Newsletter No. 380
No. 380, 19.6.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 為 慶祝成立二十周年,香港亞太研究所(亞太所)於 5月24日假祖堯堂舉行「從社經指標看香港社會變 遷」論壇,邀得香港政府中央政策組首席顧問劉兆佳教授 ( 前排中 )擔任主禮嘉賓,聯同黃乃正副校長( 前排右三 )及 亞太所所長張妙清教授( 前排左三 )一起主持開幕儀式。 九位亞太所研究中心主任及學者於論壇上發表論文,分享 歷年蒐集社會經濟指標的努力成果,並結合本地及海內外 組織所蒐集的資料,分析香港過去在人口、家庭、女性地 位、社會管治、經濟與跨境關係的發展和變化,冀能為未 來的政策發展帶來啟示。是次論壇吸引逾一百五十名來自 學院、政府、非政府組織等機構的人士參與。 T he Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) organized a public forum on social indicators and datasets on 24 May at Cho Yiu Hall. Prof. Lau Siu-kai ( front row, centre ), head of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government, was invited to officiate at the opening ceremony together with Prof. Henry N.C. Wong ( front row, 3rd right ), CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Cheung Mui- ching Fanny ( front row, 3rd left ), director of the HKIAPS. 香港亞太研究所二十周年 • HKIAPS Turns 20 國家重點實驗室授牌儀式 • State Key Laboratory Plaque Awarding Ceremony Nine representatives from the research centres and programmes of the HKIAPS presented papers at the forum. Utilizing the social and economic indicators compiled by the institute, and with information collected from public sources, the presenters shared their research insights in relation to demography, family, gender development, governance, economy, and regional cooperation of Hong Kong in the past decades. The forum drew over 150 participants from tertiary institutions, government, NGOs, etc. 科 技部、教育部、中國科學院、中國工程院和自然科學基金委員會在5月23日於北京 召開全國基礎研究工作會議,並為新建的國家重點實驗室代表授牌。國務委員 劉延東出席會議並發表講話,科技部部長萬鋼則作工作報告。 中文大學農業生物技術國家重點實驗室夥伴實驗室主任辛世文教授( 中 ),聯同香港大學 支志明教授和澳門大學王一濤教授,獲邀代表港澳十二間國家重點實驗室夥伴實驗室出 席授牌儀式。 T he Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Natural Science Foundation jointly organized the National Congress on Basic Research cum plaque awarding ceremony for state key laboratories (SKL) on 23 May in Beijing. State councilor Liu Yandong gave a speech at the meeting and Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, delivered a work report. Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming ( centre ), director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK), was invited to attend the plaque awarding ceremony with Prof. C.M. Che of Hong Kong University and Prof. Y.T. Wong of University of Macau as representatives of the 12 SKLs in Hong Kong and Macau. 安老院舍護理服務會議 • Institutional Care of Older Adults Conference 為 提高大眾對安老院舍服務質素重要性的關注,醫 學院何善衡老年學及老年病學研究中心與沙田醫 院及國際老年學暨老年病學協會(IAGG)於5月4至5日 假威爾斯親王醫院禮堂舉辦「安老院舍護理服務會議」。 會議由中心總監胡令芳教授( 左五 )及沙田醫院行政總 監盧時楨醫生( 左六 )開幕。三位來自IAGG的講者莫雷利 教授( 左四 )、托爾森教授( 左三 )、吉戈教授( 左二 ),以 及多位本地教授及醫生分析有關安老院舍服務的各種課 題:包括長者營養、腦退化症、溝通問題、跌倒和骨折、臨 終護理等。會議更安排了一個互動工作坊,藉此讓講者與 參加者分享經驗,促進知識交流,並加強參加者對於安老 院舍護理的知識。這次會議有超過一百七十人參與。 T o increase awareness of the importance of quality nursing home care, the S.H. Ho Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics of Faculty of Medicine jointly organized a two-day conference ‘Institutional Care of Older Adults’ with Shatin Hospital and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG). Held at the Auditorium, Prince of Wales Hospital from 4 to 5 May, the conference was opened by Prof. Jean Woo ( 5th left ), director of the centre, and Dr. Susanna Lo ( 6th left ), chief executive of Shatin Hospital. Prof. John Morley ( 4th left ), Prof. Debbie Tolson ( 3rd left ), and Prof. Yves Guigoz ( 2nd left ) from the IAGG and a number of local professors and physicians spoke on the conference. The two-day conference covered various topics related to nursing home care, including nutrition, dementia, communication problems, falls and fractures, and palliative care. A ‘Meet the professor workshop’ was also held to allow further interaction and sharing of knowledge and to reinforce knowledge concerning nursing homes. Over 170 participants attended the conference.
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