University of Adelaide; Dr. Sherry M. Stephenson, Head of Institutional Relations, the Organization of American States; Alex Fong, CEO of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Front row from left: Ms. Kwan Sik-ning Maria; Prof. Cheung Mui-ching Fanny, director of the HKIAPS; Ms. Gloria O. Pasadilla, research fellow at the ADBI communities, covering themes on the competitiveness of services industry, benefits of services trade and investment reform, toolkits for promoting services exports, and solutions to improve the global and regional governance for trade and investment in services. It aimed at developing a number of key policy messages for APEC leaders who will gather in Hawaii in November. Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate and Professor-at-Large, opened the conference along with Dr. Charles. E. Morrison, president of the East-West Center in Hawaii and co-chair of the PECC; Dr. Masahiro Kawai, dean of the ADBI; and Ms. Kwan Sik-ning Maria, director-general of the Hong Kong Department of Trade and Industry. Prof. Sung Yun-wing, associate director of the HKIAPS and chair of Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation said that the conference was held in Hong Kong in recognition of its status as the most services–oriented economy in the world. Ms. Jane Drake-Brockman, who worked with PECC and the ADBI to bring the conference to fruition at CUHK, said that services account for over 93﹪ of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product and employ as much as 88﹪ of the Hong Kong work force, Hong Kong being consequently one of the few economies in East Asia that is a net services exporter.